One second. Org, free of charge!

Liu Wei had actually thought about following Rong Ling to have a look, but the problem was that Rong Ling's martial arts was higher than hers, so if she followed him, she would definitely be discovered.

After a few struggles, Liu Wei once again threw himself onto the bed.

The servant looked at Liu Wei for a while, and then suggested with some understanding: "Looking at Young Noble's figure, this set of clothes is pretty suitable, Young Noble's skin is white, wearing a white or black robe, it's the most beautiful, if Young Noble likes it, how about we give it a try?

Since they were all of the same version of clothes, it was not taboo to try them on. However, they were all of the same type of clothes, so very few people would actually try them on.

But as a modern person, Liu Wei was not afraid of anything. With a casual "En", she took the clothes handed over by the shop assistant and entered a small cubicle.

After a long while, Liu Wei changed into a new set of clothes and came out.

The doorman held up the bronze mirror for Liu Wei to see for himself.

Liu Wei looked at the yellowed mirror, and his own blurry figure, casually moved twice, and said: "This one."

The shop assistant smiled, "Alright, then we'll have to trouble young master to come over here. Let's measure our bodies first. Young master, do you want to be a little more relaxed, or stick a little bit better? Some people like to be a little more relaxed, and some people like to be a little more tight. Each person's style of dressing is different …"

Before the attendant finished speaking, Liu Wei had already said casually: "There's no need for that, it's this one."

The guard was startled, he held onto a ruler in his hand and looked at Liu Wei blankly: "Young, Young Noble, what you mean is, you want this one on your body?"

"This one." Liu Wei nodded.

The servant laughed dryly, "Young master, this is a set of clothes... "That, I'm not selling it. I'm just showing it to the customers."

"I'm in a hurry to wear it. How much is this?" As Liu Wei said this, he went to check the clothes he had just changed into and pulled out some silver from his bag.

The shop assistant's eyes lit up when he saw a fifty taels banknote in front of him. He struggled a bit before saying, "Guest, please wait a moment." He then rushed to the backyard and called for the shopkeeper.

Not long later, the shopkeeper came, and without a word, Liu Wei handed over a hundred silver.

The shopkeeper was about to say, "I'm really not selling this set of clothes", but when he saw the banknotes, he immediately changed his words, "Sir, are you going to wear it or wrap it up for you?"

"Wrap it up." Liu Wei said as she walked towards the cubicle. Halfway through, she casually pointed to one of the clothes on the other shelf and said: "Wrap that piece together. I think a hundred silver would be enough to buy two."

With that said, Liu Wei went into the cubicle and quickly changed his clothes.

When she finished changing her clothes and came out, Liu Wei saw that the shopkeeper and the shop assistant were still standing there foolishly, looking at her in embarrassment.

Liu Wei glanced at it, seeing that the other piece of clothing he had ordered was not wrapped up, he frowned: "Is the silver not enough?"

The shopkeeper finally came back to his senses and stuttered, "Erm... Young master, you want to … "If you want this kind of clothes …"

Without saying a word, Liu Wei took out another thirty silver and handed it over to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper's eyes flashed as he received the silver bills. He turned around and scolded the shop assistant, "Hurry up and wrap them up for the customers. What are you dawdling for!"

"En!" The shop assistant replied after realising what was going on and quickly wrapped up the two pieces of clothing.

Liu Wei left with the two parcels in satisfaction. After walking a distance away, he turned his head hesitantly, forgetting the direction of the inn.

After putting the two pieces of clothes back into the cupboard in the inn, Liu Wei went out again. However, just as he went out, he met Rong Ling and came back.

Liu Wei's eyes lit up, he went up and asked: You're done?

Rong Ling made a sound of agreement and pinched the center of his brows.

He had only walked for a short period of time, but it hadn't even been an hour. Why was he so tired?

As he thought about it, Liu Wei asked, "Are you free now?"

"Yes." He replied.

Liu Wei immediately said: "Accompany me to the cave?"

Rong Ling looked at the sky, his expression a little hesitant, but seeing that Liu Wei was staring at him without blinking, he stopped for a moment and nodded.

Logically speaking, Liu Wei should be happy that Rong Ling agreed, but this person's expression of hesitation just now was too obvious, and his expression of being reluctant in the end did not hide anything. These two reactions made Liu Wei uncomfortable, as if he had agreed just to lie to her.

He was somehow angry.

But now that he was angry, it did him no good, so Liu Wei could only suppress his anger and pretend that he did not see anything, and left the outskirts of the city together with him.

But in the end, Liu Wei had searched this mountain cave no less than seven or eight times. Even if he did not give up, there was indeed nothing new he could get.

After searching for a while, the two of them did not discover anything. The cave was dark and the two people who had returned empty-handed were planning to leave.

Before they left the mountain, Liu Wei was distracted, he turned and looked inside the cave, it was originally just an ordinary look, but after looking at it for a bit, he was suddenly stunned.

"Wait." Liu Wei called out to Rong Ling.

Rong Ling stopped and looked at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei stood at the entrance of the cave and looked at the scenery inside carefully. From every rock to every cliff, he could see everything clearly and carefully.

Seeing Liu Wei's serious expression and serious eyes, Rong Ling also frowned, when he saw it, he was also startled.

"There's a problem." Liu Wei said, and looked straight at Rong Ling.

Rong Ling could already see that something was amiss, without needing Liu Wei to say anything, he had already walked out of the cave, facing the air, bringing along a gust of wind, he waved his sleeves.

After this action, a black shadow immediately flashed past the trees and steadily landed in front of Rong Ling, respectfully cupping his hands.

In the past few days, Rong Ling's hidden guards had been standing guard here.

Rong Ling looked at Liu Wei, indicating that he could ask.

Liu Wei then asked directly: "In the past few days, have there been any suspicious people around?"

The guard was stunned for a moment, then shook his head. "No, sir."

"Not a single one?"

The dark guard still shook his head. "Not a single one."

Liu Wei was quiet for a moment, then said with certainty: "Someone has been here before, and entered this cave before."

Liu Wei's tone was too sure, and the secret guard was slightly surprised. He recalled it, and when he answered, the answer was the same as before.

"The interior of the cave has changed." Liu Wei said.

The dark guards didn't quite understand.

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