One second. Org, free of charge!

Rong Su's expression was extremely calm, but Li Jun who was at the side was startled, and then she thought of something, and it became incredulous: "That Mr.Liu? She's back? "

Lin Sheng nodded and recounted the matter regarding Liu Wei.

Li Jun looked at the nearby shops, and said: "I'm afraid this is not the right time to interrogate them, I should just casually eat some, in case I get delayed by then."

Rong Su replied with an "En" and did not have any objections.

If the Duke didn't have any objections, Lin Sheng definitely didn't have any.

The three of them went from simple to simple, eating in a small restaurant opposite Zhenge Sect. Since the food was ordinary in color, they ate quickly.

After finishing the meal, the three of them left the restaurant and went straight to the main entrance of the Zhenge Sect.

After revealing their identities and showing their identity tokens, the guard at the door went in to consult with them before respectfully welcoming the three people inside.

They were greeted in the main hall by the General Wei. Outside, all matters of the Zhenge Sect were handled by this vice general.

"Greetings Seventh Prince." First, he paid respects to Rong Su. Then, General Wei cupped his hands towards Li Jun and saluted, and spoke with a flat tone: "Master Li, Master Lin."

Li Jun and Lin Sheng returned the greeting to the General Wei.

After that, Lin Sheng explained the matter of the case being entrusted to the Seventh Prince to the emperor. In the end, she said, "The emperor hates us for delaying matters, so he sent the Seventh Prince to take over. This way, I'm afraid we have to speed up the case and prevent His Majesty from getting angry again."

The meaning in his words was, although I am not willing to offend Master Liu, but right now, the Emperor is watching closely, and the one who did it is the Seventh Prince, so, I have no choice, let us quickly call the Master Liu out for interrogation.

General Wei understood but did not express her stance. She only looked at Rong Su with a troubled expression and said, "Since Seventh Prince is here for official business, this general should be cooperating fully. "Oh right, Your Highness can eat lunch, what if we eat lunch first, then we can interrogate you later?"

Upon saying that, before Rong Su could reply, Li Jun had already said: "We have already eaten, General Wei do not delay any longer, please lead the way, this case is related to the princess' death, delay for a moment, and even be disrespectful to the princess for a while, both you and I want to solve this case as soon as possible, do not nag any further."

Although he said that, General Wei was still in a difficult position.

Rong Su could tell that something was wrong with the General Wei, so she asked, "Are there any suspicions regarding the suspect?"

"No, no, no." General Wei immediately said: "The suspect will be properly locked in the prison, there won't be any difference."

"Then lead the way." Rong Su ordered coldly.

General Wei was full of unwillingness, but the situation was not something he could turn around and in the end, he could only lead the way.

Entering the dungeon, going back and forth. While passing by the paths, Rong Su inadvertently looked at the prisoners on the left and right, and saw the stench coming from them, their eyes were sinister and could not help but feel uncomfortable.

When he thought about how that man was dressed in white and had an unworldly appearance, he couldn't imagine that Liu would be able to stay in such an environment for a while.

After passing through the ordinary prison and going upstairs, they arrived at the single room.

This layer was completely different from the previous layer.

Just now, the prison doors were all ordinary iron bars. People could see the scene inside from the outside, but this layer was made from thick iron gates. The scene inside the prison couldn't be seen through the thick iron gates that separated them from the outside.

After passing through single rooms, the passageway became so quiet that even a pin drop could be heard. Finally, the four of them stopped at the large, mottled door at the very end.

The General Wei's hand that was holding the key trembled, but in the end, she did not open the door. Instead, she turned and said to Rong Su: "Bring him out now, and the prince won't go in.

They had already seen what the cell looked like downstairs.

After Li Jun heard General Wei say that, she also thought about the horrible scene that would happen behind the steel door. She had the idea of retreating, and said: "Then we will wait outside."

General Wei heaved a sigh of relief, but just as she was about to agree, Rong Su said: "Since we're already here, let's not worry about all these. Let's go in."

Rong Su's righteous words made Li Jun feel slightly embarrassed, and she did not dare to retreat anymore.

Lin Sheng was indifferent. It was a prison, but wasn't it like that?

The General Wei, who had finally let go of half of her worries, was once again stuck in her throat.

But under Rong Su's forceful gaze, General Wei had no choice but to clench her teeth and hesitate. In the end, she put her hand on the key and inserted it into the invisible lock.

Thinking about what Master Liu said to him this morning, General Wei was still a little dazed.

When she was using her breakfast in the morning, Master Liu had said that there would be people coming to find her today. No matter who it was, they could just bring him to the prison.

At that time, the General Wei didn't believe it, nor did she agree.

The thing that he did not believe was that in the past few days, no one in the palace had come to question him. How did the Master Liu know that someone was coming today?

The only disagreement was that the cell was decorated in such a luxurious manner. It was obvious that they had entered through the back door, so how could they have seen it so casually?

However, the Master Liu insisted on it, and even General Rong had nothing to say. No matter how much General Wei wanted to say, she could only suppress her emotions and agree to it in the end.

He had originally thought that it was just a random guess from the Master Liu, but who would have thought that someone would actually come knocking on his door.

Although the Seventh Prince did not interact much with the General Rong on normal days, their political angles were different.

General Wei didn't think that this person would be unmoved after knowing that Master Liu was living in prison happily. I think after a while, this matter will spread to the Emperor's ears.

General Wei was uneasy in her heart. She still wanted to struggle but she saw the iron door suddenly open with a creak. The hand he used to hold the key was frozen in midair, feeling extremely awkward.

Li Jun and Lin Sheng were startled, the General Wei did not open, but instead, it did. Or did it just open from the inside, what does that mean?

This cell door can be opened both inside and outside?

How could this be? How could there be a prison door that could be opened from the inside? If the door could be opened from the inside, then wouldn't the prisoner be able to leave whenever he wanted?

The two of them thought they were mistaken, the General Wei must have opened the door just now.

But in the next second, the two knew that they didn't see wrongly.

The thick and heavy iron door was actually pushed open, and then, a short boy inside the door, with a pair of black and bright eyes, looked at the few people outside the "door" in shock. He was stunned for a moment, and then, shifted his gaze back onto Rong Su.

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