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Seeing the handsome man's casual smile, Rong Su squinted his eyes and said with a heavy tone: "Do you know, if the case is really as complicated as you say, what would be the result?"

Whether or not someone spread these words maliciously, it was obvious that the emperor would not be happy to hear it.

Just yesterday, Liu Wei heard that the Emperor had given this year's Imperial Examinations to the Crown Prince.

The invigilator position wasn't too important. He could simply find a random university scholar in the Han Forest Academy and accept this matter. However, there were many secrets behind the invigilator position.

From ancient times until now, there had always been a saying in the Imperial Examinations that if a student passed a test under any elder, they would enter any elder's tutelage.

The Emperor was clearly giving this opportunity to the Crown Prince.

He would let the Crown Prince take advantage of this year's Imperial Examinations to recruit more talents and leave them for his own use.

The saying of lying on the side of the bed would not allow others to sleep. The Emperor's action was to entrust the greatest amount of trust to the crown prince, and she didn't even fear that the crown prince would form an alliance with the future pillars of the country.

When he found out about this news yesterday, Liu Wei knew that in less than two days, Rong Su would be hated.

Just as expected, he was able to get away with it just like that.

Liu Wei believed that the reason the Emperor handed the case of Princess Yuping to Rong Su was not because she wanted to know the truth.

After all, she was just a princess. How many princesses were there in the harem?

The only thing that was special about Princess Yuping was probably the title of Buddha, the former Jade Lady. But it was just a little bit special, and was not enough to shake anything.

The Emperor gave the case of the Princess Yuping to Rong Su, it looked like there was nothing wrong with it, but the reason was to clear the way for the crown prince.

After all, after taking the position of the Imperial Examinations, if the crown prince really took action, without Rong Su as a stumbling block, he could win over the hearts of the people, and would be able to win over others with ease.

Liu Wei didn't know what Rong Su was thinking, but there were actually two paths in front of him right now.

First, he would hand over himself in the name of a murderer, quickly investigate this case, and then escape to find trouble with the crown prince.

Second, he would be able to solve this case, but it was obvious that he would miss the chance to stop the crown prince. In a few days, the Rong Su case might not even be solved, but the crown prince's case would already be filled with peaches and plums.

These two paths were clear, and no one knew which one was the right one.

Liu Wei patiently looked at Rong Su. What Liu Wei wanted to know was how she would choose.

Rong Su's expression was not very good. It was obvious that Rong Su would definitely think of something.

Lin Sheng and Li Jun also frowned as they thought about it. Finally, it was Li Jun who spoke first, whispered to Rong Su while possessing her body: "Your Highness, isn't this case already solved?"

Li Jun said, she intentionally looked at Liu Wei, with a cold look in her eyes: "Now, isn't the culprit already here?"

This was the meaning behind choosing the first route?

Was he going to be sent out as a scapegoat?

Liu Wei laughed, but did not care, and continued to look at Rong Su: "Seventh Prince, just one sentence, do you really think so?"

Rong Su muttered to herself as she looked at Liu Wei with uncertainty.

In the end, after a long period of deliberation, Rong Su opened her mouth: "We need to determine whether or not she is the culprit.

Liu Wei's brows furrowed as she stared at Rong Su with a smile that was not a smile.

Rong Su was a little uncomfortable being stared at by Liu Wei, she turned slightly, and looked elsewhere as well.

Li Jun did not understand his Royal Highness's words, and asked somewhat anxiously: "Your Highness, have you thought this through clearly? Isn't this person personally brought back by the Infanta Yuehai and Eunuch Su? It could be said that he had been caught red-handed, your highness... You've been caught red-handed. "

Li Jun specifically stressed one sentence, which was that if they gave up on handing over the scapegoat right now, it would be equivalent to giving up this opportunity. If they really wanted to solve this case, how long would it take?

Min Imperial Concubine, Shang Imperial Concubine, who were these people that they could casually touch?

If any one of them were involved, it would be a series of troubles, not to mention two of them.

Rong Su looked at Liu Wei, and said with a serious gaze: "Give me the autopsy report."

Rong Su had heard about the autopsy report when she was in Guyong Mansion. At that time, she had even seen Li Lin's autopsy report.

Liu Wei made sure that Rong Su really didn't have any other intentions, and raised her eyebrows, saying, "Looks like Seventh Prince will choose this one. The autopsy report is possible, please wait a moment."

Liu Wei said as she stood up and pulled open the bookcase beside him.

When Liu Wei turned around, she still wanted to advise Rong Su, but Rong Su just waved her hand instead of listening.

Li Jun clenched her teeth, and when she looked at Liu Wei's back again, her eyes burned with anger.

Liu Wei took out the autopsy report, and filled in a few more blanks. In the end, she added the test results that were at the end of the report, she skimmed over it, and after seeing that there were no problems, she handed it over to Rong Su.

Rong Su took it and flipped through it.

Then, Rong Su stopped moving.

Liu Wei crossed her hands and asked: "But where can I not understand? I can explain."

Rong Su looked at Liu Wei, returned the autopsy report to Liu Wei, and said, "Explain it from the first word."

He couldn't understand a single word.

Liu Wei: "..."

The previously knowledgeable and knowledgeable Rong Seventh Prince did not want to admit that the temperature of the liver, eye circumference, and the area of the frontal lobe on the whole page were no different from a ghost's.

Liu Wei spent an entire hour explaining every detail of the report to them, and in the end, Liu Wei didn't care if Rong Su understood it or not, didn't care if Lin Sheng remembered everything, and didn't care about Li Jun's eyes that seemed to want to eat him alive, she had just got up from the desk and chased the three out.

After the three had left, Xiaoli leisurely walked in with a roasted sweet potato in her hand.

Liu Wei glanced at his son, and asked: "Who gave it to you?"

Xiaoli took a bite of the scalding sweet potato meat, and said unclearly: "Miaomiao …"

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