One second. Org, free of charge!

Just as they were worrying about their own business, there was a place where they were extremely free.

… ….

Sure enough, after a while, Ji Cha became dissatisfied. "You should at least say something."

Ji Wu was speechless!

It was still Ji Jin who agilely said with a soft voice as she held that pair of dazzling golden eyes, "Big Sister Feng Qi, we … No place to go. Rong Ling's men have already reached the Guyong Mansion. If we go out, we will be discovered. "

Ji Fengyuan sneered, his eyes full of ridicule.

Ji Wu couldn't see Ji Fengyuan's weird expression and immediately became angry: "I'm just lending you some places to hide for two days, do you really need to hide? It was not Uncle Li's order to stop us from interfering. Otherwise, I would have moved myself a few days ago, there's no need for me to continue watching your expression. "

Hearing this, Ji Jin anxiously pulled her sister, and carefully apologized to Ji Fengyuan: "Sister Feng Qi, my sister has been hiding away for quite a few days, she has a bit of a temper, don't blame her."

With a "thump" sound, Ji Fengyuan threw the teacup away. Because the action was too big, a large puddle of the tea water splashed out.

Ji Cha also suddenly stopped, and Ji Jin's expression became stiff.

The two of them carefully looked at Ji Fengyuan, and didn't even dare to breathe loudly.

Even though Ji Cha was quite daring just now, he was, after all, living under someone else's roof. If they were to offend the owner of the house, they might really be kicked out of the house.

Thinking about that scene, Ji Cha's head hurt.

If they let Liu Wei or Rong Ling find out, what they would do, what they would do about the clan was obviously not something they could talk about. Uncle Li and Uncle Sixteen had given the order to seal their mouths, and if the two of them secretly left the clan and acted on their own, it would already be a violation of clan rules. At this moment, they were all waiting to return and receive their punishment. How to escape?

Ji Cha suddenly regretted it now, she should not have tried to speak so quickly just now. It was just that she and Ji Heng found that the situation was special and they were unable to leave the Baxiu Studio. However, something had happened to Liu Wei, so she planned to agitate Ji Fengyuan a little and let him help him find the person he was looking for, or to understand the situation.

But it seemed like he had already done it, from the looks of it, Ji Fengyuan was about to burn the sisters' bodies.

Ji Cha was very nervous, and Ji Jin was also very uneasy. The two of them quietly waited for Ji Fengyuan to express his stance, but only saw Ji Fengyuan getting up and leaving slowly.

When Ji Fengyuan left, Ji Xiu was stunned. She asked Ji Jin quietly, "Did Ji Fengyuan understand what we mean?"

Ji Jin sadly shook her head. "I think I understand, but I don't agree either."


"Why else?" Ji Gui sighed, "Liu Wei had beaten Ji Fengyuan to such a state that he hadn't gotten out of bed for three whole days, which almost aroused the suspicion of the rest of the people in Baxiu Studio. I think that maybe Sister Maple Iris would like to find a time to secretly beat Liu Wei up and vent her anger. We still need to go and help her. "

"It's just a small grudge, how can it compare to the righteousness of the family!" Ji Hu said with a righteous face, "Liu Wei does not know Ji Fengyuan's identity, so it is normal for him to make a heavy move. Ji Fengyuan shouldn't be so stingy. We're family, we'll have to address each other as sisters in the future. Even if it was the Great Elder's dream, Ji Fengyuan should not just stand by and watch. You should also know, that after all these years, Great Aunt did not return, and Cousin Xia Qiu … My great aunt was alone, and I occasionally saw my great aunt sitting in the courtyard in the sun, making me sad. You and I did have good intentions, and before we came out we were already prepared to be punished, but why couldn't Ji Fengyuan help us out? Wasn't it just to ask around? Why is it so difficult? "

Seeing that her sister was getting increasingly angry, Ji Gui quickly stopped her and reminded her in a small voice, "The walls have ears."

Ji Hu was agitated. He slapped the table again and suddenly stood up, saying: "If it really doesn't work, we can go ourselves. We thought that if we really had to rely on Ji Fengyuan's connections, wouldn't that just be asking for a child? How many kidnappers can there be in Guyong Mansion?

"What if he wasn't kidnapped?" Ji Gui said.

"Then …" Ji Xiu muttered to himself: "I have to think of a way to remind Liu Wei."

Ji Jin knew what this' reminder 'meant, and her face slightly darkened.

… ….

"Girl, look, is this silk flower pretty?"

"Girl, your hair is really black. When it grows long, it will definitely be even more beautiful."

"Girl, do you like dad or mom?"

"Little girl, I have something to take care of. I have to go on a long journey and might be back in a long time. I'm not as meticulous as you are, so if you want to take care of me, let me take care of you."

"Little girl, this sister promises you that when this sister gets married, she will definitely let you embroider your dowry. She will also definitely find you the best one, the most suitable for your family …"

In the midst of the haziness, the voice of someone echoed in his ears.

The little girl felt as if her entire body was floating, as if she was soaking in water or floating on a cloud.

The little girl wanted to move, but she couldn't. Her hands and feet seemed to be bound, and she couldn't move.

The little girl frowned with difficulty, forcing herself to open her eyes. Finally, she saw a weak image.

The little girl's vision was very blurry. She did not see many things. She only felt that something was flickering in the sky. It was bright, big and numerous. It looked like a star.

The little girl tried moving her fingers and found that they were able to move. She wanted to sit up, but found that her wrists and ankles were tied, making it impossible for her to get up.

"This is …" Where?

The girl mumbled as she rolled her eyes. However, due to her poor condition, she seemed to be on the verge of fainting.

Right before the little girl fainted, the steady footsteps of a man sounded in his ear.

The little girl looked towards the source of the voice. There was only a hazy figure there. The little girl tried her best to see clearly, but she was still unable to see clearly.

And just when the man's figure was getting closer and closer and the girl thought she finally understood, her vision blurred and she fainted again.

Was he having a strange dream?

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