The second master of the Yun family was very happy that there had been new developments in the medicinal formula today. When evening came, he and the fourth master went back to the manor and met his eldest brother and third brother at their doorstep.

"Seven Flowers and Eight Maples?" As the leader of the Yun Family, the Yun Family elder stroked his chin, thought for a moment, and then slowly nodded, "I had thought of it before, but taking into account that the Seven Blossom's medicinal properties are too poisonous, when it comes to different ailments, the combination with Eight Maples might not be completely useless, so I have not thought about it at all. Just now, you said that these two medicines can produce a miraculous effect? "Show me your prescription later." Cloud

The second young master readily agreed, "Fang Zi has brought it back. I will discuss it in detail in big brother's room later."

The fourth master of the Yun family explained anxiously, "It was really said by a little child. A little child in blue clothes, a boy, a boy that looks pretty, second brother, did you hear me say no, big brother, big brother, third brother, do you believe me, third brother …" Triple

Without looking back, the elder brother entered the main house. Towards the little child that the fourth master spoke of, they did not reveal the slightest bit of curiosity. In

Entering the Residence of Yun's doors, just as they reached the corridor, they saw the Residence of Yun's butler running out happily. Upon seeing the four old masters, the butler greeted them cordially before raising his head to leave. Cloud

The family's old master called out to him, "What are you doing in such a hurry?" tubing

Smiling, he took out a small porcelain bottle and shook it, "Isn't the third young master and fourth young miss returning home today and bringing back a few distinguished guests? Old master, you should know that those distinguished guests are very generous. Even I have received a greeting gift. I'll go pour them some tea." Cloud

The old master was rather speechless and could not help but reprimand him lightly, "Those who do not know, think that our Yun Family has treated you badly. Looking at your disrespectful appearance, is it gold or silver? Is it worth it for you to be so attentive?"

The steward covered his mouth and snickered, "Yes, it's youth." Cloud

The family's old master frowned, "What spring?"

The butler stopped talking and ran away with his ears red. Cloud

The family's old master looked at his other brothers in confusion. "What happened to him?" Other

The other masters shook their heads, and the fourth master urged them: "I heard that there are girls among the friends that Ah Xi brought back. Let's go and take a look."

Being pulled by the fourth master, the several masters had no choice but to rush to the front hall. However, before they even got close, they could already hear laughter coming from inside.

The residence of the Yun Family Patriarch was not large, so after the six old masters got married one after the other, they all moved outside to settle in their own residences. From then on, the main house was the least bustling, and guests often came from afar, or the old master had to give lessons to his family's younger generation before he arranged for the children to stay in the main house for a few days.

The four masters all returned to the main house today, and because they had received the news beforehand, Yun Xi Yun wanted the siblings to return today. The child had left for too long, and after finally returning with great difficulty, they naturally had to gather together and have a good meal together.

However, even knowing that their entire family would come to the main house tonight, and hearing such a loud laughter, the four elders of the Yun Family were still a little stunned.

Aren't you talking about the guests? Yes

When guests came, it was natural for the host to be more composed. Why did he hear the eldest wife of the main house and the third wife of the third house laughing the loudest amongst the laughter? Door

Seeing that the lords had returned to their homes, the servant girl smiled and greeted them with a smile.

Hearing that the four masters have returned, the original laughter in the room stopped for a moment. Then, Third Wife came out with a handful of melon seeds in her hand. The food has been prepared. If you don't come back soon, we won't wait any longer. "

To be honest, he had never heard of a woman refusing to give him food. Besides, as a doctor, even if it was too late, it would still be seen by her patients. The Apricot Forest Family was a family; they should be more considerate of their wives!

As the third wife's husband, the third master frowned and wanted to reprimand his wife for being disrespectful. After all, his wife was still in his family, but he didn't understand the rules when he said such outrageous words in front of his uncles and brothers.

