One second. Org, free of charge!

Rong Ling then looked at Rong Su coldly and said: "Go and sleep with this big girl."

Rong Su remained silent for almost a century, before opening his mouth: "Why?"

His relationship with Rong Ling, was definitely not a good one. Normally, just nodding friends would be fine, but now, Rong Ling had directly ran over to his room.

If they met in the capital, they would have taken a detour in the same restaurant.

Rong Su's face darkened, and reminded him once again: "This is my room."

Rong Ling looked at Rong Su with an indifferent expression and repeated himself, "Go and sleep with this big girl."

Rong Su was unconvinced: "Why should I?"

Rong Ling sneered, but didn't say why.

Seeing the narrow smile in Rong Ling's eyes, Rong Su was startled. He was unsure, did Rong Ling know that he had sent someone to inform him?

If he knew, he would also be the one to thank him. If there was anything between Mr.Liu and Zhong Ziyu, then the one who would get cuckolded would also be him, Rong Ling.

After being silent for a long while, Rong Su did not plan to clash head on with Rong Ling, so he found an excuse and said: "Men and women should not be intimate with each other."

Rong Ling glanced at his Seventh Brother: "This girl is still a child."

Rong Su pursed her lips: "Then why didn't third brother go?"

Rong Ling said calmly: "Men and women should not be intimate with each other."

Rong Su: "..."

Rong Su felt that he did not really understand this Third Prince. This person seemed to be even more shameless than he thought!

In the past, he only felt that he was aloof, inhumane, difficult to win over, and his personality was decisive! At this moment, he realised Rong Ling's two shortcomings.

It seemed that he would be able to detest this third brother of his without any burdens in the future.

In the end, Rong Su was still chased out. But before he left, Rong Su seemed to have looked at the direction under the bed, and quickly withdrew his gaze.

After the time it took for an incense to burn, Rong Ling laid down on the bed calmly, his long clean fingers rhythmically tapping on the edge of the bed.

His movements were very slow, as if he was bored and had a headache.

As the time that Rong Ling took to hit the bed grew longer and longer, a sound finally came out from under the bed.

"Clang clang …"

The sound was not very loud, it sounded more like the sound of a mouse running into something.

The man on the bed sneered and closed his eyes.

Rong Ling did not want to know anything, and nothing that happened with Rong Su could escape his eyes. He just didn't like people spying on him in his room.

It was already very late. It had only been less than four hours since daybreak.

In front of the chair, there was a shelf on which there used to be a lantern.

That lantern in the gourd was actually his, but that child insisted on exchanging them …

Now, it was unknown whether the little girl was alive or dead.

Staring at that shelf, Rong Su started to let his imagination run wild.

Tonight was already his fifth night of insomnia.

No one noticed.

But his royal father … In the end, even he had been tricked.

Perhaps, royal father will even use someone with value. He is not the first, and definitely not the last.

His brother, the Crown Prince, was in a worse condition than the others.

At such a critical juncture, he had left the capital and found an excuse for an unknown patrolling soldier. After leaving for a few months, he had managed to escape the calamity and barely made it out alive.

However, this sort of peace was only temporary. After a while, they would all fall in as well.

At that time, no one would be able to predict who would live and who would die.

"Little girl …" On the bed, a soft and childish voice interrupted Rong Su's thoughts.

Rong Su got up and walked over.

Using the moonlight, Rong Su saw that the little girl on the bed had kicked over the blanket and was holding onto a corner of the pillow. Her fingers were tightly clenched, and she was still mumbling her little sister's name.

Rong Su watched on like this. After a while, he reached out his hands to pull up the blanket, turned around, and returned to the chair in his room.

Whether a child lived or died was not important to him, so he did not need to worry too much about it.

If Liu Wei had not threatened him, he would not have sent people to do such a pointless thing to find a useless child.

However, since he had found the body, he had to at least find it first.

It was a good understanding of this meeting.

… ….

Ji Fengyuan felt that she shouldn't have come out tonight. She knew that Ji Xing had come to the Guyong Mansion and that he was staying at the yamen, but Ji Fengyuan had never planned to come to see him so soon.

Since he was at the yamen, the matter of contacting him was naturally left to Uncle Sixteen.

Even if Uncle Sixteen wasn't here right now, she still shouldn't have acted rashly.

But she still came and avoided everyone.

She did not bring her official status to see Ji Xing, she had her own selfish motives.

However, she could not let Ji Xing see through this kind of selfishness.

He stood at the back door of the yamen for a long time. It was already morning.

And at this time, she knew that this was the time when the yamen would relax the most.

Actually, the defense of this kind of place could simply be ignored. But Ji Xing was now a suspect in this case, even if he wasn't imprisoned in the Sky Prison, he would definitely have one or two people guarding him from the side.

If she wanted to approach without anyone noticing, she could only wait.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Ji Fengyuan walked in and looked for the familiar room. Without needing her eyesight, she saw a person sitting at the door in the middle.

Ji Fengyuan knew that there was one person at the door, and one more person in the room.

Pursing his lips, Ji Fengyuan easily jumped up to the roof, then went to the back window and peeked his head in. The inside was very small, it seemed to only have a bed and a table.

Beside the table, there was a yamen runner who was lying down crookedly. On the bed, there was a man whose face could not be clearly seen sleeping.

Ye Zichen snapped his fingers.

The man on the bed almost immediately moved.

The man turned his body and turned his head. He easily saw half of a person's face in the half-opened window.

Ji Xing sat up and directly said, "Come in."

Ji Fengyuan who was outside the window was startled for a moment, he opened the window slightly and jumped in, but could not help but look at the bailiff who was dozing on the table with worry.

"I've fainted." Ji Xing said.

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