One second. Org, free of charge!

How could he coax them? Tell a bedtime story?

What could he say?

Liu Wei was already sleepy on the way back, but after suddenly letting him sleep, he started to lose sleep. He only spoke a little more, there was no need for this man to be like that.

Liu Wei didn't dare to talk nonsense with Rong Ling again, and obediently closed his eyes.

Someone said that when the pressure was too great, appropriate moments of indulgence would be able to relieve the pressure. However, it was impossible for Liu Wei to be interested in doing such a thing under the circumstance where there were so many clues piled up in front of him.

Once he closed his eyes, it did not take long for Liu Wei to truly fall asleep.

Rong Ling frowned as he stood up from Liu Wei's body. He placed his hand on her forehead and paused for a long time before lightly releasing it.

got off the bed and walked out. When he opened the door, he saw that outside the corridor, Rong Su was still standing there with the little girl in his arms.

Closing the door, Rong Ling walked directly into the girl's room without paying attention to Rong Su.

Upon entering, he saw that Xiaoli was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly, while the big girl was also lying on the table, sleeping soundly.

Rong Ling reached out and rubbed his son's head.

Xiaoli did not wake up.

Rong Ling tapped his finger on his son's head.

Xiaoli did not wake up.

Rong Ling changed places, and used his fingers to pinch the flesh on the back of his son's neck tightly.

Xiaoli did not wake up.

Rong Ling bent over and immediately picked his son up.

Xiaoli did not wake up.

Rong Ling: "..."

Rong Su, who was behind them, had a cold smile on his face. The disdain hidden within that smile seemed to be saying, "You want him to wake up with these moves?" He was overestimating himself.

Rong Ling slightly paused, and then went close to his son's ear and whispered something.

In an instant, the boy who had been sleeping motionlessly suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes lit up.

Rong Su was startled.

Rong Ling laughed and pinched the tip of Xiaoli's nose: "Are you asleep?"

Xiaoli regained his senses, looked at the place he was at, then looked at Uncle Rong, then grabbed his sleeves and said excitedly: "Uncle Rong, I dreamt that someone wanted to give me a fresh corpse, one that wasn't too damaged, and could cut it with one hand, and even collect all the corpses of the organs. I want to make another skull, all my specimens are complete."

The little fellow remembered the scene in his dream, Rong Ling just calmly put the child down, and said: "The little girl is sick."

It was only then that Xiaoli realised that he had fallen asleep while taking care of the little girl. His brain jolted as he hurriedly looked at the bed, and when he realized that the little girl was not there, he turned around and saw the little girl in Rong Su's embrace.

"You …" Xiaoli was very angry, his face flushed red as he accused Rong Su, "I clearly said, this little girl wants to rest and can't be touched. Why did you steal this little girl away!"

Without saying a word, Rong Su returned the little girl back to her bed and coldly said: "I'll return it to you!"

Xiaoli hurried over to check on the girl's condition, and discovered that she had a fever. He looked at Rong Su with an even uglier gaze, and pouted.

Rong Su exhaled, turned his head and looked at Rong Ling, then asked: "You said that he is your son?"

Rong Ling raised his eyebrows, and did not comment.

"I do." Rong Su said: "Same as you, detestable."

After Rong Su finished speaking, he turned around and was about to leave the room, but when he arrived at the door, he paused for a moment and turned around to look again. This time, he saw that the little girl on the bed had already opened her eyes and was staring straight at him with a pair of hazy black eyes.

The little girl just looked at Rong Su, without saying a word, she did not call for anyone, much less act like she was acting coquettishly towards her master, like how she had burnt herself last night.

The young and old looked at each other for a while. Xiaoli's soft and small body stood between the two of them, cutting off their line of sight.

Rong Su retracted his gaze and left, no longer caring about other people's business.

Once her line of sight was obstructed, the little girl panicked for a moment before she turned her head away, avoiding the little gongzi's body. When she looked outside again, she could no longer see the tall figure.

Xiaoli pressed his palm against the girl's forehead and asked: "Girl, are you feeling bad right now? I'm sorry, it's my fault, I shouldn't have fallen asleep, I almost caused you to be stolen by bad people, and even made you sick, but it doesn't matter, I can cure you, I am a man who will become a doctor in the future. "

The little girl's hoarse voice could not be heard, but she still managed to open her mouth and say something in a low voice with great difficulty.

Although the little girl's voice was soft, Xiaoli heard it. Rong Ling heard it too.

It was Rong Su who brought the little girl back from the cave. Even if Rong Su didn't want to go at the start, at the end, it was Rong Su who did it.

Xiaoli was also aware of this point, he pouted and muttered: "But he made you sick." He wasn't sick last night, but he was sick this morning. He must have been hurt by someone.

Hearing this, the little girl wanted to argue, but her head was burning and her head was burning. There was not a single word that could be uttered from her throat. She had used all her strength just now to say those words.

Xiaoli did not want the little girl to talk anymore, so he let her continue sleeping while he busied himself with checking her pulse and prescribing her body.

The little girl still wanted to speak. She tried to open her mouth a few times, but nothing came out.

The little girl looked at Rong Ling anxiously.

Rong Ling lowered his voice and said: "He didn't hurt you. Got it, go to sleep."

Seeing that she had explained it clearly, the little girl finally heaved a sigh of relief. She obediently laid there, not moving an inch.

Xiaoli saw that he could do it alone, so he left the room. Just as he went out, he heard someone speaking from the room next door when he passed by.

Rong Ling glanced at the door and saw that it was Rong Su's room. Who was the person talking to Rong Su, it went without saying.

Rong Ling immediately left. It wasn't that he wasn't interested in Rong Su, but he had already known the result and couldn't be bothered to pay attention to him.

In any case, he had still sent out Rong Su's letter. He only hoped that Rong Su would still be as calm as he was now when he received the reply.

The capital was no longer as stable as Rong Su had imagined.

This time, that good father had accounted for everyone.

No one could escape.

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