One second. Org, free of charge!

But Xiaoli had a sense of propriety, he used methods to trap people, not to injure them, thus, although he had been defeated consecutively, he was not injured.

It could understand the language of the pearls, but as for the other birds, it was impossible for him to understand them. Even though they had been together for a long time, their interactions had mostly been translated by Pearl.

"Gu gu gu gu …" Gugu reverted back to her original voice, yelling at Xiaoli with all her might.

Xiaoli's face darkened as he thought of something. He turned and looked behind him.

Just as he turned around, a knife was thrown at the back of his head.

Xiaoli was already prepared for this, so he nimbly turned around and took three steps back. Looking ahead, he saw his uncle, who he had been protecting, smiling, and lightly smiled at him: "I didn't expect that this change would actually happen to a bird. I underestimated it."

Seeing that the aura around his body was becoming different, Xiaoli jumped into the air and with his fastest speed, jumped up to the top of the wall.

Gugu then spread her wings and rushed towards Zhong Ziyu once again.

But this time, the man who had tried to dodge again and again was just standing where he was. He raised his hand and a whirlwind gathered in his palm. Next, his palm flew towards the giant bird.

Seeing the palm force, Xiaoli was shocked, and shouted loudly: "Be careful!" Her small body already rushed out like a cannonball, quickly condensing 100% of her inner force to just barely block the opponent's palm strike.

However, even though half of the attack was gone, the other party's aura was still too strong, causing Xiaoli to be pushed far away.

His back smashed heavily against the wall of the alley, causing Xiaoli to feel a blockage in his chest. There was a fishy taste in his throat, and when he opened his mouth, blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

Xiaoli frowned, and casually wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. He had been accustomed to seeing dead people since he was young, so he did not care about blood the most.

Clutching his chest, which was obviously injured internally, the little guy gritted his teeth and fiercely asked with a tender voice, "What did you do with the pearl?!"

Gugu suddenly went berserk, without a trace of Pearl, just now, this uncle was powerless, and instantly became a top-notch expert. No matter how ignorant Xiaoli was, he knew that this was a trap and had already fallen into the trap of the person in front of him.

It was just that he didn't know this uncle of his, so why would he want to harm him?

There was also the little girl. He had followed her here, so it could be said that she was the one that led him to this alley. But why would the little girl do such a thing?

He was filled with suspicions in his heart, but Xiaoli no longer wanted to know the reason. He only wanted to know whether or not the pearl was still alive.

Pearl had been with him since he could remember, and his mother had joked that the pearl had been born with him from her belly.

Xiaoli really believed it when he was young. After he was laughed at by Uncle Fu, he knew that his mother was the one teasing him, but Pearl was still his younger brother. He had always treated Pearl as his younger brother.

When he thought about how the pearl might be in trouble, Xiaoli's nose started to ache. He endured his worry and continued to ask: "What did you do to the pearl?"

He only walked over slowly with a gentle smile, and only stopped when he was in front of the little guy. After that, he bent over and picked up the food box on the ground, took out another piece of corn cake from inside, and placed it next to Xiaoli's mouth.

Xiaoli turned her face aside and clenched her tiny fists tightly.

Zhong Ziyu was still smiling, "A willful child, Uncle won't hurt you."

"Scoundrel!" Xiaoli ground her teeth and scolded him word by word: "Big Scoundrel!"

"You're too kind." Seeing that he was not eating, Zhong Ziyu opened his mouth and stuffed the piece of corn cake in.

struggled to shake his head, his teeth was tightly clenched, but he did not eat. Zhong Ziyu was also very patient, he wanted to see, whether this child's teeth were tough or his hands were.

Not long after, bruises were left on Xiaoli's cheeks and cheeks, and that corn cake had finally been stuffed into Xiaoli's mouth.

Xiaoli tried his best to spit out, but his lips were suppressed and he was unable to do so.

Xiaoli could not smell what kind of medicine was placed in the cake, nor could he smell any kind of medicine, but because of that, he dared not swallow even more. There were too many colorless and tasteless medicines in this world, there were too many medicines that he did not recognize, he could not afford to be careless.

But at this time, it was similarly shaken to the point of about half getting up from the ground, it pounced over with much difficulty, and its sharp beak smacked onto the softest acupuncture point on the back of Zhong Ziyu's neck.

Zhong Ziyu felt his spine go numb and his hands loosen slightly.

No one would have thought that a bird would use its sharp beak to replace the silver needle and pierce the human body's acupoints, accurately and precisely.

The moment Zhong Ziyu let go of his hands, with a grab of his claws, Xiaoli entered his palms, with a flap of his wings, he was instantly lifted up into the air and flew off into the distance.

Zhong Ziyu pressed on the back of his neck, narrowed his eyes and looked at the man and bird that had already flown tens of meters away. The gentleness that was in the corner of his eyes all year round, had finally disappeared without a trace.

Gugu was just a young bird. If it was an adult eagle carrying several kilograms of food, it wouldn't be tired even if it flew in the sky for a whole day and night.

However, the young falcon could not do it. Moreover, it was a young falcon that had not gone through rigorous training. It only flew for a few breaths of time before it could no longer lift the falcon.

He landed on an empty ground and placed Xiaoli, who was already hazy and unconscious after eating the corn cake, down.

It stood beside Xiaoli and used its sharp beak to bite on Xiaoli's face, wanting to wake him up.

Xiaoli half opened his eyes, his body slightly leaned to the side, as he held onto his own chest, and said with a soft voice. "Mother …"

Gugu looked around, she wanted to fly and call for someone, but she was afraid that if she flew away, Xiaoli would not be safe.

The little gyrfalcon was very anxious. The first time they went out, big brother pearl disappeared and little master was injured. What should they do? What should they do now?

He was afraid that the bad guy would catch up with him, so he could only use his mouth to return the favor. When he saw that the little mistress seemed to have fainted, he used his claws to push her away, but no matter how much he tried, the little mistress just wouldn't wake up …

He was hopping up and down when he heard a string of footsteps approaching from afar.

Gu Gu Gu immediately grabbed Xiaoli and dragged him to a tree crown nearby, using the dense leaves to cover both himself and the little mistress.

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