Rong Su did not want to eat it, but the little girl did not let him go. In fact, Liu Wei did not want Rong Su to have a share of the cake either.

However, considering that the little girl was not normal at the moment, Liu Wei could only indulge himself with his eyes and not his nose.

At this time, there was no one left in the kitchen. If he wanted to order more, he would have to increase the money.

Rong Ling didn't speak anymore. He stood up and used his actions to prove that he really didn't want to eat anymore.

Seeing Rong Ling walking up the stairs, Liu Wei also followed. He was originally walking casually, but as he suddenly thought of something, Liu Wei's face broke, and he ran over, pushing Rong Ling away, and said: I'll go in first.

Rong Ling looked at Liu Wei and did not say a word.

Liu Wei did not explain as he hurriedly entered the room, and with a flip of his hand, he closed the door. Then, he took out the two clothes he had bought that morning from the cabinet, looked left and right, and finally stuffed them under the bed. Only after looking at them from afar and making sure that he could not see them from a normal person's point of view did he return to his original appearance, and then opened the door.

Outside the door, Rong Ling was waiting with a gloomy face.

When Liu Wei opened the door, it was a smile, there was a hint of flattery. Rong Ling looked at the room weirdly, but he did not feel anything amiss.

What was this woman up to?

After washing up, the two of them laid on the bed. Liu Wei leaned his body over and looked at him, then asked: "I don't think I've ever asked you before, who is your master?"

Rong Ling's eyes were closed tight, as if he had fallen asleep.

Liu Wei pursed her lips, and used her hand to pinch his nose.

However, with Rong Ling's inner strength, an hour of rest was definitely more than enough.

Therefore, when Liu Wei saw that Rong Ling was as still as a mountain, and even did not bat an eye, allowing her to squeeze on to it, he did not open his mouth to catch his breath and continued to sleep.

Liu Wei pinched him for a while, then had no more thoughts about it. She put her hand down, moved her soft body to his side, and moved into his embrace, placing her pillow on his shoulder, she closed her eyes as well.

Rong Ling opened his eyes and caught sight of the woman sleeping peacefully on his shoulder. After staring at her for a while, he suddenly reached out his hands and carefully pushed her shoulders, moving her away from his body. Then, he turned over and went to sleep on his side.

Liu Wei, whose false sleep had been seen through and was ruthlessly pushed aside, "..."

… ….

Liu Wei had a lot to do right now.

One, several cases are under investigation and the murderer has not been found.

Two, she had to make some time everyday to make the pills and send them back to the capital. Due to the freshness of the medicine, it had the best efficacy. Old Madam Liu was trying her best not to use the aphrodisiac.

Third, Rong Ling is cheating.

Compared to the previous two, which he was more powerful enough to do, the third, Liu Wei was more worried.

Because of the third rule, he had to judge the other party's attitude, not his own.

Liu Wei had never been in a relationship before, so he wasn't clear about the so-called relationship gap between men and women. He wasn't clear on how to make up for it, and what the female side had to do to save it.

Liu Wei had no experience, and didn't have any suitable female friends by his side. In the end, under the circumstances, Liu Wei found Rong Su.

Rong Su was eating dessert at that time, and from now on, the little girl only needed to ask him if he wanted to eat something.

After all, he had refused it in broad daylight and would eat it back in the evening. Therefore, it was better to eat it in broad daylight as it was not easy to digest in the evening.

Seeing that Liu Wei had come to visit, Rong Su did not want to bother with her, as his relationship with her was not good.

However, Liu Wei was probably a little depressed due to Rong Ling's matter, he did not even notice Rong Su's expression, and found a chair to sit on as if he was familiar with the place, and went straight to the point: "There are a lot of imperial concubines in the Seventh Prince, I wonder, is there someone who is sincerely in love with Rong Su?"

A mouthful of Plum Blossom Sesame was stuck in Rong Su's throat, as he looked at Liu Wei with a kind of "are you sick" expression.

Liu Wei had a strong desire to know now, so he did not mind the displeasure in Rong Su's eyes. Instead, he continued to ask, "Or, is there any consort who truly loves Seventh Prince?"

Rong Su could not tolerate these words anymore.

With a cold expression, he said, "Of course they all love This King!"

Liu Wei glanced at Rong Su, and then lowered his eyes. After a while, he sighed.

This sigh lingered in the air, causing Rong Su to feel uncomfortable, and he became angry: "What exactly do you mean?"

Liu Wei splayed his hands, supported his chin, and said somewhat discouragingly: "Originally, I was thinking about the unrestrained nature of Seventh Prince, which caused some emotional problems, and wanted to ask a few questions. But I didn't think that you would be in the middle of things without knowing it, it seems like you wouldn't be able to give me any advice either, sorry, sorry for disturbing you."

Liu Wei said as he stood up to leave.

But in Rong Su's ears, how could these words be described as sarcastic?

Rong Su said that his concubine was fond of him, and this person said that he was part of the plot. This clearly meant that he was not in love with.

She was already his concubine. If she didn't fall in love with him, who else would she fall in love with?

This time, it was not that Liu Wei did not want to leave, but Rong Su did not want him to leave. With a cold expression, he gritted his teeth and blocked Liu Wei's path.

Liu Wei was stopped, and he was still absent-mindedly thinking about his own matters. Only when he saw Rong Su's face which was almost completely black as ink, did he finally realize that Rong Su had misunderstood him.

Liu Wei did not recognize any of Rong Su's stepwives, but just by saying "they", she knew that she had asked the wrong person.

This man's so-called 'feelings' were completely different from hers. Since their values were different, it would be a waste of time to continue talking about them.

However, it seemed as though he had accidentally said something unpleasant that hurt this master's heart. Liu Wei was also generous and immediately apologized: "The speed of speaking is fast, Seventh Prince is magnanimous, don't take it to heart."

After saying that, Liu Wei circled around him and planned to leave.

But how could Rong Su be so easy to talk to?

"Halt!" He shouted at Liu Wei to stop.

Liu Wei absent-mindedly stopped in his tracks, and somewhat helplessly turned his head and said: "Can't you just pretend that I've never been here?"

Rong Su frowned, after this man stabbed him, did he really want to flatten everything and treat it as if it had never happened before?

You wish.

He gestured to the chair in front of him, "Sit."

Liu Wei already knew that she had found the wrong person. Liu Wei planned to write a letter to Jin Nanyun, so she shouldn't get too close to him and ask for his advice.

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