At the beginning, when Liu Wei wanted to investigate Zhong Ziyu, he did not even ask. The two sister-in-law of the yamen runners who came to deliver food to the man at home seemed to be chatting idly, talking about everything that Zhong Ziyu said, both inside and outside, and Liu Wei had unintentionally listened to everything.

At first glance, Liu Wei seemed to have recognized the wrong person. The person Ji Xing was talking about was not Zhong Ziyu.

"Yes." Rong Ling replied indifferently, but he did not say how he knew or who the lady was.

Putting aside the unknown lady, since he had already determined Zhong Ziyu's identity, and Zhong Ziyu himself had admitted it, when he first saw Ji Xing at the pier, and then went to visit the students' home, at a certain family inn, he met Ye Yuanliang, who was staying at. That Zhong Ziyu had also proved that when Ye Yuanliang was still alive, Ji Xing had already boarded the merchant ship that left Guyong Mansion.

That meant, Ji Xing's suspicion, had it really been cleared?

First of all, Zhong Ziyu was a cunning and strange man. Was his evidence really believable?

Secondly, Ji Xing was a mysterious man, although it was possible that he was his clan brother, he could not be ruled out as the bad guy.

After all, Ji's Family had been on the run for so many years, and the clan members had long trained in this art. In the entire Ji's Family, there were no ordinary citizens, some of them had profound martial arts, some had profound poison techniques, and all of them were dangerous figures.

Ji Wei was so young, yet he could secretly hate them for playing around with Xiaoli. With Ye Yuan Liang's extreme personality, if he had offended Ji Xing before, it was not impossible for him to secretly kill him.

At the moment, in front of two confessions that could not be absolutely taken in, Liu Wei was deep in thought.

In the end, Liu Wei was unable to make his final judgement, and watched as the sky grew darker. Liu Wei stood up and said indifferently: I will trouble Young Master Ji to stay here for a few more days, and when the truth is revealed, the yamen will decide.

This was the intention of Ye Xiao not to let them go yet.

Ji Xing glanced at Liu Wei, and casually let out a "En". His tone was calm, as if he could let it go or not, he didn't care.

Liu Wei did not speak further, and left after pushing open the door.

Rong Ling walked next to Liu Wei, and when the two of them walked out of the room, they heard a "bang" sound. When they turned around, they saw two bailiffs guarding the door, so they cautiously locked it and continued to defend it.

Liu Wei pursed his lips, did not say a word, and turned to walk away.

Rong Ling walked very slowly, falling a few steps behind Liu Wei. He looked at her back with an inexplicable expression.

Liu Wei walked very quickly, and it was unknown what she was in a hurry to do, but just as she was passing by the Crescent Moon Sect, she bumped into two people who were walking in from the outside.

The two sides bumped into each other, dodging extremely quickly. When they were far away, Liu Wei looked carefully, and was able to tell that they were old acquaintances!

Ji Fengyuan also didn't expect to meet Liu Wei at this time and place.

Ji Fengyuan's eyes moved, his gaze sweeping past Liu Wei, then looking at the man Rong Ling who was walking slowly behind, he pursed his lips and did not say a word, turning around the two of them, intending to leave.

Liu Wei's sudden question made him pause for a moment.

Originally, he thought that since the beginning, there would only be a difference between well water and river water. Even if it was the most unfortunate thing, Liu Wei wanted to return to the clan, it would be decided by the clan elders. He could secretly hate Liu Wei, but that would be it.

Now that they met again, Liu Wei suddenly said these words. Ji Fengyuan was unable to discern whether this person was trying to remind him of the previous humiliation, or if he was truly concerned about him!

Perhaps it was still the former. After all, their relationship wasn't something that could be described with the word 'concerned'.

Rong Ling had already walked to the front and was standing half a step behind Liu Wei, like a cold guardian, not moving at all.

This distance was very subtle, at first glance, it did not seem like anything, but from this angle, this distance, it clearly meant that he was supporting Liu Wei.

Right now, it was a 2v1, and she was not in a good situation. Ji Fengyuan clenched his teeth, and confirmed that the two of them were deliberately humiliating her, even though his face was dark, he gritted his teeth and replied: "Much better!"

A wise man knows when to stand up for himself. Since he couldn't defeat the other party, he could only admit defeat for now.

However, this debt would be settled sooner or later!

Liu Wei let out a "Wu" sound, patted himself on the clothes, rummaged around a bit, and took out a small bag from his sleeve.

Liu Wei opened the bag and took a sniff to confirm what was inside. He handed the bag over and said, "Give it some warm treatment for Xiaoyao, it's extremely good for recovering from injuries."

Liu Wei remembered that last time he beaten Ji Fengyuan up miserably, although he did not say that he had lost both of his arms and legs, his injuries were definitely severe. He also remembered that had relied on dancing to survive, he could move anywhere and his body would not be injured at all, but if he was injured, he would fall sick, and it was possible that sooner or later, he might even lose his job.

Ji Fengyuan looked at the small bag that was sent under his nose and did not want to ask, what exactly are you all doing?

However, the other party had the advantage of being outnumbered. In the end, he could only grit his teeth and accept the small bag, clenching it tightly in his hand.

"Thank you!" After dryly thanking him without any gratitude, Ji Fengyuan took a deep breath, and said: "I still have matters to attend to, so I'll be taking my leave first."

After saying that, without waiting for Liu Wei's reply, Ji Fengyuan had already scuttled away, fleeing from the two of them.

Liu Wei looked at Ji Fengyuan's back figure that was like the wind, and faintly said: "Truly, you live up to your name."

The voice was not loud, but it was heard by Ji Fengyuan who had not walked far. Ji Fengyuan staggered and almost fell to the ground.

You are the man who lives up to your name! Your whole family lives up to their name!

His maple was the maple of a maple leaf, not the wind of a gale!

had originally wanted to meet Ji Fengyuan, but it was a coincidence. Liu Wei didn't have anything else on him, so he casually took out the Xiaoyao that he had developed over the past few days and gave her a bag of pills, which Liu Wei had developed for Old Lady Liu. Other than the medicine he had sent to Jin Nanyun at the beginning, which was used to treat illnesses, he also needed to consume this medicine later in life.

However, Liu Wei did not expect that after meeting Ji Xing and Ji Fengyuan, he would actually be able to meet the other people of Ji's Family in the yamen.

Not Ji Feng.

It was Ji Yunni and Ji Xiaoxiao.

The novel "The Forensics Mad Queen" represents the author's point of view only, if it is found to be contrary to the laws of the country, please delete it, only focus on providing a healthy green reading platform.

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