Liu Wei walked over, wanting Xiaoli to shut up. Don't think that everyone's body was covered with tattoos, maybe he really was just a birthmark.

But when Liu Wei saw the complex pattern on the back of Huang Lin's hand, he couldn't help but frown.

All over his body, there were places that had been touched by the blood.

This discovery made Liu Wei's heart jump!

There was something that was about to burst out from his heart.

Liu Wei asked Xiaoli to call Rong Ling in.

After the four of them entered the room, Liu Wei took off Huang Lin's clothes.

Huang Lin did not want to, so Liu Wei could not say anything to comfort him. Fortunately, Huang Lin was not an adult, so his methods were limited when compared to an adult's.

In a few moves, Liu Wei restrained him, took off all his clothes, and then pushed Huang Lin in front of Rong Ling.

It was still raining heavily outside, but the room was warm with a brazier.

Huang Lin didn't feel much cold, but his body was still curled up. In his embrace, he was still hugging his mother's head, not letting go.

Rong Ling looked at the naked boy, then looked at Liu Wei who was wiping his body with a bloody wet cloth. Slowly, more patterns appeared on Huang Lin's body.

When Liu Wei finished wiping Huang Lin's body, on Huang Lin's body, from top to bottom, was actually an incomparably huge map.

Rong Ling's gaze was obscure as he stood at his original position. He had already picked up the xuan paper on the side, and started drawing on the map.

However, the map was too complicated, and there were some parts of it that were unclear, making it easy to make mistakes. After drawing for a while, Liu Wei gave up, and only brought a quarter of the map out, and passed it to Rong Ling.

Rong Ling looked at it and took a deep breath.

Liu Wei gestured to Rong Ling — You recognize him.

This was not a question, but an affirmation.

Rong Ling recognized it, and his eyes told her that he recognized it.

There was nothing between Rong Ling and himself to hide, he nodded immediately.

Liu Wei asked again — What was it?

Rong Ling looked at her deeply, and then asked a while later in a low voice, "What do you think?"

Liu Wei was not sure before, but after hearing what Rong Ling said, he knew that his guess was right.

Of all the things that Liu Wei knew, only a few generations had passed down — — The Mysterious Map of the Sea.

But this, why was it here?

Why is it with Huang Lin?

Liu Wei thought about all of this and suddenly raised his head and looked at Rong Ling.

Rong Ling nodded at Liu Wei. Evidently, Rong Ling had already thought of this: "What Liaozhou wants, is this."

The Liaozhou was looking for a treasure map.

As the son of the previous emperor, the King of Quan was also a prince. Although the Emperor Arcanum was only passed down to the next generation of emperors, there would always be times when he was in the imperial palace.

Rong Ling had seen the treasure map once, because he was the lieutenant of the Zhenge Sect, he had a way to see this once.

If the King of Quan wanted to see her, although it would be a little difficult, but in this world, there were no secrets that could be completely guaranteed to not be leaked.

King of Quan obtained the treasure map from god knows where and chased all the way to the Qinshan Palace.

But, why would there be such a thing in the Qinshan Prefecture?

Why did Huang Lin become a living map …?

In less than two hours, under the heavy rain, many unimaginable things happened. It was difficult to understand.

Liu Wei could not sit still anymore. He looked at Huang Lin's back, and on the xuan paper, it wrote — Who made the pattern on your body?

Huang Lin rubbed his arm and looked at the lines on it with a perplexed expression.

Liu Wei wrote — You don't know?

Huang Lin shook his head. "I don't know."

To carve such a large picture on a person's body, how could Huang Lin not know the reason for the pain?

If one did not know, that was unless one was unconscious.

But even if he wasn't conscious, wouldn't he feel pain after waking up?

The pain brought by the tattoo was definitely not something a child of his age could endure.

Liu Wei's expression was ugly!

Very good, now there was one more doubtful point that he had no way to investigate. It pushed the matter towards an even more unpredictable direction.

"Lord Rong, Master Liu?" Outside the room, Cao Yujie's voice could be heard.

Rong Ling went to open the door, only to see Cao Yujie anxiously saying: "Masters, something has happened."

Both of them looked at Cao Yujie at the same time.

Cao Yujie replied, "In the past few days, the Huang Clan has rebuilt a small lakeshore and demolished a pavilion in the middle of the lake. Someone just reported that there was a corpse at the base of the pavilion."

After Cao Yujie finished speaking, he trembled.

It was obvious that he thought of the time he went to the Huang Residence as a guest and even praised the beautiful scenery of the lake.

When he thought back to it now, he realized that there was actually a corpse underneath. His hair stood on end, and goosebumps appeared all over his body.

Liu Wei looked at the sky outside. It was already noon, didn't they say the person who reported the incident would come back in the afternoon?

Liu Wei thought and looked at Rong Ling.

Rong Ling did not make a sound. He walked out the door, went out for two breaths of time and finally returned. After he returned, he shook his head at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei was startled, and what did it mean? Didn't you arrange for the case to be reported?

Rong Ling shook his head again.

Cao Yujie, who couldn't understand sign language, was panicking in the middle. "Lord Rong, just what in the world …"

"Let's go take a look." Rong Ling said indifferently, he stepped forward and held Liu Wei's hand.

Liu Wei's mind was in a mess, he could only allow Rong Ling to lead him. After walking two steps, he turned around and gestured to his son Liu Xiaoli.

Xiaoli immediately grabbed Huang Lin's hand and followed behind his mother and Uncle Rong.

Liu Wei did not dare to let Huang Lin go alone with anyone else. A mysterious person came to Qinshan Palace with a completely different personality and strange methods, and Liu Wei also did not dare to let Xiaoli leave his side, so he could only bring the two children along.

The pile of corpses of the Fourth Lady was going to be sent back to the yamen to be examined by Liu Wei later.

Liu Wei had initially thought about this simple matter, but it had become much more complicated after the corpses of the Huang Clan were dug out in advance.

And at this moment, Liu Wei would absolutely not think of the earth-shattering changes that would happen to her life after today.

The rain was ominous.

At least, that was the case for Liu Wei.

It would lead someone who was originally simple and had a clear goal in the future to another person who was unclear about the dangers and dangers. Only god knows whether it was a blessing or a curse …

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