Qin'er raised her head and looked at Princess Qinyang pitifully. "Princess, do you really not need me?"

Qinyang thought that this palace maid was really weird, she was not a close person to him in the first place. It was normal for her to give or give away people, why would she resent him?

Lifting his eyebrows, Qinyang said coldly: "Yes, since you are wholeheartedly loyal to my royal sister, I will help you achieve your goal. You should be happy."

As Qin'er spoke, she stretched out her hand from behind her back. In her hand was a dagger, shining with a silver light under the candlelight.

"Big... How dare you... Men, men, assassins …. There's an assassin … " Princess Qinyang screamed in fear, and while roaring, she smashed the thing beside her hand onto Qin'er's body crazily.

But with Qinyang on the bed, what could she throw?

Those soft quilts would not cause any harm at all.

Princess Qinyang wanted to get down from the bed and run, but when she finally found a chance to rush towards the door, his leg was pulled. When Qinyang turned around, he saw Qin'er with a smile on his face, one hand grabbing her leg, pulling her back.


Inside the room, there was a dim candlelight, swaying and swaying. The moonlight outside the window, however, was bright and clear.

It was a quiet night. It was also a restless night.

On the second day, the news of the Princess Qinyang's murder spread like wildfire throughout the imperial harem.

Infanta Yuehai had not slept soundly last night, hence she had only dozed off a little in the morning. The moment she woke up, she was startled by the maid's report: "What? Qinyang... Princess Qinyang? "

The palace maid hurriedly nodded: "Yes, yes Princess, it's Princess Qinyang. Princess, she … "She …"

"What happened to her?"

"The princess, she … "He went..."

Princess Qinyang died?

The person who was clearly still alive yesterday had actually stopped breathing after a night.

The morning mist had yet to disperse and the winter cold was still continuing. Qianling Emperor woke up at the empress's place and received the news that she was being served a change of clothes by the empress.

Hearing the report, the Queen was also stunned, and asked again and again, "Are you a princess? How is that possible? Wasn't it fine yesterday? "How did it suddenly happen?"

The servant kneeled on the ground in fear, not daring to raise his head. This servant doesn't know, it's just a servant from the princess palace sending word... "That person is just outside. Empress, do you want to meet him?"

"Call him in!" It wasn't the empress who answered, but the emperor.

Upon hearing the emperor's voice, which was clearly filled with hostility, the palace maid didn't dare to delay and hurriedly ran out. Not long after, she brought a palace maid with swollen eyes from crying into the palace.

That palace maid was one of the Princess Qinyang's personal palace maids. After she woke up this morning and recounted how she found the body of the princess, she did not dare make a sound, and only covered her mouth with her hands to sob.

The Qianling Emperor was immediately angered and sent down an order. It was an hour's delay before she personally went to check on the Princess Qinyang.

Sobbing and wailing could be heard everywhere in the cold palace. The old and old ruler of an empire, accompanied by his mother, entered the sorrowful hall.

The first one to catch sight of him was the imperial concubine, who was gasping for breath. Seeing the emperor arrive, the imperial concubine was barely able to maintain her proper posture. After greeting everyone, she was personally helped to her feet by the emperor.

It was rare for the emperor to be so gentle and gentle. The imperial concubine immediately let out a cry and threw herself into the emperor's embrace, tears once again streaming down her face.

The emperor lovingly patted the imperial concubine's back. The imperial concubine spoke in a hoarse and difficult voice, "Your majesty, you have to uphold justice for Qin'er …"

"I know, I know."

In the end, she was still his own daughter, and Princess Qinyang was an Imperial Concubine's daughter. Her status was no small matter, even if she was a woman, she had always been favored by the Emperor.

After handing the imperial concubine to the empress, the emperor walked over and saw the young woman who seemed to be sleeping soundly on the bed. He fiercely closed his eyes.

Even though he was the monarch of a country, in the end, he was still a white-haired man giving gifts to a black-haired man.

The people from the Imperial Household Department arrived quickly.

A few experienced old palace maid s looked at the princess' body and said, "Reporting to your majesty, there are no wounds on the princess' body at all. From the looks of it, she is not poisoned. I really can't see the cause of death. "

"Ridiculous!" The emperor was enraged and shouted sternly, "We're not injured, we're not poisoned. What happened to that person? Have you guys taken a closer look? "

old palace maid hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed continuously, while saying "forgive us", at the same time insisting on it, but she couldn't see the cause of death.

When the imperial concubine heard this, she cried even harder, until the empress's clothes were wet from crying.

The empress could only pacify the imperial concubine with a frown. She looked at the clock and said, "It's almost time for the morning assembly. Why don't the emperor go to court first? I'll take care of the harem."

No matter how angry Qianling Emperor was, it was not a good idea to keep the civil and military officials busy. She ordered the Queen to investigate everything properly before she went to the court.

After the Emperor left, the Empress said a few words of superficial consolation to the imperial concubine before going to personally see Qinyang's corpse.

old palace maid was called by the Queen and stood up.

Compared to the emperor's willful way of doing things, the empress was naturally more familiar with the ways of the harem, so she asked the old palace maid, "Can you really not see the cause of death?"

The old palace maid did not dare to lie to him, and honestly replied, "Reporting to the Empress, it is true that I was unable to determine the cause of death from the outside, but does the Empress feel that the princess' expression is strange?"

The Queen studied Princess Qinyang's face for a long time before his face suddenly changed.

Princess Qinyang... It was actually … Laughing.

Although the corner of his mouth was pursed slightly, he was indeed smiling.

old palace maid said in a timely manner, "Princess, this is … "There is a saying among the common folk that evil spirits seek life, bewitching men and women, and that they are irreverent and disorderly, and that they laugh to death."

"You mean?"

The Empress did not believe him, but the old palace maid nodded his head, "From this old servant's point of view, Princess Qinyang's soul has been taken away by the wrongdoers. Empress, this old servant is bold, if you really want to return justice to the princess, no way, please invite some masters to do a good justice at the palace, especially … Princess Yuping was that Puxiang Palace when she was still alive. "

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