One second. Org, free of charge!

Rong Su pursed her lips, and stood expressionlessly in front of the bed, her expression complex.

Time passed minute after minute until the little girl's breathing gradually became even.

The little girl repeated her previous actions, silently went over Rong Su, and steadily got on the bed, covering herself with the blanket.

Rong Su: "..."

This time, without waiting for the little girl to fall asleep, Rong Su carried the little girl back. This time, Rong Su used his mind to lock the door from the outside.

Then, an hour later, when Rong Su's door was not knocked, the window was knocked.

Rong Su expressionlessly looked at the little girl who was hanging by the window, and was about to fall down at any moment.

The moment the window opened, the little girl carefully closed her eyes and crawled in. After that, she accurately found a bed and climbed in.

Rong Su rubbed his glabella, he felt pain in his head!

That night, he finally left the little girl to sleep here.

Rong Su couldn't sleep, he couldn't sleep well, but the little girl was sleeping soundly. Just as the man closed his eyes, he felt someone pushing him.

He opened his eyes, and his hawk-like eyes looked over precisely. He saw a child with her eyes closed sitting beside him, raising her hands into the air as she aimed them at him.

Rong Su rubbed his forehead, he sat up and asked: What are you doing?

The little girl just passed her hands forward. Rong Su took a long time identifying her actions, which were mostly the movements of carrying a plate.

Was this child dreaming? He dreamt of carrying a plate and giving it to him?

What's on the plate?

Rong Su thought about it and asked.

However, the girl did not speak and continued to move forward.

A stalemate like this was not a solution, so Rong Su decided to receive the unneeded "plate".

This time, the little girl was finally satisfied. Then, she sat there without saying anything, just sitting.

Rong Su confronted the little girl for a long time before the little girl slowly snuggled back into her blanket and fell asleep on her side.

Seeing himself being so silly with his hands in the air and still grabbing the plate, Rong Su felt a headache coming on, and his whole body was in pain.

The little girl went to sleep, Rong Su also continued to sleep, and after another fifteen minutes, another person pushed him.

He opened his eyes and looked at the girl who was "handing the plate to her" beside the bed. He then pinched the spot between his eyebrows.

He took the plate and looked at the child.

The two of them stared at each other for a long time before the girl went back to sleep. However, after a quarter of an hour, she repeated herself again.

Even if he couldn't sleep, he still wanted to lie down. He didn't want to accompany a little girl to get up in the middle of the night to play this unknown game.

Rong Su wanted to wake up the little girl and ask her what she wanted to do, but no matter what, the little girl didn't wake up.

Rong Su was annoyed, and was once again pushed awake. He once again received the "plate", and once again confronted the little girl, and this time, as if he had suddenly thought of something, Rong Su paused to look at his hands which were hanging in the air. He experimentally placed the "plate" on his legs, and then took out a bowl from the "plate", and a pair of chopsticks, and started to eat fakely.

While Rong Su was eating, the little girl didn't fall asleep again. After he finished "eating", the little girl laid down and continued sleeping.

This time, the little girl finally stopped waking up.

In the darkness, Rong Su accurately found the young girl's tender face. In his mind, he thought about what the waiter told him to say when they brought in the dinner a few hours ago, and said: "Young Noble, this was ordered by your servant girl to prepare it for you, and was originally waiting for your orders before sending it up. It's just that our kitchen staff member had an incident tonight and is not on duty, there is no one in the kitchen.

Rong Su naturally knew that the little girl would prepare some food for him. Actually, it wasn't just him, this girl was extremely meticulous, whoever's clothes were torn, who wouldn't eat anymore, the little girl would secretly remember this and carefully prepare everything for you.

But at that time, Rong Su was not hungry, and did not have the mood to eat.

He ordered the waiter to say that there was no need for food.

It seemed like that scene was seen by this girl. So, at night, she started to unrestrainedly send off the food.

Rong Su laughed involuntarily. He placed his hand behind his head and closed his eyes, the corners of his mouth still curling up slightly.

With his eyes closed, he actually fell asleep.

When he woke up the next day, he found that the spot beside him was already empty.

[Did I run back home again? Or did he wake up and find him in his room, sneaking around?

He got up and briefly washed himself before opening the door.

When the door opened, he saw that the girl in front of him was also coming out.

When the two little girls saw Rong Su, they obediently bowed and called out to him.

Looking at the little girl's face, Rong Su was sure that there was nothing wrong with her expression. Only then did he confirm that the little girl most likely did not remember what happened last night.

The two girls bowed and went downstairs to help. Rong Su turned around and knocked on the door to Rong Ling's room.

The door was only opened after a long time. The one who came out was not Rong Ling, but an impatient Mr.Liu.

did not come to look for Rong Ling in the first place, so he said: "This girl has a problem."

Rong Su told her about what happened last night. Originally, Liu Wei did not have any expression, but after hearing what happened, his gaze turned strange and he kept staring at Rong Su.

Rong Su was annoyed, he asked: "What are you looking at?"

Liu Wei pursed his lips, looked at Rong Su from head to toe, and asked with some confusion: "Why is it you?"

"What?" Rong Su did not understand.

However, Liu Wei didn't explain and only frowned. "The little girl's memories are in disorder, and before she receives treatment and completely recovers, she might have some sort of ailment, such as a mental disorder or some sort of sleepwalking."

It's just that Liu Wei was curious why the little girl would find Rong Su when she was sleepwalking.

That is to say, after being hypnotized by the little girl last night, she was unable to wake the little girl up. At that time, the little girl had also thought of Rong Su and woke up?

But, why Rong Su?

Other than going to the cave to bring the little girl out, what else had Rong Su done?

The more Liu Wei thought about it, the more he couldn't wrap his head around it.

Liu Wei recalled the little girl's incident from beginning to end, and when he thought of a certain point, his expression suddenly changed slightly.

That is to say, Rong Su might have only saved the little girl once, but in the little girl's complicated and ever-changing memories, due to the fact that the memories that she was saved from are too deep within her body, the memory of the moment where she was saved might even be replicated infinitely. In the little girl's subconscious, she might have already seen Rong Su saving her many times, ten times, a hundred times, or even a thousand times.

Under such a heavy 'saving grace', it was understandable for the little girl to be so desperate to be good to this person. Even though she had developed somnambulism, she still paid attention to this benefactor's living and eating during the sleepwalking process.

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