Because Liu Wei wanted to put on the ship's light, even if they had to squeeze into the crowd, they would have no choice but to follow the flow and bury themselves in the crowd.

In other words, this small wide lake was the plaza's edge, a very small lakeside.

She was more willing to join in on the fun than to meet someone who just so happened to be in the right place.

Looking at the countless red papers on the marriage tree, Liu Wei leaped into the air and grabbed one of them.

The moment Liu Wei landed on the ground, the surroundings quieted down.

Then, the crowd exclaimed, "Oh …"

Liu Wei laughed, holding a red paper, he walked to the side of the table with a brush and ink, holding a brush, he wrote a few words.

Before Liu Wei could finish writing it, Rong Ling came over. He wanted to see, Liu Wei dodged it reflexively and did not let Rong Ling see it, and said with a smile: "It doesn't look good."

Rong Ling looked at her.

Liu Wei ignored Rong Ling and started his own paper boat.

On the other side, Xiaoli also jumped into the air and grabbed three red pieces of paper.

With the three kids together, the big girl couldn't read, so Xiaoli had to do it on her behalf.

The girl looked at the lantern in her hand and whispered, "I hope to see elder sister again."

The girl was stunned as she looked at her younger sister. Holding her younger sister's hand, she said to the young master, "I also hope to see elder sister again."

Xiaoli looked at them, lowered his head, and helped them write.

In the end, Xiaoli wrote on that piece of red paper: "I hope that this big girl will be able to see their big sister again."

The big girl did not know what Xiaoli was writing, but when she saw that there were a few words on the three pieces of red paper that looked exactly the same, she could not help but look at Xiaoli.

Xiaoli did not explain. He just sat on the ground and taught them how to stack paper boats.

Rong Ling did not see through Liu Wei's wish. She took one and wrote down — May she think what she wants, I am round.

Rong Su stood by the side expressionlessly.

He had three lanterns stuffed into his hands, one for his own kitten, one for the Mr.Liu's rabbit and one for Rong Ling's frog.

These two … He was actually allowed to hold it for him!

When Rong Ling came over, it was already a little late.

It was impossible to be one of the first ten lights. Even if they had reached the other side, they would have already reached more than a dozen.

could not believe it any longer, so he did not feel disappointed anymore.

After putting out the ship's lights, the group watched as the lights drifted towards the other side of the river. On their way, they suddenly felt a gust of wind and heard the screams of the men and women.

Soon the fire was out.

He could see that he was rather disappointed.

In this boat covered in water, the girl's boat also suffered.

The only one left, Xiaoli's, was wobbling and hiding in the middle of a bunch of boats, avoiding a difficult situation.

Liu Wei's boat was at the very back. Just now, that gust of wind whirled the boat around and at the very least, it was not destroyed, nor did it extinguish its flame.

But Rong Ling's one …

Liu Wei endured laughing and patted General Rong's shoulders, consoling him: "It's alright, to be able to swim for so long, it's already not easy. Believe in yourself, you'll definitely be able to swim to the other side next time?"

"Next time?" The man raised his eyebrows coldly.

Rong Ling glared at him.

Liu Wei smiled faintly at Rong Ling, laughing as though he was at ease, but there was not a hint of schadenfreude in his eyes!

In the end, of the five ships, only Liu Wei and Xiaoli's boat could barely reach the other side.

However, he was not in the top ten. According to the locals, whether or not he would fulfill his wish would all depend on the mood of the Bodhisattva.

Liu Wei smiled and passed it.

Instead, Xiaoli chased after the locals and asked, "When is Bodhisattva in a good mood? How can I make Buddha feel good? "

The local was left speechless by the question. He had probably never seen a child who was actually more interested in this matter.

In the end, it was Liu Wei who dragged Xiaoli away.

Before Xiaoli left, he was reluctant to leave the place.

The boat lights were playing around for fun, but after it was over, it turned out to be nothing more than that. After hearing that there were still the Daqing Dancing Team, Liu Wei decided to go to the spectator stand at the front and watch the dance.

After taking two steps, he was blocked.

A girl with a basket in her hands and a plain cloth scarf tied around her head walked over, smiling as she said to them, "Gongzi, would you like to buy some flowers?"

The girl's basket was filled with red, pink, and white plums of all colors. Even from a distance, she could still smell the plum fragrance.

The girl said, "Twenty gold coins for one."

Normally speaking, twenty taels of gold a pot was only ten pieces.

However, if he were to do business on this day, he would definitely make a huge profit.

This bit of scattered silver was not harmful, so Liu Wei took two of them and casually gave them to the big girl.

The two girls received a lot of presents today, and happily expressed their gratitude.

The flower seller girl sold two flowers in one go, and with a happy smile, she started to promote the flowers to Rong Ling: "Two gongzis, do you want to buy flowers? It can be given to your beloved. These flowers were all blessed by the Empress Guanyin before she sat down. The young lady who definitely received the flowers will be blessed by the Bodhisattva. "

He really knew how to brag!

Liu Wei smiled. He did not say it out loud and just looked at the two men.

Under Liu Wei's gaze, Rong Ling calmly asked the flower seller: "How many flowers are needed to give to my lover?"

Rong Su frowned, and looked at Liu Wei.

The flower seller said crisply, "Giving it to the one you love, naturally means giving it to nine. It has a long meaning and is beautiful."

Rong Ling instructed: "Pack nine flowers for me."

"Alright." The flower seller quickly wrapped up nine flowers and passed them to the man.

Rong Ling paid the silver, turned his head, and gave the flower to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth slightly and extend his hand out to receive it.

Rong Su stood at the side and watched as the space between his eyebrows twisted enough to pinch a fly to death.

Liu Wei immediately replied: "I'll take it for my general."

Rong Su frowned even more!

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