Early in the morning, the old man, whose body was aching and soaked in cold sweat, was awakened by the cold. When he opened his eyes, what entered his vision was a grayish-brown wooden roof.

He took a closer look and realized that he was inside a carriage.

He tried to sit up, but he couldn't muster up any strength. He looked around and found that he was the only one in the carriage. The white wolf wasn't there, and neither were the other three. Old

He reached out his hand to catch the sleeping little black bird and grabbed it. Then, he spread his wings and observed it from top to bottom.

The black bird woke up with an uncomfortable gurgling sound from its throat. When it opened its eyes, it saw the old man in front of it. It flapped its wings as if waking up, struggling to break free from the shackles. Old

He did not want to fight with this little thing, but he was also afraid that the beast would nag him and let it go.

The black bird seized the opportunity to fly out of the carriage and stand on the tree opposite and let out a long cry, "Jie, jie, jie, jie..." Old

He followed them out and found that it was already morning. When he was about to get down to the ground, he saw two badly mutilated people lying next to the carriage.

"It's them?" Recognizing their clothes, the old man was puzzled again. "How did this happen?"

There was no one around, only the black bird on the other side of the tree seemed to answer him as it shouted, "Jie, jie, jie..." Old

He got out of the car and returned to the Zhong Kui temple. He looked around but didn't see the white wolf and couldn't help but feel anxious. Just as he was about to search along the mountain side, he saw a white shadow dashing towards him. Old

With a sigh of relief, he bent down and beckoned to the white wolf. white

The wolf held a bitten wild pheasant in its mouth. Seeing this, it vomited the wild chicken out of its mouth. It crawled on the ground and lay at the old man's feet. Old

The man patted his head, feeling gratified in his heart. "Are you alright?" white

The wolf raised its head and growled at him, "Awoo!"

The old man smiled and rubbed his wolf head for a long time.

The white wolf squinted its eyes comfortably, as if it was enjoying its master's caress.

At this moment, the black bird on the branch opposite him flew down and landed straight on top of the pheasant. It scratched the neck of the pheasant with its little claws, then lowered its head and started talking.

The white wolf was more protective of its food. It would usually follow its master on the road, but it would usually not be able to eat meat or meat, even if it could eat scones or steamed buns. However, once it had meat, it would never give in.

The old man patted the white wolf's head and asked worriedly, "What happened to you?" wolf

Normally, in front of an opponent that he could not beat, the wolf would bow down to him and not dare to be rash. However, once the opponent had the ability to fight with him, it would not hesitate to fight! in

In the old man's opinion, the only reason why the white wolf did not protect its food was because it felt that it would be at a disadvantage if it could not defeat the black bird. can

How could a wolf not defeat a bird? The white wolf would usually hunt and feed on the magpies, and it would bite a head off every time it killed a bird.

Unless it was injured, even if it was in a weakened state, the wolf would not rashly fight.

The old man hurriedly checked his old partner, but after looking around, he didn't find anything wrong with it. As he was wondering, a shadow flashed across the sky.

The old man raised his head, just in time to see a hawk swooping over, directly landing on the roof of the carriage in front of him. mountain

He subconsciously retreated a little. Birds like the falcon were considered as ferocious beasts, and were easy to harm. He didn't want to anger this mountain. same

He was worried that the white wolf would argue with him. The white wolf was too protective of its master. Normally, a duck would bark at him and the white wolf would stand in front of him, scaring the duck to death. This was a ferocious bird, the white wolf probably saw it as a threat.

"White Wolf, calm down." Instinctively, the old man first comforted the white wolf, telling it not to be impulsive. Low

When he looked up, he saw the white wolf obediently lying on the ground, waving its tail and looking up at him. finishes

Not in a state of readiness. oculus

The God was completely unprepared. attitude

It was as if he couldn't see that the falcon was glaring at them with its sharp, unkind eyes, and was about to pounce and bite them at any moment.

The old man: "…" white

The pheasant was eaten of the most tender flesh of the neck and wings, and then the blackbird stopped eating. The blackbird rose from the ground, wiped its mouth with leaves, wiped it clean, and flew to the roof of the carriage, where it stood at the feet of the majestic eagle. mountain

The falcon obediently loosened its claws, and the lotus leaves that it had grabbed all the way dissipated. A few red fruits rolled out of the lotus leaves, and the black bird jumped over to the biggest one.

After eating the meat, eating the fruits and drinking the dew on the branch, the black bird felt comfortable. It happily flew in front of the old man, tilted its head and glanced at him before jumping into his arms. Old

Person: "..." iso

After the black bird fell asleep, the white wolf finally stood up. It picked up the chicken left over from the bird and placed it in front of the eagle. mountain

Ying didn't move, he just stared at him. white

The wolf bowed in a friendly manner and nudged the pheasant forward with its nose.

This time, the falcon moved. It bit away the pheasant and finished it in a few bites. iso

After it finished eating, the white wolf barked, "Awoo …"

The eagle smacked its lips, then flew up and disappeared in the blink of an eye. iso

When he came back, he had two rabbits in his hand, both of which he gave to the white wolf.

The white wolf took the two rabbits and placed them in front of its master before wagging its tail at him. Old

Person: "..."

So, are these two new friends of the White Wolf's?

Why would a wolf befriend two birds? Also

These two birds were quite problematic, especially the one in his bosom. Eating it made him sleep, but eating it made him even more picky. Was it the little princess?

Although roasting rabbits in the morning was not good for the stomach, in the wilderness, he had already finished all the pancakes. The old man had no choice but to pluck the rabbit's fur and roast it.

These two rabbits had already entered the bellies of the old man and the white wolf. From the looks of it, the black bird and the eagle did not like to eat cooked food.

The carriage was already prepared here, but there were still two people who were unconscious by the side of the carriage.

After some thought, the old man dragged them into Zhong Kui Temple, tied them up with a hemp rope, and planned to inform the officials once they descended the mountain. As for Xiao Xianzheng, he had disappeared, probably because he had run away. Although he did not know what had happened last night, the old man clearly knew that someone had saved him.

When they went down the mountain, the old man drove while the white wolf sat in the carriage. The eagle searched for a while and then stuffed itself into the carriage. At the same time, the little black bird that had just woken up also jumped into the carriage.

The old man felt helpless. He had pulled a cart full of birds and beasts into the city, but he didn't know if the lord of the city gates would catch the robbers who were his illegal hunters.

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