One second. Org, free of charge!

Gritting her teeth, Senior Servant Shi pondered on the countermeasures she could take while she tried to think of a way to denounce this person in front of the empress. She didn't care about the big picture, what was the use of a chess piece like this?

Liu Yue did not know that someone had already gritted their teeth and hated her, but she still used her hands and legs to drag her luggage, which was not an easy thing to do, and followed Rong Su with difficulty.

Rong Su took a step forward. His footsteps were steady and his expression was deep, making it impossible to tell whether he was happy or angry.

Liu Yue watched as Seventh Prince walked in front of him, then lowered his head and tried to think of a way to make his heart stop beating in a hurry.

But Liu Yue did not take the initiative to speak, and did not dare speak.

In the end, Rong Su spoke first, "Origin."

It was only two words, Rong Su asked straightforwardly.

Liu Yue tried her best to calm her emotions. When she raised her gaze again, a pair of beautiful eyes that were like water looked around, "I …"

Liu Yue stuttered as he said one word before stopping. Following that, he could no longer hold back his blushing face.

Rong Su frowned, seeing that the man did not say anything, he could not wait any longer, so he said: "Come over." He turned around and carried the girl to the second floor.

Liu Yue was startled for a moment, then realized that the Seventh Prince wanted him to follow suit.

Liu Yue bit her lip, and her heartbeat unknowingly spiraled out of control once more, causing her breathing to quicken.

Once again carrying his luggage, Liu Yue quickly followed Rong Su.

When he finally reached the second floor, Liu Yue wanted to say something, but Rong Su had already looked at the door to a room in the inn.

Liu Yue tactfully did not disturb him, and after a while, a female and male voice sounded out from the room: "Who?"

Rong Su opened his mouth: "Open up."

There was a long silence, and then the door opened.

Seeing the appearance of the person who opened the door, Liu Yue was shocked. He subconsciously took two steps back, but he was afraid that the appearance of the person who withdrew was too sudden, and immediately took another step forward.

Yun Zhimeng's entire body was covered in a lot of bloodstains.

Yun Zhimeng took off the mask that Liu Wei had made himself, with a flip of his hand, closed the door, and said to Rong Su: "I'm in the middle of an operation, and I can't take my time now. If you have something, just tell me."

Not even two hours had passed, but Yun Zhimeng, who was already used to his identity as a "nurse", had tactfully stopped the attending physician from doing anything, and took care of it himself.

Rong Su frowned, this was the second time he had seen Yun Zhimeng, he had only taken a hasty glance, but he had not been able to see her appearance clearly. Now that he looked, his eyes were filled with suspicion.

After all, this person was an outsider.

Yun Zhimeng saw that Rong Su was silent, and asked impatiently: "Is there something wrong? I still have a lot of things to do, and I'm not going to be able to do the surgery without an assistant. "

Being urged on by Yun Zhimeng, Rong Su frowned, after thinking for a moment, he handed the little girl over.

Yun Zhimeng used his blood-stained hands to probe the little girl's breathing, and then carefully listened to her breathing, and said: "Just faint first, there's no rush, arrange this child properly, wait for the end of the operation, then bring him over."

After Yun Zhimeng finished speaking, he was about to go in.

But the moment he turned around, he caught a casual glimpse of the woman standing at the corner of the corridor, who was looking at him with a blank expression.

Seeing clearly the woman's facial features, Yun Zhimeng's eyes froze, as though he thought that he had seen wrongly.

This person wasn't … Isn't it Liu Yue?

No, perhaps he should call her Fourth Cousin. After all, Liu Wei was not Liu Cheng's biological son, so there was a different explanation for why he was called the Fourth Miss of the Liu Estate.

Just why was Liu Yue in Guyong Mansion?

Liu Yue was a member of the Liu Family. It was reasonable to say that other than Liu Wei, who was long gone, the rest of the Liu Family should be under strict guard and under house arrest.

Yet, this person actually escaped, and unerringly ran all the way to Guyong Mansion …

Yun Zhimeng was a little curious and wanted to ask something, but upon thinking that he had involved too many matters today, and could not involve too much anymore, he forcefully suppressed the curiosity in his heart, closed the door, and continued with his own work.

Liu Wei was sewing for Xiaoli, and when he stopped, Yun Zhimeng suddenly said: "I just saw, Liu Yue is at the door?"

Sure enough, Liu Wei's movements paused for a moment.

Yun Zhimeng rejoiced for his foresight, if he had said the news while Liu Wei's hand was still in his chest, after such a long period of time, his operation would have failed completely.

After being stunned for a moment, Liu Wei quickly adjusted his state of mind and said to Yun Zhimeng: "Shut up."

Yun Zhimeng understood what Liu Wei meant. At this time, anything that was different to Liu Wei's emotions must not be said.

It would be right to remain silent.

The operation continued in the room.

Outside the room, knowing that the little girl was temporarily fine, Rong Su carried the little girl, intending to bring her back to the room.

The door to the room was pushed open, and Rong Su saw the big sister sleeping soundly, lying on the bed. Rong Su guessed that the big sister had not woken up since she had fallen asleep earlier.

However, it was still okay for this big girl to just sleep.

After placing the little girl on the bed and covering the child with a blanket, Rong Su turned around and was about to leave.

But when he reached the door, Rong Su frowned, and walked over, and carried the little girl out from under the blanket into his embrace, and then turned and left the room.

Seeing Rong Su coming and going, Liu Yue did not know what he was doing. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to speak first.

But before Liu Yue could say anything, the man who he viewed as his future husband called out to the air, "Capture him first." With that, he walked past Liu Yue.

Liu Yue did not understand, but just as he was about to turn and ask Seventh Prince, the door in front of him suddenly opened, following that, three men rushed out, and before Liu Yue could react, they brought Liu Yue over, covered Liu Yue's mouth, and then closed the door.

"Woo woo woo …" Liu Yue struggled to speak, but suddenly felt a pain on his neck, he closed his eyes and fainted.

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