Rong Jindong returned to the outside of the woodshed, and looked at the tightly locked wooden door.

He spread his clothes out and hung them on the rope before the door. Then he carried himself to the well behind the woodshed and followed the familiar rope to the bottom of the well.

There was nothing at the bottom of the well, but at least it was sheltered from the wind.

His subordinate still could not bear it, and said: "But Young Master Jin is still so young …"

"All the disciples of the Imperial Family have experienced being crushed since they were young. Look at what achievements he has now, in the end, there is only one path if he wants to succeed. If I do not force out his courage, then he will not be able to go far on this road in the future. "

The subordinate listened, although he understood the logic behind it, his face still showed a sense of disappointment, "Your Highness, you are even more ruthless than before."

Rong Fei scoffed when she heard it, "Before I don't know about those things, can I continue to be naive? If I remain muddleheaded after knowing about them, am I still a man?"

The subordinate lowered his head in silence, thinking of that pitiful child from the Crown Prince's Palace and couldn't help but ask, "Can I send him a set of clothes?"

"Not good." Suppressing the love in his heart, Rong Fei said coldly: "Let him think of a way himself."

The subordinate glanced at his master in fear and sighed in his heart. In this world, besides gold and silver rights, only women could change a man's personality.

A dead woman, on the other hand, had more influence on people's hearts than being alive.

He didn't know what Ji Xueji's mood would be after he found out that his death had caused his master to turn into his current state.

However, wasn't it the prince himself who had sent Ji Xueyan into the crown prince's mansion? After so many years, how could he still have the time to regret it?

At the end of the day, he could only say that he had done something wrong and couldn't live on.

And now, even if His Highness wanted to make it up to Young Master Jin, he also wanted to atone for that old matter. He only hoped that Young Master Jin would be able to live up to his expectations and not let go of the path that Your Highness had prepared for him.

It was very quiet in the Crown Prince's Palace late at night.

Rong Jindong slept a night in the dry well, and when she woke up, the moon was already high in the sky.

He climbed out of the well and saw that the clothes hanging on the rope outside the woodshed had already been frozen over. Looking at the ground, there was indeed another layer of frost and snow.

Sighing, he knew that he couldn't wear it anymore, but he couldn't stay naked forever.

After being frozen for such a long time, he could feel his head getting hot and his consciousness getting blurry.

Without letting himself fall ill, he picked up a handful of snow from the ground and wiped his face to wake himself up. After he made sure he was awake, he took advantage of the dark to stealthily detour around the small path, arriving at the place where the servants resided.

At this time, everyone was asleep, Rong Jindong sneaked into a room, after exploring for a long time, she finally found a set of clothes.

After wrapping the clothes around his body, he immediately felt his body, which had been frozen senseless, become much more lively.

Under the moonlight, he left the house and continued to walk outside.

This time, the place he walked in was switched to the front courtyard.

Avoiding the guards on the way, he made use of his agility and soon arrived at the Crown Princess's courtyard safely.

After confirming the location, the ten year old boy narrowed his eyes, turned around, and walked across the yard and into the courtyard of the servant girl.

All the maids that could live in the Crown Princess's Palace were level two and above maidservants.

Rong Jindong knew that the Crown Princess had three personal maids, six senior maids and eight second class maidservants.

From the clothes and veins of the two people, they were first class servant girls. As a result, after looking at the rooms in front of him and calculating for a while, Rong Jindong guessed that they were inside.

Carefully approaching, he picked up a tile from under the eaves. He put the tile through the gap in the door, slowly grinding it until the door latch was opened.

There was a soft sound. It was the sound of a bolt falling to the ground.

Rong Jindong held her breath and waited for a long time. After confirming that the person inside the room was still awake, she heaved a sigh of relief and opened the door.

The door opened and he heard breathing.

Rong Jindong walked closer, and then walked to the left and right side of the building, looking at the left and then the right side, and upon realizing that the person she was looking for was not him, she retreated, closed the door, and went to the next room.

After finding the third room, Rong Jindong found her target.

At that time, the horn on his hand was being rubbed with his finger.

When he saw the stove in the room, he walked over and put two pieces of charcoal on it. The light from the fire illuminated his young and immature face.

What a warm fire. It must be very comfortable to sleep in such a room, right?

Looking at the flames, Rong Jindong's face was filled with envy, but her eyes were actually releasing a cold intent that overflowed into the heavens.

Holding the tile, he began to poke at the ashes until he felt that he was about to burn up because his hand was too close to it. Only then did he slightly withdraw his hand, and the tile was already burning.

Seemingly satisfied with the temperature, he threw the tile into the furnace.

Rong Jindong picked up a pair of pincers and picked up a piece of charcoal. With her pitch-black eyes, she observed the heart of fire within the charcoal with interest as the corner of her mouth hooked up almost indiscernible.

An hour later, he calmly walked out of the house.

Before he left, he turned around and locked the door, but it was not locked. It was just hanging there, but it was enough to ensure that no one in the room would be able to open the door from the inside.

"Oh? It's those two maidservants in the daytime? " Suifeng asked.

The subordinate nodded his head: "That's right, I just don't know what Young Master Jin went in to do, and perhaps stole something from them, or …"

The subordinate immediately realized that something was wrong and hurriedly lowered his head to apologize!

Gao Feng's face was cold. He couldn't help but look at the Crown Prince's Palace. It was quiet there, as if nothing had really happened.

What exactly did the Young Master Jin go in for?

No one could ever have imagined that the true tempest would officially begin on the second day.

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