One second. Org, free of charge!

The sound of footsteps approached from afar. It was abnormally slow.

Liu Wei stood in his original position, quietly staring at the direction of the main entrance.

But if you looked closely, you could still see its outstanding charm.

This kind of charm didn't match with his personality. Liu Wei looked at him, stared at his smile, and only one word surfaced in his mind and heart.

He was clearly a gentle and refined person, yet when his gaze shifted, it revealed an unconcealable calmness. This person truly had two sides.

Zhong Ziyu did not sit, he only took out a small bag and placed it on the table beside Liu Wei.

Liu Wei looked at the small package. Looking at its size, it looked like it was made of incense.

Liu Wei picked it up, removed the outer layer of skin, held it in his hand and sniffed, then nodded: "It really does smell good, Young Master Zhong, please sit first."

Zhong Ziyu laughed: "No, it's not early, I will take my leave now."

He turned to go.

Liu Wei frowned, then went forward and grabbed his arm!

Zhong Ziyu stopped and looked down at Liu Wei's little white hand.

Zhong Ziyu raised his brows, "It's already too late, if Master really has something to discuss, why don't you pick out an hour tomorrow?"

"I'm not free today."

"My lord is free only at night?"


Liu Wei squinted and said: "You have to be busy in the yamen tomorrow."

"Are you working with Lord Rong?"

Liu Wei didn't know how to reply. This person was obviously probing if she had an owner.

If he had an owner, what would he do?

If he didn't have an owner, then tonight, he would be able to retain her!

In fact, with Rong Ling not being here right now, even if Liu Wei denies his relationship with him, he should be fine.

But for some reason, when he thought about the consequences of denying it, Liu Wei felt goosebumps all over his back, and felt uncomfortable all over.

He always felt that staying alive was the most important thing, so he decided not to make up his own mind.

After pondering for a moment, Liu Wei thought of an excuse, and deliberately asked with a smile: "Does Sir Zhong care so much about Master Rong, have you taken a fancy to him?"

Zhong Ziyu was startled, and then he laughed out loud!

This person really liked to laugh. A warm smile, a bright smile, a reserved smile, and a restrained smile, but these laughs, in Liu Wei's ears, felt extremely uncomfortable.

"Master Liu sure knows how to joke around." After laughing for a while, Zhong Ziyu finally stopped and shook his head as he spoke.

Zhong Ziyu was overjoyed from being teased by him. He no longer refused and sat down.

He finally got to the point!

Liu Wei raised his spirits, picked up the piece of ink and asked: "Sir Zhong likes to collect ink, I believe you have studied calligraphy, which famous official would you like to write it?"

Zhong Ziyu leaned against the back of the chair and said indifferently: "I don't love books and ink."

The topic was a failure!

Liu Wei was startled and changed the topic: "What about the painting?"

"I don't like painting either."

This person really didn't know how to chat!

"Then what does Young Master like?"

Zhong Ziyu's eyes stared fixedly at Liu Wei, and the corner of his mouth hooked up once again: "I like it … "Human."

"People?" Liu Wei's hand, which was holding the ink, trembled.

"Yes, people." Zhong Ziyu suddenly stood up. The man's height made Liu Wei, who was sitting, feel an inexplicable sense of pressure.

He slowly walked over, all the way until he was in front of Liu Wei, then bent over and used his hands to support the two armrests on Liu Wei's chair, leaning over, close to Liu Wei …

Liu Wei leaned his back against the chair uncomfortably.

Zhong Ziyu however, got closer and closer, until the two of them could practically feel each other's breath. As for Liu Wei, his tightly clenched fists, also loosened up a little.

If this person dared to come any closer, she would not be able to hold her fist back!

"My lord …" Zhong Ziyu suddenly said.

His voice was very soft, and most likely because the two were too close, Liu Wei could even hear his calm heartbeat.


"Did anyone ever say how good your life was?"

Liu Wei pursed his lips, thought for a moment and replied, "Sir Zhong's birth is also good."

Liu Wei looked at him quietly, and did not move.

Liu Wei immediately felt goosebumps all over her body. Even if his impact was very short, in just an instant, she felt that her fist was truly about to explode!

No one had ever told Liu Wei that a beautiful man's trick was this difficult!

For some inexplicable reason, Liu Wei once again hated Rong Su!

Zhong Ziyu only touched Liu Wei a little, as though he knew that Liu Wei was going to attack him, and retreated a little, but still smiled and said: "Skin is good too."

Even if Young Master Zhong had the skin of an adult, she could only look at him coldly. She thought to herself, I really don't have the talent to be a beautiful man, I might as well forget about it, what is with these words, if I don't have to use some tricks, if I have to capture and beat him up, I might be able to get the news too!

Just as Liu Wei was thinking about whether he should knock Zhong Ziyu out or capture him and tie him up, Zhong Ziyu said again: "Does Master Liu know what kind of ink stone this Tan Mo wants to use, is it the best?"

Liu Wei made up her mind to suppress her violent thoughts. She braced herself and asked, "What kind of ink stone does Young Master Zhong think is most suitable?"



Liu Wei didn't know much about books, but he had heard about Ming Yan before. It couldn't be considered a top quality ink stone, and it could be considered to be everywhere in the capital.

"The ink stone is mixed with musk powder and can awaken one's spirit. The fragrance is very rich and fascinating. Usually, the students love to use these two ink stones. When combined, it has an unexpected effect."

An unexpected effect.

Musk, sandalwood.

What was he telling her? Just how much did this young man know?

Liu Wei clenched his teeth, and suddenly stood up! Standing opposite of Zhong Ziyu, she pinched his collar! She pulled him over and placed the tip of her nose on his collar. She sniffed and said, "Young Master Zhong, you're talking about this kind of musk deer …"

"It's very lively." Before Liu Wei could finish his question, he heard a low, sinister and rich male voice coming from the entrance.

Liu Wei's face was still leaning in front of Zhong Ziyu, and her fingers had even grabbed onto his collar. It was probably because her actions were too sudden, but Zhong Ziyu's appearance was still extremely awkward.

And in this position, Liu Wei pounced on the white-robed, weak scholar like an anxious wolf, attempting to swallow him into his stomach …

Liu Wei felt that right now, she was not going to recover at all.

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