One second. Org, free of charge!

Huang Lin didn't know what they were talking about, and he only looked at Liu Wei and said: "Master Liu, thank you for your reminder yesterday. Your kindness will allow me to accompany mother more, and also allow me to bury mother with my own hands.

As he said that, he kneeled on the ground and kowtowed towards Liu Wei.

Huang Lin had specially stopped Liu Wei in order to pass the gift of gratitude to him.

Now that he had handed it in, Huang Lin could not sit still as he thought about his mother's worries outside.

Liu Wei could tell that he was looking in the direction of the door, and knew that he did not wish for Huang Ru to worry more. After thinking for a moment, he said: "Just now you kowtowed six times, three is my thanks, the other three, count me as New Year's greetings, since it's new year, there should be a red packet for you. Let me ask you, do you want silver or a prescription?"

Huang Lin was stunned for a moment before asking, "A prescription?"

Liu Wei walked to the small bookshelf beside the window, found pen, ink and paper, and started writing on it carefully.

When he finished writing, Liu Wei blew at the ink and passed it to Huang Lin.

Huang Lin stared at the complicated words written on the medicinal formula and became even more dumbfounded.

Liu Wei said: "Your mother's body, is like the cold entering the heart, and at the same time, it's also a little weak. This recipe, is to warm your mother's heart, let her eat it every day, and recuperate for three to five years, her body will inevitably improve a lot, and only one thing must be remembered, even if her body is completely cured, you still can't bear the thought of having a child in the future. Her body, if you have a child, you have to give it up.

Huang Lin fell into a daze as he listened. He was a boy who didn't understand what cold palace was and what it had to do with pregnancy.

Liu Wei looked at his foolish little eyes, exhaled, and patted his head. "Forget it, just repeat my words once, your mother will understand."

Huang Lin nodded and carefully folded the prescription.

Seeing him being so cautious, the look in Liu Wei's eyes softened, and he warned him: "Incidentally, tell your mother that the medicine she is taking right now, is unable to cure the root of her illness and can only temporarily pull her out of it. However, it is a three-way poison that relies too much on this medicine and will only cause her body to collapse in the future.

Huang Lin still didn't understand, but he nodded his head obediently.

Liu Wei did not check Huang Ru's pulse, but Chinese medicine focused on hearing and hearing.

Liu Wei looked and smelled, but he was pretty much there.

In addition, she smelt a scent of medicine from Huang Ru's body. From the medicine Huang Ru had taken, it was not difficult for Liu Wei to deduce Huang Ru's condition.

As for the problems with a woman's body, they were just those few things. Liu Wei had practiced medicine for many years and had thus developed a warm and long term nourishing formula.

When they came out of Huang Lin's room, Huang Ru immediately stood up and went forward to welcome him. Like a hen protecting her little chicks, she pulled Huang Lin behind her.

Liu Wei did not have much of an expression, he only looked left and right, and did not see the wet nurse again.

After Liu Wei and Rong Ling had left, and were sure that they had left this time, Huang Ru looked at Huang Lin and could not help but scold him: "Don't be so willful in the future. There are still two yamen runners left, you should be more careful."

Huang Lin looked at his mother, nodded silently and paused for a moment. He then took out the prescription from his bosom and passed on what Liu Wei had just said to him.

Hearing the words "child" and "pregnancy", Huang Ru felt her face turn red. These words might have been said by other people, but it was actually said by her own son, making her feel uncomfortable.

When Huang Ru finished listening and looked at the prescription in her hand, her face was full of shock.

That Master Liu, could he really be a doctor?

However, the medicine she was taking right now, was left behind by that master. Could it be that it was really as Master Liu said, that the medicine was only treating the symptoms and not the root cause?

However, that expert had clearly said …

That's right, he couldn't be considered an expert anymore. First, he had to dig out the heart of the lake, and then he had to whisper those words into his son's ear.

That expert had evil intentions. His intentions were truly bad.

Can you make sure that the medicine given by such a person is good?

Thinking of this, a trace of coldness flashed through Huang Ru's eyes. Looking at the prescription in her hand, it seemed as if there was an extra point to it.

It seems that I have to find a time to meet that Master Liu and my wet nurse … Humph, eat the inside out!

When she found the evidence, she would make use of her wet nurse to make an example to let some people know who was in charge of this Huang Residence!

Liu Wei and Rong Ling left the Huang Residence and when they came out, Liu Wei did not get on the carriage but walked on the main street.

Rong Ling's eyelids twitched, his mouth could not help but curl up into an evil smile.

Liu Wei purposely ignored his evil grin and changed the topic: "Just now, you said that you would go back to the capital and do it, will you really ask for orders, change the law and join the underage law?"

"Why not?" Rong Ling's tone was normal.

Seeing his confident look, Liu Wei did not understand. "Are you sure that the Emperor will accept you?"

"Why not?" Rong Ling asked her.

Liu Wei was startled for a moment, pursed his lips: "As long as you're happy."

Rong Ling looked at her and said: "Modifying the laws may be a huge matter, but it is not impossible.

Eh, this sentence had a deeper meaning.

Liu Wei thought for a while and understood the situation.

The law of a country is the law of the game in this country, while some people can use the law to play games, while others want to change the law to suit themselves.

Modifying the laws would definitely stir up some people. However, with the support of these people who were ready to make a move, modifying the laws became a logical thing instead.

After thinking about it and seeing how calm Rong Ling was, Liu Wei thought that he was indeed worthy of being the lieutenant of the Zhenge Sect.

However, if his temper was slightly better, then that would be even better.

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