No matter what, if Xiaoli did not cooperate, then their plan of escape would have to be delayed.

Seeing that he could not even talk about it, Pearl started to bargain. In the end, she talked about leaving in the evening, when Pearl said that the female bird who had hatched a new bird in the house was her little brother. Even if it did not eat alcohol, it had to show itself. small

Li agreed. He looked at the color of the sky. The sun was going to set in an hour.

Pearl turned her head to the side and said, "Jejeje."

Xiaoli laughed, "Do you know how hard it is for a daughter to bring a child around? How do you know everything? "

Pearl was very pleased with herself. She stretched out her neck and said arrogantly, "Heh heh." small

Li snorted, "How can you praise yourself for being smart and shameless? Then let me ask you, do you know everything and what will happen if we hug?"

Pearl was stunned for a moment. Then, she tilted her head in confusion, unable to understand the question pattern. small

Li recounted what he had seen before, "The lady said that if she were to hug that little Daoist, something would happen. What is that?"

After saying that, Xiaoli immediately went to catch the wings of the pearl, hugged him into her embrace, and then spread out her arms. "Look, we've already hugged together. Jane

How could Zhu Zhu Luo understand all of this? After listening to Xiaoli's rambling, he still could not understand.

After Xiaoli heard it, she nodded her head and said, "Alright, it's still early, you go take a look. Since you are small and are a bird, you won't be discovered if you eavesdrop, so when you listen to it, you have to tell me."

Pearl nodded, spread her wings, and flew away.

Xiaoli swung her legs in satisfaction, she was waiting for the pearl to return, but suddenly saw something flash above his head, she raised his head and looked, and saw that Gugu who was squatting on the top of the tree previously, also flew away with the pearl. He

His face turned pale with fright as he hurriedly shouted, "Come back …" He shouted and covered his mouth, carefully looking around to make sure there were no patrolling guards. Then he said with a suppressed voice, "You're so conspicuous, don't go …"

However, Gugu did not listen to him and buried her face in the eaves in front of them. small

In the end, he didn't dare to give chase. He was afraid that he would be exposed if he went out, so he decided to bring a lot of eagles with him. The entire national elephant was an eagle, two more birds on the roof should be fine, right?

The pearl was a very assertive bird. According to Xiaoli's description, it quickly found the so-called pink dressed lady, and agilely landed on the tree branch opposite the girl, staring at her. Goo

Goo later on, but because of its large size, it could not stand on the tree branch and directly landed on the stone table in the middle of the yard. Like a pearl, it also stared at the pink dressed girl.

The young lady in the pink dress was speechless. tea

After experiencing the previous turmoil in the room, there was already no sound from inside for a long time. The young lady in a pink dress and the lady in a blue dress were worrying, they followed their master out of the palace for several days, and every day, they would follow him out to the National Elephant Prison to offer their blessings. It could be said that their master was enjoying his blessings, but their master would spend a lot of time alone in the tea room with Zhang Zhenren.

The two palace maids were afraid that their master was too young and was suppressed by the empress and Imperial Concubine Xin in the imperial harem. If they couldn't find a chance to approach the emperor, their hearts would be divided and they would regret deceiving the emperor.

After a while, they heard the sound of someone banging the table inside, as well as the sound of shattering porcelain falling to the ground. It should be a dispute, but the Imperial Advisor was only at the first rank, and had been in charge of the national elephant overseer for many years, so naturally the two of them did not dare to make a sound. The Empress did not make any sound, and neither could they enter, nor could they retreat.

After the national elephant overseer made a scene, the entire courtyard flew into the eagle, but there were no eagles descending on the side of the teahouse. The two palace maids had always been guarding the door of the teahouse, so they didn't have the time to go out and watch. euphemism

It was these two vicious looking flying beasts, and they had been staring at them without blinking.

"Will they bite?" The lady in the blue dress asked cautiously. powder

The lady in a dress did not know and was trembling in fear. "Why don't we go to the side room?" She didn't want to face these two birds with sharp eyes.

The blue-dressed lady said awkwardly, "But the Empress hasn't come out yet. If something were to happen …"

The two of them served their master closely. If anything happened to their master, they would still leave the palace, and the two of them would lose their lives.

While the two of them were hesitating, the tea room door creaked open. Out

The one who came was none other than the white-haired Imperial Advisor.

The two girls hurriedly knelt down and saluted respectfully. Country

Taoist Zhang followed behind the division. As soon as the two of them came out, they saw the brown falcon on the stone table in the center of the room before they could say a word. Country

The master paused for a moment before he took half a step back. With a frown, he turned to look at Daoist Zhang. Daoist Zhang held his horsetail whisk in his hand and stepped forward, waving it at the falcon in an attempt to chase it away. can

He had only waved it twice when the eagle waved its claw and knocked down the horsetail whisk. Zhang

The Daoist man was terrified. He took two steps back and looked at the back of his hand.

The eagle claw was like a sharp blade. It had only made a light cut, yet it had already landed on the wound and bled. Zhang

The Daoist man hurriedly stood in front of the Imperial Advisor and said, "This beast is wild and unfriendly. Your excellency, you should leave first." Country

Master did not move. A head of white silk greeted the cool breeze in the courtyard. He pursed his lips and stared at the eagle with a complicated look in his eyes. After a while, he felt a pair of eyes staring back at him.

Looking up, he saw a small bird squatting on the tree trunk. That bird was black all over, its feathers shiny, and its gaze full of life. Even from a distance, he was sure that it was looking at him with rapt attention.

A man and a bird were staring at each other. The brown eagle in the yard seemed to have lost its importance. Daoist Zhang wanted to say something, but he realized that the Imperial Advisor was standing behind him without moving.

Following the direction of the Imperial Advisor's gaze, Daoist Zhang also saw the black bird. When he saw it, he didn't react in the slightest. However, when he looked at it again, his heart trembled. This

It was not because of the shape of the bird, but because of its eyes.

Did those eyes change color just now, just now?

"This... Was this … Is it the one in the book. With … "With …" Daoist Zhang stuttered, but his words were already unable to come to an end …

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