The case of Wan family's father and daughter, the trial lasted one day. It was already dusk when they left the county magistrate's office. Zhuang

He was not the only one who was still busy. All the officials of the Prefect's office were also left behind.

The case of Wan Li was no small matter. Although the punishment had already been decided, it was still repetitive and they could not let it go.

"It's the footstool," reminded Meng Yao. Rich

The carriage of the noble house was tall, and it was difficult to lift one's legs when getting on or off the carriage, but all of the carriages had footstools on them, and the carriage was equipped with footstools that were hung under the carriage, so the carriage driver should have brought out the footstools for the noble person to walk on, but Yue Dansheng did not take them. Yue

It was obvious that the words "Thousand Meng Yao" were directed towards him. However, when he heard it, he turned his eyes away and looked towards Rong Ling and Liu Wei who were behind him and urged him, "Get on." kilo-

Meng Yao raised his eyebrows. He had the feeling that Yue Dansheng was ignoring him, but how did he provoke this guy again? volume

Liu Wei slowly walked over. Because there was a Thousand Meng Yao in front of the two of them, Liu Wei subconsciously called out, "Your Highness?"

After coming back to his senses, Thousand Meng Yao lifted his leg and stepped onto the carriage. His movements were a little too much, making him look rather miserable. He

After going up, Liu Wei also went up, and the last one up was Rong Ling.

The carriage was not big, but it was already the limit for three people in the carriage, there were no stools, and Rong Ling and Liu Wei definitely did not mind, since when did the two of them board the carriage and step on the stools? Weren't they all straightforward? kilo-

However, Meng Yao couldn't help but pay a little attention. After all, he was the one who had been stepping on the bench the entire time.

All the time, but not today. Cars

Inside, Liu Wei was talking to Rong Ling. Liu Wei said that she was hungry and stayed in the yamen for a day, so she was already hungry.

Rong Ling pinched her finger, then ate it when she said go back. willow

She then placed her chin on Rong Ling's shoulder, and lazily drooped her head. volume

She turned her body to the side and put her arms around her. As if she had nothing else to do, she picked at her hair again, insisting that the strands of hair that had drifted down to her hair be tucked behind her ears. kilo-

Seeing this, Meng Yao felt rather uncomfortable. He cleared his throat and deliberately asked, "Have you prepared my chopsticks yet?"

Liu Wei was stunned for a moment as he raised his eyes to look at him, while Rong Ling coldly swept him with his gaze.

The couple did not utter a word, their intentions of rejection were obvious. kilo-

Meng Yao couldn't help but laugh. "You don't welcome Ben Wang that much?" willow

"No." But

Then come to the house and eat together.

Thousand Meng Yao was somewhat speechless. "This Wang Family's carriage, on the other hand, seems like this prince has gotten in your way. How else can I not go out and take a ride?" give you a seat? " Cars

There was a narrow seat beside the husband, which was enough for one person to sit in. However, the exalted King Rucan was definitely not going to sit there.

Rong Ling even knew that he was joking, but someone outside of the curtain, Yue Dansheng, suddenly spoke in a cold tone, "Stop making things more complicated." kilo-

Meng Yao paused and looked at Liu Wei innocently, "What happened to him? From the very beginning, it was filled with a strange aura. " willow

However, Rong Ling didn't know either. The two husband and wife didn't want to bother with each other's business and started whispering to each other again.

Thousand Meng Yao stood to the side and watched as they slowly walked down the street. It wasn't easy for him to stop the car, so he was the first one to get out. This

Inside was the Rong Residence, Yue Dansheng sent Rong Ling and Liu Wei back first.

Rong Ling and Liu Wei quickly got off the car and said their farewells before entering the house. Thousand Meng Yao silently followed behind them.

Yue Dansheng frowned, and asked: "What are you doing?"

However, Thousand Meng Yao didn't reply. Instead, he continued walking inside.

Although no one invited him, he was already seated in the host's seat.

It was getting dark, the food was being served, and the table was full of people. Everyone was having a good time, just like they used to.

The recipe was for Li Yu'er to drink, and Liu Wei was more concerned, after the two of them discussed it, they discussed about the dishes.

The Rong and Yun Families had interacted with each other for such a long time, they were no longer estranged from each other. The two families were like family and friends, and when they ate, they would gossip about each other from time to time.

Thousand Meng Yao quietly watched them without interrupting. However, he had a rough understanding of their families. rice

After eating half the meal, Yun Chu put down the empty bowl and said, "I'm full, so I'll go back to my room first." She

With that, he got up and left. Yun Xun glanced at her and did not follow, but his expression was not good.

Liu Wei and Yun Xi were still talking about the prescription. Yun Che wanted to force Li Yu'er to eat the vegetables, so Xiaoli brought Spider Little Flower onto the table and gave it shredded meat while Rong Ling carried a bowl of broth, telling Liu Wei to definitely finish it, it must not leave any more.

Everyone was doing their own things. Yun Chu leaving was of no consequence to anyone other than Yun Xun. However, when Qian Meng Yao had visited the Residence of Yun last time, he had already found out why Yun Chu always left early.

So he asked casually, "Has Young Master Zhong not recovered enough?" Do I need other people to take care of me? "

Liu Wei raised her head and looked at Thousand Meng Yao. After a long time, he finally replied, "Zhong Ziyu has already moved away. She asked his friends to bring him away after she got off the ground." kilo-

It was clear that Meng Yao hadn't expected this. He was slightly taken aback. willow

Wei Wei saw through his thoughts: "If anything's wrong with Yue Dansheng, you can ask him yourself, but here at our place, you won't be able to find the answer, furthermore, Zhong Ziyu doesn't have the ability to change Yue Dansheng's mind, their relationship isn't that good."

Thousand Meng Yao lowered his gaze. He didn't show any embarrassment on his face. After a moment of silence, he asked, "So, where did that Miss Xiao Yun go?" This

The meaning of his words was as though he suspected that the Rong family had hidden Zhong Ziyu. This

After all, Zhong Ziyu had tried to assassinate the Rucan King, and the Ruran King was not that magnanimous. She was a little narrow-minded and vengeful. Cloud

Ji Yunshu dejectedly said, "My sister went to look for that pretty boy. That pretty boy stayed at an inn that's just two streets away. If Your Highness wants to look for him, go there."

Thus, after dinner, Thousand Meng Yao went to the Gale Inn two streets away. again

Outside the inn, he caught a glimpse of a rather familiar figure.

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