One second. Org, free of charge!

When the three children were licking their candied flakes as they wished, Liu Wei turned around, but he was already nowhere to be seen.

Liu Wei did not mind, right when he was about to bring the three children back, he saw a slightly stooped figure from afar.

Liu Wei followed his son's finger and looked over. Indeed, he saw not too far away, at the crossroad, Rong Ling was standing there. And beside him, stood a man dressed in plain clothes.

The two were talking, seemingly familiar with each other.

Liu Wei recognized him. He was one of the Zhenge Sect's secret guards and had seen him when he was building the Yang Residence.

He had originally planned to take the three children back to the tavern, meet Rong Ling again and go to the Sanle Pawnshop. Now that he had met them on the street, he didn't have to walk around too much.

Liu Wei did not think too much and walked over while holding the three children's hand.

As the child and Liu Wei walked in, Rong Ling saw her too.

Liu Wei laughed, and was about to rush forward, when he saw Rong Ling turn his head and say a few words to the guard. The guard then turned and looked in Liu Wei's direction.

Liu Wei froze for a moment, then subconsciously stopped in his tracks, and stood a few steps away.

Very quickly, Rong Ling finished talking to the hidden guard. The hidden guard lowered his head and nodded, turned around, and swiftly entered a nearby alley.

But for some reason, Liu Wei felt that something was amiss.

"When did you wake up? Why didn't you sleep for a while longer?" Rong Ling caressed Xiaoli's hair and asked casually.

Liu Wei also replied casually, "I've slept enough."

With that, he looked in the direction the shadow guard had left and asked hesitantly, "Did something happen?"

Rong Ling looked at Liu Wei, and shook his head: "No, why would I ask that?"

Liu Wei didn't know why he had to ask this, but he felt that something was up.

Sometimes, a woman's sixth sense was accurate.

Liu Wei trusted her, so Liu Wei was very clear that there were almost no secrets between them. But just now, she had walked far away, and Rong Ling's demeanor and actions were clearly something that she did not want her to know.

Although they knew that Rong Ling's identity was different, it was normal for him to have some secrets.

But ever since they met, in terms of official affairs, Rong Ling had never lied to her.

Even if the King of Quan was interested in a conspiracy, he would still be able to calmly tell her about it, including the treasure map passed down from the imperial family for generations.

Liu Wei didn't want to ask too much either. She didn't want to know either about the Zhenge Sect since she didn't have that much curiosity either.

But because Rong Ling had deliberately avoided her, she instead paid a bit of attention to him.

Seeing that Rong Ling's gaze was calm, his eyes normal, as if nothing had happened, Liu Wei was too lazy to expose him, she just said that she was going to the Sanle Pawnshop.

Rong Ling naturally followed along.

Along the way, Xiaoli excitedly told Rong Ling about the female ghost, and the story was so lively and vivid.

Rong Ling listened calmly throughout the entire process, and from time to time, he would raise a few words to Xiaoli to communicate with him.

Liu Wei watched from the side, but somehow felt that Rong Ling was somewhat absent-minded.

In a short moment, they arrived at San Le Pawnshop. But Liu Wei didn't expect that the pawnshop wouldn't open its doors!

Liu Wei frowned, he went up to take a look, it was quiet inside, no one answered the door.

"Are you all here to be servants?" The peddler selling sweet potatoes outside the pawnshop suddenly asked.

Liu Wei looked at the vendor, paused for a moment, and nodded.

The stall owner said, "Then let's go to the other pawnshops. The Sanle Pawnshop has been closed for at least half a month."

"Don't open the door?" Liu Wei's eyes lit up.

"That's right. Last night, I heard that it was the capital's main store that wanted to discuss something. It seems that the matter of the store being resold or the store being swapped is a problem." In short, it suddenly closed and said it would be closed for half a month, waiting for the people in the main store to come up with a conclusion before opening it. "This is weird, a good pawnshop, it's fine as long as it's closed. If it's something that's being used as a pawnshop, it's fine, but if it's something that's being redeemed, what should I do?"

Liu Wei also saw Elder Li and immediately asked: "Has Elder Li left?"

"He left." The stall owner said, "He'll be gone after taking the items. He'll be gone for an incense stick of time."

Liu Wei frowned, then asked: "Does big brother know where Elder Li lives?"

"Huh?" The stall owner was stunned for a moment before he said: "I don't know where they live, but it seems like in the past, Elder Li and a few of the big managers in the pawnshop all lived in the backyard at the back of the pawnshop. However, Elder Li went out just now, so I don't think he lives here anymore."

Liu Wei listened quietly, and his expression became ugly.

How could it be such a coincidence? They closed the restaurant just like that, and it just had to be today.

Liu Wei's heart was thumping uncontrollably, Rong Ling watched from the side, he pinched her fingers without leaving a trace, making the man's finger feel warm and rough, rubbing Liu Wei's soft and soft fingers, he muttered: "I will have someone go check right now."

Liu Wei looked down at the ground, and nodded his head: "En." However, his tone was very low.

After a long while, Liu Wei added: "And those two sisters."

He had originally thought that the Sanle Pawnshop wouldn't be able to escape, and that there would be plenty of ways to investigate it. However, he never would have thought that a pawnshop would simply close its doors. The things it needed to investigate couldn't be found, and even people had disappeared.

In this situation, Liu Wei did not plan to let those two sisters go.

It was a good thing that although the identities of the sisters were unknown, at least one person's identity could be seen.

Ji Fengyuan.

A first-rate dancer from Baxiu Studio.

The famous man of the Guyong Mansion.

Liu Wei did not believe that the Baxiu Studio would be closed down overnight.

Because they could not find anyone in the pawnshop, Liu Wei and Rong Ling planned to return to the tavern, but after walking a few steps, they saw a group of yamen runners majestically pushing their way through the crowd.

Liu Wei looked up and saw a few familiar faces.

It was the head of the yamen runners who brought the boat family to recognize the other day. Because Liu Wei had praised the boat family greatly, before he left, the yamen runner even called Liu Wei Brother Liu.

A group of yamen runners walked over in an aggressive manner. From the looks of it, they were quite frightening.

Liu Wei mustered up his spirits, looked at the tightly shut doors of the Sanle Pawnshop, and lowered his eyes.

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