After muttering to himself for a while and organizing his thoughts, Liu Wei paused for a long time before he finally managed to explain the matter of Zhou Yu'er's death.

Upon hearing the truth, the Zhou couple and their eldest uncle, who had been worried about them all night, suddenly began to crumble.

The mother of the Zhou family was stunned for a moment before she started to wail. Brother Hu and the two bailiffs took a few steps back as they couldn't stand the scene unfolding in front of them.

"Milord, our Yu'er, she, how exactly did she die?" The equally excited father of the Zhou family, however, still retained a trace of rationality. He pinched his tears together with a sorrowful face, yet he stubbornly asked.

Liu Wei thought for a moment, then slowly said: "Truth be told, whether or not that dead person is the daughter of the two of you, I cannot confirm."

"No, I can't be sure?" The Zhou family's mother immediately stopped crying, her face full of anticipation as she looked at Liu Wei: "You're not sure? "Did sire say that it is possible that the one who died wasn't our Yu'er?"

Liu Wei nodded: "There is indeed such a possibility."

"This is great, this is great! My daughter's luck is great! The one appointed was not Yu'er, the one appointed was not Yu'er!" Whether or not they were deceiving themselves, they would rather their daughter had not received any news of them, than to receive such despairing news.

Liu Wei pursed his lips and said: "If you want to confirm whether or not the victim is your biological daughter, there's naturally a way."

The Zhou couple instantly became nervous again. They looked at each other with eyes full of hesitation.

That first uncle of the Zhou family stood up and said hoarsely, "That designation isn't our Yu'er. No matter what methods you use, just do as sire says!" As he spoke, he comforted his brother-in-law, "Don't worry, Yu'er is a fortunate child, it won't be Yu'er, it won't be designated as Yu'er."

Although they said so, they didn't dare to be at ease.

Brother Hu left quickly. When he came back, he was already carrying a set of blood testing tools.

The blood test was very simple. What Liu Wei wanted to do was to take a blood sample from the Zhou couple and test it on Zhou Yu'er's skin.

Because there were still some time before Jin Nanyun could produce the glass, he could only use his old method of using the special liquid to conduct the evaporating treatment.

This method of detection was complicated and the results weren't too stable, but there was a 60% chance of success.

Liu Wei planned to inspect the body twice more and take an average value to confirm if the first body that was found was Zhou Yu'er's.

There were many things to be done to match this match. Zhou Yu'er's skin had already been preserved for over a year, but many of the internal organs had already been lost.

To extract the DNA information from a piece of skin and then pair it with the Zhou couple, the process would not only take time, but also a great deal of concentration.

After the blood sample was taken, the three Zhou family members were temporarily placed in the back hall to rest, under the protection of the old shell head.

Liu Wei entered the small house that he worked in, and after locking the door, he did not come out for a long time.

After Rong Ling woke up, he found out that Liu Wei had gone to the yamen early in the morning, as if saying that there were new developments in the case.

He washed his face and rinsed his mouth, changed his clothes, and left as well.

Xiaoli was still in a daze, but when he woke up, he didn't see his mother and Uncle Rong.

Pearl let out a cackling sound, cackling and croaking along with it.

Xiaoli did not understand the gurgle words, but being able to understand pearls, along with Lian Meng's guesses, in the end, he could not sit still, and immediately jumped and ran over to the yamen.

But when he went downstairs, Xiaoli saw the little girl standing by the corridor alone, staring straight down.

Xiaoli walked over and nudged the little girl: "What's wrong with you?"

Waking up from her stupor, the little girl turned around, blinking her watery eyes. Looking at the little gongzi's gaze, her face was full of confusion. "Hey, little gongzi, you're awake too."

Xiaoli scratched his head, feeling that something was wrong with the little girl, he stretched his head out and looked down, as he asked: "What were you looking at?"

Because it was neither early nor late, the breakfast time had already passed, and the lunchtime was not yet over. Currently, the inn was still at its quietest, with not a single person present in the hall on the first floor.

The little girl could still look at the empty Main Hall for a long time, Xiaoli really did not know what she was looking at.

However, the little girl was stunned by Xiaoli's question and asked dumbly, "What are you looking at?"

Xiaoli pointed downstairs: "Just now, you were staring at the ground below. What are you looking at?"

"Me?" The little girl pointed to her nose, and after a long while, she said, "Young noble, perhaps you have not woken up from your sleep and are confused by what you see? I didn't look down. "

"Why is there no one here? You didn't even move when you saw it just now." Xiaoli was very sure about what he had witnessed.

However, the little girl only smiled and said, "You really did see wrongly, I didn't see it."

Xiaoli creased her eyebrows and asked in return, "Then why are you standing here alone?"

The little girl was stunned by the question, her eyes became hazy, and after a long while, she said as if she remembered something: "I want to go downstairs to help Seventh Young Master carry the breakfast, Seventh Young Master woke up late today." As the girl spoke, she actually went down the stairs, as if she was really going to pass by here.

Xiaoli saw that the little girl was about to continue walking like this. After hesitating for a moment, he shouted at her, "I also woke up late, I didn't use my breakfast."

The girl below raised her head and laughed, "Alright, alright, alright. Young Noble, wait in the room, breakfast will be delivered right away."

Xiaoli was satisfied, smiling as he returned to the house. Pearl was standing on top of his head, calling out jie jie jie.

Pearl, hearing this, did not speak, but pecked at his hair with her sharp beak.

Xiaoli's scalp was hurting. Waving the pearl away, he hugged his head and ran back to his room in a hurry, not letting the pearl follow him.

Just as Xiaoli was about to return to his room, he glanced down and saw that the little girl was actually walking slowly towards the outside of the tavern in a daze.

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