Those who had already passed away, there was someone who bandaged her wounds.

After untying the knot and ripping apart the taut cloth, Liu Wei saw a pair of legs filled with wounds.

Liu Wei clenched one of her fists, the tip of his fist was pressed against her forehead, tapping lightly twice, she suddenly laughed: "I think I know what the secret of Fresh Breeze Town is now."

Rong Ling didn't quite understand: "Hmm?"

Liu Wei looked at him and explained, "Grandma Li is a person who exists. Her information is not a secret in Fresh Breeze Town. Tang Qin'er's death was caused by Madame Li, but Tang Qin'er's corpse was another person's target. Do you remember the legend of Fresh Breeze Town? Someone said that for the past five years, no matter what method they died in, the legs of the women would disappear after death. No matter what meaning they disappeared in, this was all blamed on Lady Liu.

"So what did you see?" Rong Ling asked directly.

"Purpose." Liu Wei said: "There is no doubt about the cause of death of these women. The question is, after they die, who are they, to be interested in their legs? The mermaid pearl could be formed, but what was the mermaid pearl? Is it really just a ridiculous story about a weird story? "Yes, to us that's a fictitious story, but to another person, he believes, not just believes, but does something about it, like taking the legs of dead people away."

"What's the point?" Take the legs, then what?

This is the problem, we do not know who will take the legs away or where they will go, but if my guess is correct, all of this is for the service of the Pearl of the Draconians, then Tang Qin'er's legs are still here, and we still have the chance to spy on her. Tang Qin'er's legs have been carefully protected, and the offerings, ah, are generous enough to use the offerings to protect a pair of dead people's legs.

Speaking till here, Liu Wei laughed without leaving a trace, "But Empress Liu, if everything is as I have said, then when someone was working hard on the female corpse of Fresh Breeze Town, the legend of the Water Ghost Lady Liu appeared. What a coincidence! After the death of Lady Liu, there was a strange rumor that the legs of these women were taken away by her. Then, why did it happen after the death of Lady Liu? What did her death mean? As I said before, there are no ghosts in this world, only people who are pretending to be mysterious. Using the death of Lady Liu as a cover, they have forged a legend of a water ghost, constantly harming the corpses of the women from Fresh Breeze Town for the past five years. Do you think that what I have said is true? "

Rong Ling was silent for a moment, looked Liu Wei in the eyes, and said: "If it's as you say, Lady Liu's death, is not an accident."

"Someone is using superstition as a camouflage to do something shady behind the scenes, and is the premise of this superstition created by them, or was it coincidentally discovered by them? There was uncertainty. In other words, it's possible that someone killed Liu Xi Niang and used her to weave a theory about ghosts, or that someone used her death to make up a story after her death. It's possible that someone took advantage of her death and made up a story, but I'm more inclined to the first way, because, the other party is a person from the capital, and they can also enter the palace.

… ….

After returning to the original state, he left through the back door of the ancestral hall. When he passed by the lotus pond again, the Liu Guang and his sister were already gone.

Liu Wei walked around and saw the incense that had not been extinguished yet and the smoking copper basin beside his. She squinted and looked at the green lotus pond once again, his expression turning serious.

Regardless of whether it was Nanny Liu or Tang Qin'er, or the other girls in Fresh Breeze Town, they were all strangers to her. She had no right to ask them about it, nor did she have the status to help them fight them.

However, she had another reason. These people had frightened her grandfather!

Since it wasn't a ghost, but someone manipulating him from behind and swindling everything out of him, the reason why his grandfather was scared wasn't because his grandfather was timid, but because someone purposely let his grandfather see this.

There was someone who acted out a strange 'evil spirit' in front of his grandfather, making him feel fear towards what he had seen and heard. It made him think that he had truly seen a ghost.

She could understand that the person behind the scenes wanted to defend this nonsense and needed to create some sensational visual and hearing effects to confuse the onlookers. Her grandfather just happened to overhear this and it could be considered bad luck, but the things they did actually hurt an old man.

Liu Wei was someone who protected her own!

Her reunion with her grandfather had made her overjoyed. She did not want her family to suffer any grievances, and even more so, she did not want the old man to cast a shadow over her due to some clumsy tricks!

He wasn't a child who had a shadow in his heart, but an old man's mind also needed protection!

She wanted to see what kind of great Pearl of Draconians was. She needed to be careful and spend five years to create an area that would cover the entirety of Fresh Breeze Town … Large-scale scam. Amazing! =)

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