One second. Org, free of charge!

The two stayed silent in the room for a moment, then walked straight to the obvious wooden bed by the window.

With a crash, the white cloth was lifted!

Dead silence filled the air once again.

The elder sister let out a breath, gritted her teeth and said, "It's already like this, what else can we do? I can't tell. "

"How about, I'll give it a try?" The younger sister took a step forward. However, when the younger sister saw the disgusting, sticky internal organs underneath the overturned corpse, she covered her mouth and retreated half a step.

The elder sister patted her younger sister's shoulder. "Forget it, I can't find out. I'll ask Uncle Sixteen about it tomorrow."

"Leaving just like that?" his sister asked tentatively.

"What else can I do?" His sister's tone wasn't good. She was obviously irritated by the situation.

However, her sister mustered up her courage and looked around. When she did so, she suddenly stopped and frowned, "This corpse, was it just cut open?"

"Hmm?" His sister took half a step forward and ignored the organs in her abdomen, only looking at the traces of blood on her skin. After a while, she said, "The blood flow is very fast. Logically speaking, if you cut it open for a long time, the blood should have frozen and not flow so fast."

After saying that, she looked at her sister again.

His elder sister also looked towards his younger sister at the same time.

The two of them narrowed their eyes, and a cold feeling suddenly appeared on their backs. They turned their heads at the same time and focused their eyes, using the weak moonlight to search the dark room.

Liu Wei exhaled, and prepared to fight at any time!

Rong Ling also moved in front of Liu Wei without leaving a trace, protecting the lady behind him.

But at this moment, the little sister lowered her voice and called out, "Someone's coming."

As soon as he said this, the rest of the three people in the room all held their breath, and then, sure enough, there were light footsteps coming from outside the door.

The two sisters only glanced at each other before the older sister quickly covered the white cloth again, pulled the younger sister along and flew up onto the roof.

After a while, the door was pushed open again.

This time, a man in men's clothing, without a mask, elegantly dressed in grey … A woman.

Yes, it was a woman.

From Liu Wei's angle, he could accurately tell her gender. In terms of disguise, Liu Wei already had a very deep understanding of it, it would not be difficult for him to see through it with a glance.

The grey-robed woman walked in unhurriedly and closed the door. She stood at the door and pondered for a long time before walking to the wooden bed in front of the window again.

The woman's steps were slow, not like those of a night walker.

Walking up to the wooden bed, the woman took out a candle and a fire piston and openly lit the candle.

The room immediately lit up.

Rong Ling protected Liu Wei, pressing him further into the corner as to prevent himself from being exposed as much as possible.

Their position was still alright as they were hiding at least. However, the roof of the house was low to begin with. The two black-clothed men who were teetering on the beams of the house were immediately exposed to the light.

Even though the two of them did their best to conceal their presence and even hid behind the wooden pillars, they were still nowhere to be seen under the candlelight.

Liu Wei and Rong Ling both saw their shadows.

As for the woman in men's clothing, she simply did not raise her head.

The moment she opened her mouth, the woman froze.

Then, with a trembling motion, the woman covered the white cloth again. Then, she turned her head around, closed her eyes and let out a long breath.

This woman was obviously frightened as well.

Anyone who suddenly saw a corpse with its chest opened and head opened, and its internal organs became a river of blood would feel uncomfortable.

However, this woman clearly had some knowledge. At least, she didn't cry out in fright!

In this small morgue, the situation was a little complicated.

There were three groups of people gathered here.

Rong Ling at the corner.

The pair of black-clothed sisters on the beam of the room.

He was not afraid of any trouble. The High Lama lit a candle, afraid that the other party would not know that there was someone here.

The three groups were on their own, maintaining a delicate balance.

It was only when the lady in grey calmed her emotions and slowly opened her mouth, that her sharp voice finally broke the balance, "Since it's all because of this corpse, why don't you come out and meet me?"

The two sisters on the beam froze at the same time.

From Liu Wei's point of view, he could clearly see that the two sisters had already made preparations to go down to the ground.

But at the same time, a gust of fierce astral wind unerringly swept towards Liu Wei.

Liu Wei reacted quickly!

But Rong Ling's reaction was even faster!

The man frowned and moved his finger. The violent wind just as it was about to hit Liu Wei in the face, it had just turned and moved elsewhere!

Following that, wherever the gale passed, there was a loud bang!

The two buckets that were placed there shattered with a bang!

Rong Ling gradually narrowed his sharp eyes, the gale in his hands had already started to blow, and his body of steel was approaching the gray-clothed woman's eyes like a ray of light.

Subsequently, his hand blade pressed onto the grey clothed young girl's neck.

The gray-clothed woman's reaction was also fast. When she realized that her opponent was an expert, she had keenly retreated. In the thousandth of a second, her opponent's sword had missed and she had dodged the attack.

The woman took two steps back. Her pupils tightened as she rushed forward once again, to engage Rong Ling in close combat.

The woman's attacks were deadly, her methods were sinister and ruthless. Two of the moves even cut open the corner of Rong Ling's clothes.

Rong Ling's eyes turned cold. Without holding back, he formed a fist with his hand, the tip of his fist bringing about a fierce wind.

A man and a woman, one black and one grey, were fighting in the small morgue.

At first, Liu Wei was worried, but after watching for a while, he realized that Rong Ling had only used 30% of his strength, so he was relieved.

It seems that Rong Ling wanted to figure out this man's martial arts skills and not be controlled by him.

But even so, he had fought for too long.

Liu Wei walked out of the darkness, but didn't look at the two people fighting. Instead, he raised his eyes and looked at the dumbstruck sisters on the roof.

The two of them were wearing scarves, but Liu Wei knew that the expressions of these two sisters must be very stiff at this moment.

Liu Wei smiled, then said: "Apologies for scaring the two of you, but, some of the legal medical expert s did examine their corpses like that."

The two in the front did not move, their eyes did not even blink as they looked at Liu Wei.

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