One second. Org, free of charge!

He was dazed, dazed, confused, and unconscious.

The little girl sat on the ground, stupefied. She opened her eyes wide, stroked her numb head, and looked around while knocking on her skull with all her might.

The little girl curled herself up and hugged her knees. She stared at the stone wall with her back leaning against it, sniffing in fear.

The little girl didn't cry, not a single tear. She just curled up with her head down, thinking about something.

Time ticked by, and there was still no light in her surroundings. However, as she breathed, the little girl could smell the smell of sand.

Occasionally, the soft cries of wild beasts could be heard.

This little girl judged that she should be in the mountains, and right now, she was probably in a cave.

However, the last time she woke up, she remembered that she was clearly in the same room.

It was a very narrow room, and it had a strange smell, like rust, and it stank, but it was a beautiful room, and when you opened your eyes you could see stars shining, one and two, shining, right in front of her, as if she could pick them with a single hand.

However, every time she was about to pick it, she would fall asleep again.

Time and again, the little girl couldn't remember how many times she had slept or woken up. She only remembered that the stars were always waiting for her in front of her. As long as she opened her eyes, she would be able to see them.

He didn't know what had happened to him. He didn't even feel hungry or thirsty.

He didn't know if he could go back to his sisters and masters.

The only thing she could do now was to run, but where should she run to? What is this place? She knew nothing.

People were always afraid of things that they couldn't see with their eyes. Even an adult would not be able to quickly recover his mind and escape after a series of unforeseen events, let alone a little girl who was still young and inexperienced.

As time slowly passed, the little girl felt a little cold on her body. She could hear the sound of water dripping from the narrow mountain wall.

One drop, one drop. The sound of the water was intermittent, as if it was the only sound that could accompany her.

The little girl was actually very scared. Her heart was very anxious and she thought of many things in her mind. She thought that she might be able to wait until daybreak. Perhaps when there was light here, she would be able to clearly see her surroundings and plan her escape.

But did she have time?

Why did he wake up so long this time? Why didn't he fall asleep again? Why did the house disappear and become what seemed to be a cave?

She couldn't find an answer no matter how many questions she had. Gradually, she felt the temperature getting colder and colder. Goosebumps appeared all over her thin clothes.

Why is it so cold?

The little girl unconsciously shrunk her body even tighter. However, the temperature of her body continued to drop bit by bit. Her consciousness began to blur again.

At the same time, not far away from the little girl, in the darkness, a pair of clear eyes contained a smile.

This little girl thought that there was no one here, but in reality, this place … From the very beginning, there had been someone, in the darkness, who had been staring at her, watching her.

At the same time, in an inn in the city.

"Where?" Rong Su covered the disappointment in his eyes and calmly asked.

The man in black replied, "That's right. I picked up one of the kid's shoes at the slope located a hundred miles outside the city."

It was just a shoe, and it didn't mean anything.

Besides, he had been missing for a long time. He would either bring the child away or leave him in the city. Why did he hide the little girl there at such a close distance?

However, he had been searching for a while now and had some clues. If it didn't hurt Dajia, he could at least check it out.

"Give the order to stay nearby and continue searching." Rong Su instructed.

The man in black cupped his hands and left.

Only after he had left did Rong Su take out the letter that was pressed at the bottom. The brush was stained with ink and just as he was about to write, the tip of the brush fell, and he stopped again.

Being interrupted again and again, Rong Su was annoyed.

He raised his eyes and looked at the tightly shut door. He then pressed the letter back down, walked over, and opened the door with a 'hualala' sound.

In the corridor outside the room, the girl was holding onto the railing with a flushed face. Just as she was about to pass by, the door suddenly opened, giving the girl a fright!

After being ill for a few days consecutively, his already pale face now seems even more transparent.

Rong Su heard the sound of footsteps coming out, but he didn't expect that it was a big girl.

"Where are you going?" Rong Su asked coldly.

Big Sis was always a little afraid of this Seventh Young Master she didn't want to get close to, so she lowered her head and stared at the tip of her shoes. I think... "

The big girl said this in an intermittent manner. Just as she said those two words, the following words were silenced.

However, Rong Su did not need to guess to know what Big Girl's intentions were.

He picked up the sickly little girl and dragged her back into the room. He threw her onto the bed and said in a deep voice, "Don't cause trouble. If you're sick, then rest well."

The big girl hugged the blanket, feeling wronged. She buried her face in the blanket and said softly, "I want to go … "Looking for my sister …"

"If someone is looking for you, it's not your turn!"

Of course, this big girl also knew.

Even though she was sick these few days, she knew that Young Master Liu and Third Young Master had sent people to help her find her sister. Even this Seventh Young Master in front of her seemed to have sent someone to help her.

With so many people concerned about her and looking for her, of course she would be happy.

But his sister still hadn't returned. Big Sis couldn't sit still any longer. Just now, when she woke up, she had a nightmare. In her dreams, Big Sis had taken the little girl away.

This dream frightened the girl so much that she felt goosebumps all over her body. She was afraid that this dream would become a reality.

Actually, there was a secret girl who hadn't told him about it. She had once heard her parents whisper that it was … He said that his elder sister was already dead.

This little girl always thought that Big Sis was sold out. In reality, Big Sis was indeed sold out. However, not long after, someone came back to inform her that someone had died less than a month ago.

As for how he died, the opponent refused to say.

Since the other party had already sold out, his parents did not pursue the matter any further. In the end, they could only silently accept the news.

Acceptance was acceptance. Believe it or not was another matter.

This big girl didn't see Big Sis's corpse and didn't believe it at all. How could this be possible? She had only left for a month and she had already died?

How did he die?

Big Sis has lived at home for more than ten years, and she's still fine. Why did she die so quickly when she went out?

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