One second. Org, free of charge!

Liu Wei set his small-mindedness aside and started working.

Ye Yuanliang's case was extremely complicated, it was true. Liu Wei racked his brains just by looking at the cold steam condensing on Ye Yuanliang's body.

Liu Wei glanced at Rong Ling and was somewhat amused. Although this man seemed to despise Master Sun so much, he had taught him quite a lot in private.

However, what Liu Wei paid attention to, was not this.

"The person who found the corpse, was not someone from the inn, or even, was not from Guyong Mansion?" Liu Wei pointed to the third line of records, and slightly frowned.

Sun Qi nodded his head: "At that time, the one who found the corpse was an outsider. He was also a merchant from a foreign land and happened to live next to Ye Yuanliang's room. The merchant said that he wanted to go to the latrine in the early morning. When he passed by Ye Yuanliang's room, he saw that there were still candles burning, so he curiously looked inside, but this time, he saw that the room was unlocked and there was a crack in the door. Through the crack, he saw something hanging in the air, and with a shake, he boldly pushed it away.

Liu Wei frowned: "What about him?"

Sun Qi was startled for a moment, then cupped his hands to Liu Wei and said: "Master Liu, please wait."

With that, Sun Qi walked to the door and called out: "Xiao Hu, Elder Ji, come in."

Not long after, Brother Hu and Ji Feng walked in.

Brother Hu only felt a burning sensation in his head when he saw the two of them, who had extraordinary temperaments and were seated high above while sipping tea … These two were the lords from the capital!

And just as Brother Hu had still not recovered from his shock, Sun Qi had already asked Ji Feng.

Hearing Master Sun's words, Ji Feng looked at Liu Wei and Rong Ling, then said: "That young master has already left."

How could the First Founder allow him to leave just like that?

Liu Wei heaved a sigh of relief!

When Sun Qi saw Liu Wei's expression, he knew that he had gotten into trouble and hurriedly asked Ji Fengxian, "Why did you let him go? The case was not yet over. Everyone involved in the case had to stay behind! Why did he leave alone? Who let him go? "

Ji Feng raised his head neither humbly nor arrogantly. "It is you, my lord."

Sun Qi was startled.

Ji Feng continued, "That day, I asked the lord to tell him that the merchant said he wanted to leave, so what should we do? Lord, please tell me. We just coincidentally found the corpse, which is his bad luck. This matter has nothing to do with him, so let him go …"

Sun Qi thought that if he did not give an explanation, he would be in trouble in the future, so under such circumstances, how could he be so careless and let the people involved go so easily?

Seemingly knowing what his master was thinking, the middle-aged Master Ji said lightly, "Before he left, the merchant, in the name of alleviating poverty and disaster, paid a hundred taels of silver in the collection box at the yamen."

Sun Qi: "..."

It made sense. A hundred liang, a hundred liang, how could anyone not be tempted?

However, Master Rong had heard of such a petty thing before, so Sun Qi was embarrassed.

He hurriedly rubbed his nose and turned around to explain, "About that... The general, this official remembers, that merchant, this official let him go after confirming that he had nothing to do with the case. He is not from Guyong Mansion, he is a travelling merchant, and he still needs to bring the goods back. "And that one hundred taels of silver was indeed stuffed into the donation box. The idea of collecting the donation box was also taken by you, my lord. This official will not dare to defy your wishes and eat away at my wealth, doing things that discredit my reputation."

Sun Qi explained anxiously, afraid that Rong Ling would not believe him, but Rong Ling did not even look at him.

Liu Wei pointed to the few points above and said: "First, why do you need to go to the latrine in the wee room in the wee hours of the morning? Although the Guyong Mansion's climate is not as cold as the extreme north, but the weather right now is cold at night, and every inn has urinal pots prepared for guests to use. At night, how many men would go out to look for a latrine while they were still in a half awake state wrapped in a cold wind? "

Actually, Liu Wei was not afraid of the cold wind at night and wanted to look for the people from the rest room. However, that was also because she practiced martial arts, and because she was brimming with internal energy, she was not afraid of cold or heat.

However, if it were a normal person, they would not be so cautious.

After being in the Ancient Realm for so many years, Liu Wei had a clear understanding of some of the living habits of the Ancient Era.

Sure enough, after Liu Wei said this, the entire hall quietened down.

Sun Qi silently broke into two drops of cold sweat, feeling his head getting a little hot.

Liu Wei then pointed to the second point, and said: "At dawn, I happened to go to the latrine, and coincidentally saw a candle burning in the room next door? So, when did this candle light up? Under normal circumstances, the burning speed of a normal candle would be from two hours to one and a half hours. However, according to the confession of the first person, he discovered that the candle was still lit in the early hours of the morning. In other words, someone had already lit the candle in the room around two hours ago. "

Sun Qi felt that not only was his forehead hot, his back was also a little hot.

"Third." Liu Wei continued: The thing that's written here is that the person who discovered it would see through the gap in the door and see something floating in the air. Then the question is, why would the corpse that hung it be shaken? Was the window open, moved by the wind? Ye Yuanliang's weight is not light. Thinking about it, only a tornado can cause a living person that weighs nearly two hundred Jin to sway unsteadily. "

After Liu Wei finished talking at three o'clock, he felt as if his heart had cooled down by half.

That being said, the person who had made the first discovery was really too suspicious. The confessions seemed to be well-matched, but there was always an inexplicable coincidence and strangeness to them …

Then, could it be that that person really had something to do with Ye Yuanliang's death?

Yet, he had already let him go. In the donation box, there was still the one hundred taels of silver he had stuffed in before leaving …

What should he do now?

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