One second. Org, free of charge!

Returning back to the tavern safely, Rong Su carried the little girl.

"Little girl …" The big chick dragged her sickly body to the front.

Rong Su did not say anything as he carried the little girl back to her room.

The others followed him in.

The little girl's condition was not very serious. Other than malnutrition and her weak physique, she should not have eaten for a long time. Her life was not in danger.

The only serious wound on his body was the one on his forehead. However, after wiping his face clean, he realized that although the wound looked scary, it was shallow and did not hurt his brain.

The scars on this spot could be covered with hair. Liu Wei also had the medicine to remove the scars on his body.

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief, and when they calmed down, Liu Wei saw that there was another wound on Rong Su's arm.

"Let me see." The doctor took Rong Su's hand and tried to roll up Rong Su's sleeves.

This was a doctor's conditioned reflex, but Rong Su did not appreciate it.

He waved away Liu Wei's attentiveness and lightly said: "I'm fine."

Liu Wei frowned, since this man was so stubborn, she could not be bothered with him.

Rong Su returned to his room alone. In his heart, he was still thinking about the letter that he did not write. After looking at it for a while, he did not care about the injuries on his hand.

After a while, Rong Ling went out and came back with a complicated expression on his face.

Liu Wei saw that Rong Ling was in a bad mood, so he tucked himself in the corner. He got up and walked a little distance before asking: "What's the matter?"

Rong Ling took out an item wrapped in a brocade handkerchief and handed it over to Liu Wei: "What is this?"

Liu Wei took it, opened it to take a look, and opened it wide his eyes: "This …"

Rong Ling said with a heavy tone, "Tell me, what kind of animal's eyes are these?"

Rong Ling could easily see that this was an eyeball, but with the secret guard's report to him, he was only willing to believe that it was an animal's eye.

As for Liu Wei, after staring at that eyeball for a long time, he couldn't help but raise his head and reply with a slightly deep expression: "Human eyes."

Even if it was only an eyeball and there were no other organs, the size, color and curvature of a human eye were completely different from an animal's.

Liu Wei only needed a glance to confirm it.

But Rong Ling's tone of voice was wrong, so Liu Wei did not dare to be too arbitrary. He carefully read it several times, but the final answer still did not change.

Rong Ling's expression finally, completely darkened.

Liu Wei asked: "What's going on?"

Rong Ling pursed her lips: "There are dozens of these eyeballs where I found girls."

Liu Wei was shocked.

A person only had two eyes. If they had dozens of eyeballs, then at least dozens of lives would have been lost.

"Maybe not." Some of the animals had eyeballs that were close to that of a human's. Liu Wei said, "Bring me to that place."

Rong Ling frowned and acknowledged it, then looked in the direction of the bed.

Liu Wei also looked over, with some pity on his face: "I wonder what this girl has been through these past few days."

Rong Su had never mentioned the entire process of saving the little girl, but the entire secret guard was present, so it was the same if they reported this to him.

Liu Wei and Rong Ling did not knock on Rong Su's door again. Rong Su had also been writing furiously, writing a long letter in his room.

When Rong Su finished writing and sent his men out, he was finally free. He stood at the window and looked at the full moon hanging in the sky, and when he came out of his room, he saw the big sister carrying a water bottle, walking down the corridor.

Seeing that Rong Su had left the room, Big Sis called out happily, "Seventh Young Master."

Rong Su looked at the big girl and saw that she seemed to be in good spirits. The long lasting pain also seemed to have disappeared in a moment, and he asked: "Is the little girl awake?"

"Not yet." The girl said, "Young Master Liu said that I am a bit weak right now and will wake up soon. Young Master is still taking care of me in his room, so I am not worried."

Rong Su did not ask the big girl whether she was worried or not, and only declined to comment on the big girl's initiative. However, it was as if he did not pay any more attention to the little girl after he returned.

The lighting in the cave was not good, and he did not stop when he returned. He still did not know what the little girl's current condition was.

As a result, the big girl carried the new tea into the room, and Rong Su followed her in.

Looking at the pale and unconscious girl lying on the bed, Rong Su frowned. He wanted to reach out to touch her, but a small hand came to him.

"Don't touch her." Rong Su turned around and met Xiaoli's serious eyes. "The little girl needs to rest now, don't touch her."

Rong Su's face was cold. He never had any good impression of these people, since he was stopped, he was too lazy to linger around, so he turned and left!

Waiting until Rong Su left, only then did the girl carefully say: "Seventh Young Master … Just caring about this little girl. "

"Don't touch it." The boy, who was not even five years old, said resolutely, "I need to rest now. I can't touch it." It was still that same line, very persistent.

When the girl heard this, she could only nod. Her little sister's temples were dripping with sweat. Holding her sleeve, she wanted to wipe it away. But just as she reached out her hand, it was opened as well.

The girl looked at the little gongzi in confusion.

Xiaoli frowned: "Your clothes are dirty, you can't touch them right now, she wants to rest."

The big girl looked at her clean white clothes, then saw that the little gongzi brought out a clean brocade handkerchief and personally wiped off the sweat on her forehead. In the end, the big girl silently retreated to the back and obediently didn't dare to move again.

He couldn't even touch his own sister; this young noble was too strict.

Xiaoli also didn't want to be this strict, but mother and Uncle Rong warned him before they left that he must take care of this little girl and not let anyone touch her. If anyone touched her, they would say that this little girl needed to rest and couldn't be touched.

It was said that once one was bitten by a snake, whether the kidnapper would return or not, no one knew, but it was better to be cautious.

Being given such a huge mission, Xiaoli naturally had to improve himself, and did not dare to slack off. Thus, not only did he not allow others to get close to the little girl, he had to be on guard against even people he knew.

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