Red Family Village.

Village Head Hong Yang held onto his old Yellow Ox and rushed out of the village. Road

When they passed Lady Xu's house, Lady Xu's Second Treasure stuck her head out and asked, "Where are you going, Village Head Grandpa?"

When the village chief rushed over, he saw three or four villagers surrounding a man he did not know. Their legs were bleeding, and they were so anxious that they wanted to rescue him and bring him down the mountain.

Seeing Village Head Hong come, Xu Erbao's father hurriedly said, "This person seems to be from Third Village, but he was scratched by Xiong. He lame his way to our village's boundary with great difficulty." Hong

The village chief squatted down and looked at the man's injuries. He asked, "Bai San Village isn't that close to the swamp. Where did you get scratched? How could you run so far?"

The man grimaced in pain and yelled, "Stop bleeding first, my leg is about to be crippled." Hong

The village chief looked at the man doubtfully for a few more moments and did not ask any further questions. First, he ordered someone to carry him into the village. Lower

The road on the mountain was not easy to tread on, and the villagers carrying the wounded walked rather slowly. Normally, those who walked fast would walk first, while those who walked slow would walk behind.

Everyone was puzzled, but the road was just in front. They didn't care who walked in front, so they headed there. Variations

That was why, at this moment, he was carried on his back and announced that he came from the injured man from the Third Village. He suddenly took out a dagger from his waist, and without saying a word, he slashed at the neck of the villager who was carrying him.

What are you doing! " At this critical moment, Village Chief Hong, who was always on guard, suddenly rushed at the man. He grabbed his hand and twisted it for a full circle.

The man who was being held down, the man who carried him on his back, subconsciously left him behind.

Who would have thought that the person who was limping a moment ago would now be able to stand on both feet. With a sullen face, he started to deal with Village Chief Hong. a few

Only then did the villagers realize that there was a problem and quickly rushed over to help. one

As the fight raged on, three or four figures appeared out of nowhere into the silent forest. These people were in the same group as the man, and once they appeared, they began to attack the villagers. peril

The innocent and kind-hearted villagers had never experienced such a situation before. They had saved a person, but were attacked by this person, and this person had allies. When they appeared at the same time, these people held sharp weapons in their hands, and started stabbing the villagers' bodies. Village

"The citizens all had the strength, but in the end, they were all unarmed. Very soon, someone was stabbed. The dagger cut through the metal like mud and stabbed into the bodies of the people. Before they could feel anything, a bloody wound appeared."

You. You. Just who exactly are you people!? " Village Chief Hong clenched his teeth and roared.

The assassins were expressionless. They looked at each other, and then one of them said, "Leave the village chief here, the others are to be killed first!" Speak

With that, someone stabbed at the heart of one of the villagers.

Village Chief Hong was so scared that his face turned pale and he almost fainted. He shouted, "No!" Speak

Before his voice could fade away, the assassin's wrist flicked, and the dagger fell onto the ground, creating a crisp "clang" sound.

The atmosphere in the forest was silent for a moment. Rows

The victors and victims were all stunned into silence. Then, they heard the sound of footsteps coming from behind them.

Liu Xiaoli walked out of the forest holding the stone in her hand. The men with the weapons looked at each other and shook their heads.

Liu Xiaoli threw the stone high, and when it landed, she caught it steadily, and asked softly: "Grandpa Village Chief, are you alright?"

He still remembered that not long ago, a little boy from Blackwater Village had gotten lost and accidentally barged into their Red Village, allowing him to return to the mountain. At that time, the little boy had said that he would definitely come back and visit them if there was a chance in the future.

Village Chief Hong also did not take it seriously, nor did he take it seriously. However, today, this child had actually appeared. Furthermore, it was under such circumstances. Hong

The Village Chief was a good old man, he could not care less about pleasantries and immediately shouted, "Little friend, run! These people are bad people! "Leave immediately!"

However, Liu Xiaoli did not move, and only stood there quietly: "I cannot leave, if I leave, these bad people will bully my grandfather." Hong

The Village Chief said, "Quickly, leave! Quickly leave!"

The perpetrator sneered and said in a sinister tone: "No one should ever think of leaving!" Speak

Luo, picked up the dagger on the ground, and suddenly rushed towards Xiaoli.

Xiaoli did not waste any time, shsheeasily dodged the first slash, and just as the opponent was about to turn around and use the second slash, she grabbed onto the opponent's waist, and at the position of her waist bone, he pressed on it with her knuckles. The assailant only felt a pain in his waist, and before he could react, half of his body seemed to have been released, and he slid down to the ground. While you're here

Before the other party landed on the ground, Xiaoli kicked her crotch with the tip of her foot. His kick was neither light nor heavy, but it was enough to make people want to die.

After falling to the ground, the assailant couldn't care less as he curled up his body and laid there like a shrimp. Xiaoli smacked her lips and raised her head to look at the other three again, her eyes filled with laughter: "Let's attack together, don't waste anymore time." a few

As if ignited by anger, they were about to rush forward when they heard a shout from below: "Village Head, Pile, where are you?" Rows

The vicious bandits glanced at each other before giving each other a meaningful look. They did not continue to pester each other, and ran into the forest in a flash.

lowered his head and saw that the man at his feet was also running away. He did not chase after him, but instead went to check on the Patriarch of Hong Village.

The village chief had just used up all his strength to pester the bandits. Now, he was no longer in a good mood. He sat on the ground with a thud. The other villagers were also in a miserable state. Almost all of them were dead.

Xiaoli's face was solemn as she asked: "Grandfather village head, who exactly are those people? How can you have a grudge against someone like that? "

Village Chief Hong could not help but shake his head. His entire body was also in a state of chaos.

One of the villagers on the side gritted his teeth and said, "They must be here to find Uncle Bai. No, Village Head, please write a letter to Uncle Bai, tell him not to come back for some time."

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