One second. Org, free of charge!

Liu Wei went over to take a look, and sure enough, he saw that on each painting, Qingzhuang Ke's name was displayed, some of them were handwritten, while some were stamped on.

Zhang Guoying had the style of official seal, and the style of Beijing seal.

Liu Wei thought, if Min Imperial Concubine pursued fashion so much, then Chu Zhang would have definitely used him up just like that.

Just that, how was Min Imperial Concubine to use it?

A person who no longer existed in this world …

Thinking about it, Liu Wei became troubled, and looking at the walls full of paintings, he became suspicious again.

The Min Imperial Concubine's painting could not be considered to have reached perfection. When Liu Wei looked at it, the concept was average, only normal.

Rong Ling said that Shang Imperial Concubine was Min Imperial Concubine's little sister. That little sister missed her sister and hung her sister's painting on the wall.

But in the end, the Shang Imperial Concubine is still the master of a palace, and is one of the emperors' imperial concubines.

The Shang Imperial Concubine did this, aren't they afraid that someone would go and sue the Emperor?

Liu Wei thought about it and asked.

"I have never seen these paintings before I left the capital." Rong Ling said.

Because of their relationship with the Min Imperial Concubine, Rong Ling had always given them an extra bit of respect.

Shang Imperial Concubine was one of the four noble concubines, so being of such high status, it was natural that he had nothing to do with Rong Ling, but perhaps it was due to the fact that Rong Ling was considered as one of the four great concubines, he had treated Rong Ling well.

In the past, they would always make use of various festivals to send Rong Ling some good things. As a result, although the two of them did not interact on the surface, but privately, they had their own friendship.

Before leaving the Li Palace, Shang Imperial Concubine had sought Rong Ling out once. That was the first time they had met each other alone, and also the last.

They met at the main hall that day.

At that time, Rong Ling remembered clearly that the paintings on the walls were not these, they were just the masterpieces painted by the current scholars, and were not really anything special.

That meeting was an invitation from the Shang Imperial Concubine.

At that time, Shang Imperial Concubine did not say anything. He only knew that Rong Ling was about to leave for a long time, and after giving a few warnings, he asked Rong Ling an extremely sensitive question.

Shang Imperial Concubine asked him if he wanted the position of the treasure.

Rong Ling was silent for a long time before replying — No.

He did not want that position, even if many people wanted it, he did not want it.

That was a position where everyone would forsake their loved ones and harm themselves.

He couldn't dodge in time.

Receiving Rong Ling's response, the Shang Imperial Concubine did not express her opinion and the two people's conversation came to an abrupt halt. It was only after they had left that Rong Ling thought that the Shang Imperial Concubine was just testing the waters.

It was because at that time, Shang Imperial Concubine was already pregnant.

A concubine who was pregnant naturally had to think for her own flesh and blood, clear the way for her son, or try to rope in certain forces.

Rong Ling had a very close relationship with the Min Imperial Concubine, he had received a lot of favours. At that time, he thought that if the Shang Imperial Concubine truly wanted to fight for that position for his flesh and bones, when necessary, he could help.

However, before he could express his stance, chaos broke out in the palace.

The Thousand Yang Branch that he obtained from Yu Ran yesterday was still in the Zhenge Sect. Presumably, before dying, the child in the Shang Imperial Concubine had long been destroyed by this thing.

It would be difficult to investigate the Imperial Consort's rebellion at this point in time.

However, the case with Yu Ping was a new one.

Originally, the reason why he entered the palace tonight was for the case regarding Yuping, but it had unknowingly involved the Min Imperial Concubine and involved the Shangyang Palace.

The picture of the Buddha feeding the falcon was drawn by someone, and the jade screen knew that the person who had signed it was already dead? If he didn't know, who was it that lured Yu Ping to hang this painting in her bedroom?

If she knew, how would Yu Ping dare to do so?

It was intermittent. There were thousands of lines and hundreds of veins, but there were no leads. There were only more and more questions.

After all, even though Rong Ling couldn't figure out how to deal with people he cared about, he could.

But Liu Wei's answer was very simple — two cases, for one case.

After all, it was just a painting. Perhaps the death of the Princess Yuping was not related to this painting.

But, since the suspicious points had appeared, and were placed so clearly in front of him, Liu Wei could not pretend that he did not notice anything.

The death of the Shang Imperial Concubine, the death of the Princess Yuping. The two palaces also had pictures of the dead Min Imperial Concubine, one with an old work, the other with a new one.

This new work naturally could not be a real one. It was most likely written by someone from the Min Imperial Concubine, who had deliberately made it look mysterious to trick others.

However, since there was such a person, it meant that someone was manipulating this plot.

As for who the person behind that person was, it was something that they needed to find out.

Now that things had come to this point, there were actually a lot of clues. Of course, the most important thing was that they also had a witness.

Shang Imperial Concubine's personal palace maid, Huang Er.

After taking Huang Er into his hands, Liu Wei had never seen him before.

Liu Wei knew that Rong Ling had interrogated Huang Er before, but he did not know what the result would be.

Thinking up to here, Liu Wei grabbed Rong Ling's hand and said: "Shall we leave the palace first? I will bring this painting back for further study and see if there are any more clues. As for the rest, take your time and resolve this case with all your heart. The more impatient you are, the more you will ignore many details. "

Rong Ling did not say anything, he only suddenly reached out and pulled Liu Wei into his embrace, his lower jaw resting on Liu Wei's head, as his breathing became heavier.

Liu Wei also hugged him back, he was clear in his heart that although this person did not say it, in his heart, it was likely that he had a very deep friendship with the Min Imperial Concubine.

When it came to this person, Qin Wentian's state of mind could not be at ease, and his entire being was enveloped in a sense of oppression.

A palace concubine who had died for ten years. Ten years ago, Rong Ling was only around ten years old.

A decadent prince who had just started his career, and a palace concubine who had died a sweet death.

Presumably, he was also implicated.

Even though it was already known that Rong Ling's sudden rise was due to the Emperor wanting to find someone to listen to him, in order to support a person to stand up, he probably had to use a lot of methods.

And why did the Emperor choose Rong Ling? This was also a problem.

It was said that Rong Ling had obtained this opportunity because he was relying on his Mothers.

But how many princes were there in this harem that were reliable to a mother?

It just so happened that Rong Ling got this chance, was there really no one here to help him?

Liu Wei had an answer in his heart, and he was more or less clear about it himself. However, they could not say it, as there were some things that could not be explained, and could not be explained.

Besides, there were also people who were already dead …

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