Liu Wei thought that there was no formalin in the Ancient Era, it was just that he felt that no one could develop it.

In the beginning, the formation of the ant acid, the scientists used distilled water, distilling ants, to get this acid, after extraction, it was found that it can be used in many ways, its function of antisepsis and disinfection, the most significant.

But in ancient times, no one had ever published such a theory. Who could independently extract insect secretions, causing the production of formic acid, causing the formation of formaldehyde, and finally dissolving formaldehyde into water to form formalin?

The frown never left his face.

Liu Wei walked forward and saw a round eyeball on a small rock by the side. The pupil was black and the surroundings were bloodshot white.

Human eyes again!

Liu Wei recognized it at a glance!

What happened next, Liu Wei did not let anyone else interfere.

Liu Wei personally investigated the scene and took the evidence. In a short while, he had collected all the eyeballs left behind, and in the end, he found that there were sixty-two of them.

Not to mention the burst of liquid on the ground.

After he finished inspecting the cave, Liu Wei raised his head and stared at the ten lanterns hanging at the ceiling of the cave.

The most obvious one was the lantern with the gourd in the middle.

It was exactly the same as the girl's.

Or perhaps, it was the same one.

These lanterns flew very high. Liu Wei looked at them for a long time before finally rising into the air.

When his hand touched the surface of the lantern, Liu Wei was stunned for a moment.

Rong Ling walked up and touched it.

The feeling coming from the surface of the lantern was indeed not made from paper. It looked like a thin piece of leather. It seemed to be grinded leather, but also looked like a thin piece of sheepskin.

These lanterns in this cave were obviously abnormal.

The lantern was broken just like that.

As he cut open a piece of skin and held it in his hand, touching the lines and feel the skin, Liu Wei's expression, from the start, was calm, and it slowly became out of control.

Seeing the change in Liu Wei's expression, Rong Ling frowned: "What's wrong?"

Liu Wei's fingers stiffened as he turned his head to look at Rong Ling. "I think …"


Liu Wei did not continue. He did not know how to explain it, because once he said it, this guess and feeling was simply too inconceivable.

Looking at the lanterns above, which were as numerous as stars, Liu Wei suddenly felt a chill at the back of his neck. If it was as Liu Wei had imagined, then, this place ….

Liu Wei was someone who was used to big scenes, especially when it came to all kinds of murders, it was a common occurrence.

Whether it was a serial killer case, a case of dismembering corpses, or an even more abnormal weirdo case, Liu Wei had dealt with them before. But at least, it wasn't enough to make Liu Wei make a fuss.

But now, with 62 human eyeballs in front of Liu Wei and a bunch of leather special lanterns, Liu Wei was suddenly no longer as calm.

Because the population involved was too big.

Big to the point that it exceeded Liu Wei's expectations.

Seeing Liu Wei's expression, she turned and turned, and in the span of a few breaths, she had already turned a full circle.

Just when Rong Ling thought Liu Wei was pondering about something, Liu Wei suddenly opened his mouth quietly: Inform the yamen, send people over to seal the entire forest and forest, especially this cave, set up a line of defense, and rank it as a forbidden zone.

It was rare to hear such a serious tone from Liu Wei, who looked at Liu Wei for a while, waved his hand and quickly ordered.

Not long after, Brother Hu hurried over with a few people.

Liu Wei did not say much, and spoke in a concise and concise manner: "A murder case can be killed with an initial estimate of thirty-five to forty people dead. There are both males and females, time is uncertain."

Brother Hu and the rest looked at Liu Wei in a daze, all of them confused.

Murder? They're dead here again? Thirty-five to forty people died?

Impossible, how could so many people die so suddenly!

And the body? If someone died, what about their corpse?

As if he knew what they were thinking, Liu Wei lifted his head and looked at the lanterns above his head with a profound gaze.

A human skin lantern.

Never would he have thought that there would be someone in this world who would use human skin as a lantern.

Rong Ling had already guessed it, his expression was ugly, although his expression was not as rich as Liu Wei's, it was definitely considered extremely cold.

Brother Hu and the rest waited for a long time, but did not wait for Master Liu to continue.

Just as everyone was looking at each other, Master Liu suddenly flew into the air, waved his hand and released a gust of wind, causing all the lanterns to fall down. He then used his Qi to wrap them all up, and pushed them all to Brother Hu and the rest.

Suddenly surrounded by a group of lanterns, Brother Hu and the rest took a few steps back in fear.

"Bring these back, I want to check them one by one."

Bring what?


Wasn't it a murder case? The murder didn't see the body, but he was going back with a bunch of lanterns? Is this a garden party or the Lantern Festival?

Liu Wei didn't explain anymore. This matter was something that he needed to tell Master Sun first, after all, this matter was too big.

It was at this time that Sun Qi was dug out by someone.

The person who came to report was still Old Shelled, but this time, Sun Qi did not hesitate. Upon hearing that it was Master Rong and Master Liu calling him, he put on his clothes, and before he could even put on his shoes, he rushed over.

Upon entering the yamen's main hall, the first thing Sun Qi saw was a pile of lanterns on the ground that had been extinguished. These lanterns were all beautiful in style and were excellent in craftsmanship, if they were sold outside, it would at least cost 5 taels of silver. They were definitely different from those paper lanterns that could be scrapped just by playing once.

Sun Qi did not like money, but ever since he had become the official in charge of the Guyong Mansion, he had become stingy. So when he suddenly saw over a dozen expensive lanterns in front of him, his heart started to itch a little. The two lords woke up in the middle of the night just to give a gift to someone who had just gotten off work? However, we don't have that many people at the yamen, so we won't need so many lanterns. However, since it is the intentions of the two lords, I shall accept it. In order not to waste any of it, we will hang two of these lanterns outside the yamen. "Selling the money and improving the quality of the food for the brothers below, isn't that right …"

After Sun Qi finished speaking, he acted as if he had gotten the upper hand and laughed twice. However, he was the only one laughing, Lord Rong and Master Liu both looked at him silently, their eyes deep.

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