The old mistress had entered the hall earlier. Although she did not feel much, and had fainted, she clearly knew that someone had forcefully pulled her back from the gates of hell.

People were most sensitive to matters of life and death, especially at such a young age. Even if it was just a minor illness or a minor calamity, the process inside was getting more and more urgent.

Today was a big day for them to meet the queen at the palace. The carriage they were travelling in met with Yuwen family's carriage on the other side of the road.

Fortunately, Nanny Yang was alert and sharp enough to push away the two old masters. Her hands had been cut by a line, allowing the two old ladies to escape death.

Due to the surprise attack, the guards of the House of Prime Minister and the Yuwen Mansion reacted and fought with the bandits. However, the old mistress' carriage was in a terrible state, with danger lurking around.

At this moment, with a jolt, the bandit was infuriated and directly flipped over the carriage.

The car flipped and the person inside was beaten whole. Despite being protected repeatedly, the madame still hurt her insides and her breathing was not smooth, causing her to lose her breath.

The old mistress remembered that before she fainted, the battle had ended. Someone was shouting in her ear, but she could not stay awake. The suffocating breath made her feel dead silent. She knew nothing more.

In her stupor, the old lady felt herself rising and falling in the darkness. Her body was now cold, now hot, and in front of her was a dark road without any light.

The old mistress was about to walk down the dark path, but someone was pulling her from behind. She was deep in thought again, and when she woke up, she was already alive.

When the old mistress thought about what Liu Wei had said, the Divine Buddha couldn't help but laugh.

Liu Wei had relied on her barbaric aura to forcefully pull him back from the hands of the King of Hell.

The old mistress had not been in good health all year round, but she had never been in such close contact with death before. She felt a little absent-minded and a little scared.

But the old lady was clear that if it was really Liu Wei who had given her the needles, then she had truly received the saving grace of her granddaughter.

Breathing in, the old lady held Liu Wei's hand tightly and looked at Liu Wei seriously. Her eyes became clearer, "You …"

"Grandmother, don't say anything." Liu Wei said: "Grandmother has just experienced a great calamity, so you should recuperate to vent your true qi. If there is anything you want to say, say it later."

The old lady nodded, her eyes drooping down. She did not say anything more, but patted Liu Wei's hand.

The Countess raised her head again and looked towards the Liu Territory.

The Liu Territory immediately said: "We don't know the purpose of those bandits. During the battle, we killed three of them. They all ran away. But don't worry Grandmother, I have already sent people to inform Jing zhao Yin that our guards have also gone to chase after them.

The old mistress heaved a sigh of relief, feeling extremely exhausted.

[What the hell is this? We should just walk out the door. How did we meet bandits? And they are a bunch with unknown origins. We don't even know their intentions. What is it to run away after we injure them?]

As Liu Wei listened to the words of the Liu Territory, two parts of meaning appeared in her eyes.

Before Brilliant Yang came over, Liu Wei had already ordered Ling'er to immediately return to Huai Yue Yuan. He told Ling'er to do nothing but bring Yi Hua to the center of the courtyard.

This time, Liu Wei was brought away from the filial piety institution. The two secret guards beside him were still monitoring him at the Huaiyue Courtyard, and did not go together with him.

Therefore, as long as he was under their noses, he should be fine.

Although he didn't know whether or not he was thinking this correctly, Liu Wei had a bad premonition, she felt that it was too coincidental, where did the bandits come from to make a move at the streets? And he even singled out the women?

Liu Wei did not care if there was someone who was doing this deliberately or not, she could only take precautions. However, from the sound of it, these bandits had already fled after they were done fighting, and did not seem to have any intent of doing anything intentionally.

Could it be that the murderer was waiting for an opportunity to make his move?

The murderer might be thinking that if the matriarch of the Prime Minister's Estate was in trouble, then the Prime Minister's Estate would be thrown into chaos. He could seize this opportunity to fish in troubled waters and achieve something.

Liu Wei lowered her head in silence, feeling that she had implicated the ladies of the Residence of Prime Minister.

He still had to enter the palace today. Even though the madame's body was not suitable for travelling, and she should return as soon as possible to rest, the madame still raised her hand and gestured to the crowd below to enter the palace first.

Madam Yuwen obviously had the same intention.

Even if something huge had happened, they were already halfway there. Today was also the day to meet the beautiful ladies, and the girls of the two families were relying on their ancestors to make eye contact with the empress.

Of course, they could let the Lu family or Yu Wen Qian bring the people to the palace, but the face of the Old Ancestor was clearly different, so even if it was for the future of the ladies, the two elders still had to go.

However, Old Mistress Liu had just circled around the gates of hell, so Madam Yuwen was not at ease, he looked at Liu Wei and said: "Cang`er has some medical skills, why not accompany your grandmother to enter the palace? Otherwise, if there is anything on the road, you would need to have someone with you."

It was obvious that the Old Mistress had the same idea, which was why she was holding Liu Wei's hand.

Liu Wei actually wanted to go back and see if Yi Hua was still there, but the two elders had already spoken. She felt that the Zhenge Sect's hidden guards wouldn't be that bad, as they wouldn't even be able to protect a little girl.

The guards had already let the killer escape once. Could he have fallen into the same pit twice?

Thinking about it this way, Liu Wei became calmer, and seeing that everyone was looking at him, she could only nod her head.

However, she also knew that if the Old Granny did not bring her into the palace, the young lady of her family would definitely be looked down upon by others.

The Lu family didn't care about Liu Xin and Liu Yue, but they didn't want the empress to have any opinions of Liu Yao, so they could only bear with it.

When Liu Yao heard that Liu Wei was about to enter the palace too, she was so angry that she nearly gasped for air!

Liu Yao knew, that Seventh Prince would also enter the palace today.

Although entering the palace today was not an official consort selection banquet, it was still a chance for the ladies to meet the crown prince in public. When the consort selection banquet arrived three days later, everyone's goal would be set and the process would be much smoother.

Liu Yao was secretly resentful in his heart, she still remembered what Liu Xin said, that today he went after the Seventh Prince, but Liu Wei also went, it was truly like a lingering ghost!

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