The Third Master didn't finish his words and immediately swallowed his words back into his stomach. The so-called eldest brother was like a father while the eldest sister-in-law was like a mother. He didn't have the guts to continue talking to his eldest sister-in-law.

The Great Master's face sank. He felt that his wife saying such words in front of her brothers would not give him, the head of the family, any face. He was not too happy, and his face was stiff as he wanted to show his authority as a family member.

She then replied, "I told the kitchen to boil the broth over a bowl. I was afraid that there would be a barbecue. You come with me to take a look. If it's alright, we'll bring it out now."

The second master blankly looked at the back of his wife and felt that his wife didn't even look at him and didn't place him in her eyes.

The Fourth Elder leaned over and asked his second brother: "Are they talking about you, the old man? You are only six years older than me. diphthisis

The old master's eyes widened as he turned his head, "Of course I'm not old!"

The fourth master's neck shrank as he curled his lips. "It was eldest sister-in-law and second sister-in-law who said it. It wasn't me who said it. Why are you throwing a tantrum at me?"

"You …" diphthisis

Xi Yuan was sitting in the front seat, but when he heard his fourth master calling for him, he raised his hand and gestured: "I'm here."

The fourth master went over happily, and looked at Yun Xi from head to toe. He patted Yun Xi's shoulder and said: "Good boy, you're finally back. Don't you know your parents miss you?"

The fourth master smiled and was about to tease him again, but when he turned around, he suddenly saw that the head of the group was an old man with a white beard and white eyebrows.

The old man looked kind and amiable. The Fourth Master stared at the old man for a while, then looked at him again. No matter how he looked at him, he seemed familiar. This

At this time, the head master, second master, and third master also came in from outside. Once the crowd dispersed, the three of them easily saw the old man in the lead.

The old man also looked at them. After the number of people had compared, the first to speak was the First Wife. "It seems that men have no more conscience than women. It hasn't been many years since I last saw this."

Just as he finished speaking, he saw the second old master who was still self-doubting about whether he was really old. He swallowed a mouthful of saliva and suddenly asked, "Tea-teacher?"

"With this said, the surrounding crowd exploded into an uproar."

"Teacher Ji?"


"Tutor Ji?"

"Is... is he really a teacher?" a few

The men looked at each other, the first one to react was the Old Master of Ji's Family. He quickly walked forward with a face full of joy, and directly bowed to the kind old man, clearly expressing his respect for his teacher.

With his actions, the other masters immediately followed suit. Ji NanZheng looked at the students who returned late, his smile was unable to straighten out. He raised his hand and said in a gratified voice, "Don't be too polite, don't be too polite."

Scholars paid close attention to the order of their age and respect for their teachers. As the masters of enlightenment, they could also be called the indoctrination teachers.

The last time they saw him was five years ago, when the Emperor was celebrating his birthday. At that time, they entered the palace late, and before they saw their teacher, they heard that their teacher had left again, so they still waved their sleeves, not bringing a single cloud with them.

The teacher's whereabouts became a mystery. Even if the students wanted to show their filial piety, they couldn't find anyone. But now that a pleasant surprise had suddenly descended, the boys were all stunned.

The dining room in front of them had already been set up. Second Madam Ying and Fourth Madam He had personally come to invite everyone to move out. period

When South Zheng stood up, the master and the first lady each supported him by his side, causing the elder to wave his hands, saying that he was in good health and could walk without the help of anyone. Go

Halfway there, he turned his head and asked the matron, "Where are Wei'er and the rest?" Cloud

After a moment of hesitation, he quietly went close to High Tutor Ji's ear and muttered, "Madam Rong said that she prepared a small gift, but it was less, and it is currently being taken care of. She is busy with Brother Rong, Yun Xin and Xiaoli in the guest room, I sent someone to get it." period

Nan Zheng didn't know what to say when he heard this. He felt quite embarrassed. He thought to himself, it's not like he's short on money. How could he buy something lacking in etiquette? How embarrassing it would be for others to know about this.

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