One second. Org, free of charge!

Seeing how her wet nurse was trying to imply her feelings, Huang Ru was put in a difficult position.

After struggling for a while, Huang Ru sat back down on the chair and ordered the nanny, "What do you know? Tell me, this is not for me, but for Lin'er. Lin'er is also brought up by the nanny, and now, for Lin'er, is there anything that we can't do?"

Their faces were full of blood, their stomachs were riddled with knife wounds, they wanted people's lives, their necks were crooked, and the madame's ears and nose had been cut off. She did not look human, even more disgusting than those dead pigs and ducks.

When the corpse was found, Huang Ru did not even look at it. Huang Ru was already crying so much that she fainted, and there was no sign of that eye.

It was the uncle of the Huang family who handled this matter. As the old mistress' subordinate, the wet nurse had followed them the entire way, so she knew some unspeakable secrets.

After the funeral was over, the Great Clan Uncle left with a special reminder: Remember not to speak a single word.

If he said it like this, not only would the Huang family die, but the wet nurse would also not be able to keep her own life, including the wet nurse's son's wife.

At first, Nanny was not afraid, but then, she witnessed with her own eyes the assassination attempt on Huang Ru!

Indeed, on the seventh day after the funeral, the day after the uncle left, a group of people came to the Huang Residence.

That night, the weather was very hot. The wet nurse had found a swallow nest for her pregnant daughter-in-law. Taking advantage of the servants sleeping, she went to the storehouse to get seven or eight blood swallows.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard a sound coming from the roof.

At first, he thought it was a cat and dog. The nurse was still holding a broom and wanted to chase them away. However, after two steps, the sound stopped. Then, there was the sound of a fight.

The wet nurse was also curious, so she walked over to take a peek. The peek scared her.

He saw two men in black fighting, both of them holding cold, sharp weapons. One of them said, "I said I want him alive." The other said, "I don't know anything. Why should I keep him alive?"

The two of them started to argue about leaving Huang Ru alive, but after the nanny understood what was going on, she knew that they were discussing Huang Ru's life.

Fortunately, the two of them finally saw the fireworks outside the manor, so they left. As for the wet nurse, she had a nightmare that night.

This matter had made the wet nurse completely believe that if she dared to say one word, it would definitely be a matter of her head moving.

Afterwards, when Huang Ru woke up, immersed in grief, and Huang Ru married Huang Jue Yang, everything seemed to return to normal.

Only the nurse would recall that night in the middle of the night.

Later on, the wet nurse's wife gave birth to two grandchildren, and the wet nurse cherished her life even more. Even at the cost of her own life, she still had to cherish her grandson's life, the life of her family.

At the moment, an adult from the capital came to ask about it. Nanny did not know if it was a blessing or a curse to tell others, but Nanny did not want to take the risk, nor could she take the risk.

Taking a deep breath, the wet nurse clenched her teeth and said, "I don't know anything about it. If you don't believe me, please bring me back to the yamen. If you want to kill me, I will let you know."

Liu Wei frowned, Huang Ru was also dissatisfied: "Nanny, this is for Lin'er, could it be that you want to see Lin'er being taken away by the yamen before you are satisfied?"

In the face of his and his family's lives, Huang Lin was nothing.

The wet nurse gritted her teeth and said, "If Young Master really did kill someone, it's only right for the yamen to arrest him. In short, this old servant knows nothing about this matter, not even ten thousand times more."

"Auntie …" Huang Ru was a little drowsy, then became cold again: "What nonsense are you spouting, Lin'er didn't kill you!"

"Then that is even more so. With the clear sky and the bright sun, who would dare to turn black and white? What is wrong with them?"

Huang Ru acted as if she didn't know her wet nurse, as she looked at her wet nurse with a strange gaze.

The nurse, however, made up her mind not to say a word.

The situation had reached an impasse, and Liu Wei was unwilling to give up.

The truth was clearly in front of his eyes and Liu Wei was not willing to stop here.

Taking a deep breath, Liu Wei looked at Rong Ling.

Rong Ling did not look at Liu Wei, his eyes that were as cold as the black sun, stared straight at his wet nurse, and after a while, spoke out, "Twenty-third of July, three hundred silver, twenty-ninth of July, five hundred silver, twentieth of August, two hundred silver, ninth of September, three hundred silver, eighteen of October, seven hundred silver …"

As Rong Ling spoke each word, the wet nurse's face instantly went from white to green, from green to purple, multi-colored, extremely beautiful.

"You … "You …" The nurse's mouth was trembling, but she could not even say a single word.

Only now did the servant bring the tea over. Rong Ling took it and leaned his back against the cold hard wooden chair, scooping the steam from the tea cup, neither fast nor slow.

Huang Ru did not understand: "Sir, what do you mean?"

The wet nurse's legs and stomach almost went soft. Her back felt cold. If she didn't use her hands to support the table behind her, she would have fallen to the ground.

This lord was clearly reciting the details of the benefits and accounts of the old master and the Wu family's fourth lady that she had received in the past six months.

Now that the old master was gone, the fourth lady of the Wu family had also died. The old master was gone, and the fourth lady of the Wu family had also died.

However, if Huang Ru knew that he had been working for someone else all these years, and that he had two Old Master Huang and that Huang Lin was Wu Si's' son ', then wouldn't he be doomed!

Serving Huang Ru since she was young, the wet nurse was very clear on her master's personality. Putting everything aside, Huang Ru would never let go of anyone who betrayed her.

The Huang Family was a family of merchants, and most merchants had dirty tricks up their sleeves.

Nanny had been in the Huang Residence for many years, and she was very familiar with those evil doors. Furthermore, Huang Ru had heard about them since she was young, so it was impossible that she didn't know about them.

The judge sent all those who did not sell their bodies to the officials. Those who did not sell their bodies directly sank into the pond.

These "dead rules" were passed down from the Huang Family from a long time ago, and until now, the Huang Family's master also followed this practice.

Nanny did not dare to use her body to test the method, because she was afraid of provoking fire, so she did not mention the guest surnamed Ji. But now, the fire from back then had yet to come, and someone had already set fire to her body.

Seeing Huang Ru's confused expression, his wet nurse broke out in a cold sweat.

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