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The boatman went out with two boatmen.

When he came back, the boatman said, "According to this weather, even if the rain stops, we can't go out to sea immediately. The wind is still messy, so it's easy to get lost after leaving the boat."

The boatsman was momentarily put in a difficult position. This guest had always been easy to talk to. Who would've thought that at this moment, he would suddenly come up with a question?

The boatman considered his explanation, but for the first time, he heard the voice of the solitary boatman saying, "If you want to leave, go by yourself."

The man's voice was cold, faint, with a hint of coolness.

Everyone looked at the loner.

The solitary man, however, kept his head down. After saying that sentence, he fell silent once more.

The merchant's face was dark, but he did not say anything else.

The atmosphere in the room was very bad, because of the still unconscious man on the wooden bed, the bodies in the backyard, and the constant rain outside.

Because of fate, they were all trapped together, and no one was willing to let go of their emotions. However, with the current situation, what could they do? They could only hope that the sky would open up and the rain would soon end, allowing the ship to sail again.

From noon until the evening, until the sky gradually darkened, a fire was set up in the house, and everyone gathered around the fire to warm themselves.

The unconscious man on the bed finally opened his eyes.

"Water..." The soft voice was so soft that it was hard to detect.

Hearing the commotion, the two sisters, who had been instructed to take care of the man, quickly turned their heads and timidly called out, "Erm …"

The two sisters pointed to the person on the bed and whispered, "He's awake."

"Oh?" Xiaoli stood up and walked over with his short legs.

As he approached, he heard the barely audible sound of the man's chapped lips. "Water..."

"He really woke up." Xiaoli called out: "Father, who is awake?"

Liu Wei who was warming his hands raised his head, casually glanced at the sky, then lowered it and continued to rub his hands.

Rong Ling stood by Liu Wei's side and roasted some dry wheat bread for her.

The boatsman's boat did indeed have some rice and vegetables, but they didn't know how much longer they would have to stay here.

If one could eat dry food, he would first eat dry food. After all, compared to rice and vegetables, dry food was still better at filling his stomach.

After the dry biscuit was done, Liu Wei took a bite. It was warm and cozy, the taste was not bad.

Liu Wei drank some more, and was satisfied with his meal.

Xiaoli called out again, "Father, he wants water."

What Liu Wei drank was the water on the boat, but it was hers, she would not part with it.

Xiaoli puffed up his mouth, unwilling to use his own pot of water. Then, he looked at Rong Ling.

Rong Ling wordlessly finished roasting the other piece of dry biscuit, mixed it with his own water, and started eating. He did not even glance at Xiaoli.

Xiaoli pouted.

Finally, it was Dabao the boatman who raised his kettle and said, "I have one here."

Xiaoli smiled as he received it, dipped a little in, and dripped it onto the weak man's lips.

Drops of water slid into his mouth through his lips. Rong Su unconsciously licked his lips and swallowed the droplets down his throat.

Seeing that, Xiaoli dropped two more drops.

After drinking half of it, which could be considered as having slightly relieved his thirst, Rong Su finally breathed a breath of air and slowly opened his eyes.

When he opened his eyes, the first thing he saw was a young face.

Rong Su was stunned for a moment. Her eyelashes trembled and she wanted to speak up, but her throat became dry and she was unable to speak.

"Dad, he opened his eyes." Xiaoli reported in real time.

Liu Wei, who had not finished eating the dry biscuit, replied with his nose, "Mhm."

But Liu Wei did not care, while the others did!

The boatmen and sailors, as well as the woman and the merchant, including the loner, all looked over. Big Treasure even stood up and walked over.

Rong Su felt his head ache, his head felt as though it was about to explode. He frowned, listening to the movements around him with his eyes rolling.

He looked at the boy above him. He wasn't sure if it was an illusion or not, but he felt that the boy looked familiar. However, his vision was blurry and he couldn't see very clearly.

After the little boy, a dark skinned, burly man entered his field of vision. Rong Su looked at the man and was shocked when he saw him, as he stammered, "Young … Young Master, you're awake. "

Rong Su frowned, and did not reply.

Unexpectedly, the man started to blabber on: "Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere? We saved you. When we found you, you were covered in blood. Can you hear me? Young Master? Young Master? "

Rong Su was furious!

However, Big Treasure thought that his Young Master's head was hurt. He kept whispering into his Young Master's ear, and his voice was getting louder and louder!

Rong Su impatiently raised his hand, wanting to wave him away, but when he raised his hand, he did not have the strength to do so.

Rong Su lowered his eyes uncertainly, looked at his hands, and a look of panic appeared in his eyes.

This hand, didn't feel anything at all …

At this time, Liu Wei had finally finished eating the dry biscuit. She dusted off the dust on her hands, picked up the kettle, and walked over while drinking.

After walking two steps, Liu Wei turned around and asked, "Together?"

Rong Ling did not move.

Liu Wei curled his lips, stopped calling him, and went over himself.

At this moment, Rong Su's eyes became a little clearer. When he looked at Liu Xiaoli again, he immediately recognized Liu Xiaoli's identity.

Liu Wei found it interesting. She had seen Rong Su many times, but never on this man's face did she see such a comical expression.

"Are you feeling better?" Liu Wei sat by the wooden bed, and casually pulled Rong Su's hand over. He checked his pulse and confirmed that there were no problems, then released him.

Rong Su stared fixedly at Liu Wei, and only after Liu Wei had finished feeling his pulse did he ask with a hoarse voice, "Liu … "Sir?"

Rong Su had seen Liu Wei before, he had met him at the Yi Ya Pavilion.

Furthermore, he had specially investigated Liu Wei later on. After all, this Mr.Liu was his trusted aide, he knew his enemy well, so it was not wrong for him to do so.

But Rong Su did not expect to see this person again under such circumstances today.

Rong Su was in a trance as he forced himself to look outside. He saw countless pairs of eyes staring straight at him from the bonfire in front of him.

Among these people, there was only one person who kept his head down, doing his own thing.

Even if it was just a silhouette, how familiar it was!

Rong Ling!

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