One second. Org, free of charge!

Rong Ling did not speak, but waited for him to speak.

After waiting for a long time, and seeing that the man was still staring fixedly at the painting, Liu Wei could not help but ask: "What's wrong?"

"He's not in the painting." Rong Ling looked at the additional person on the painting. His tone was very light, but also very cold.

Liu Wei did not understand what Rong Ling meant.

Rong Ling then explained everything clearly.

Hearing that, Liu Wei was startled: "You're saying, when this painting was initially completed, Min Imperial Concubine was the only one inside? But after that, someone added someone else? Who added it? Min Imperial Concubine? "Or …"

"I don't know." It was because she did not know, that after so many years, when Rong Ling saw that painting again, and that there was an additional person on it, she felt that it was strange.

In fact, in Rong Ling's opinion, this person was probably added by the Min Imperial Concubine afterwards.

He remembered that day, when he was learning from the royal study and heading to Shangyang Palace, he saw Xiang Yi leaving right at the entrance of the palace. Xiang Yi was from queen mother, but she had left from there.

Rong Ling didn't know why Xiang Yi had left the Min Imperial Concubine at first, but she did know that the Min Imperial Concubine was especially forgiving of him, and had done many things for Xiang Yi behind her back.

Thinking about Min Imperial Concubine's death, Rong Ling's breathing became heavier, and her eyes became especially cold.

Liu Wei stared at the picture, looking deep in thought.

After a long while, Liu Wei added a few sentences on the paper that contained information about Xiang Yi, and then said: "Today, I still want to enter the palace, what about you?"

Rong Ling said: "Still missing the end."

Liu Wei knew that Rong Ling had been busy recently, but luckily, from the looks of it, she should be finishing up soon.

Liu Wei nodded her head and said: "The case of the Princess Qinyang is not that complicated. If I force it a little, the culprit would be able to get hold of it very quickly. However, you and I both know that this case is only the beginning.

Liu Wei spoke carefully. Looking at Rong Ling's expression, she did not know how to continue.

Rong Ling looked at Liu Wei and grabbed him.

Liu Wei took the chance and hugged Rong Ling, and buried her face in Rong Ling's firm and powerful chest.

"Nothing." Rong Ling assured his after a long while.

nodded, the Min Imperial Concubine was very important to him, and once this matter was dug up again, it would be equivalent to exposing the scars that were almost healed on Rong Ling's body.

Liu Wei did not want to make Rong Ling feel bad, but Liu Wei did not know how to make Rong Ling feel better. Perhaps, it was better to let him do her own things quietly, and busy herself with the matters at the King of Quan.

… ….

After lunch, Liu Wei entered the palace once again.

Yesterday in Imperial Household Department, Steward Hang gave Liu Wei the palace entrance token, so no one was required to receive her today. She held onto the order badge, allowing his to enter and leave freely.

After entering the palace, following the route he took yesterday, Liu Wei quietly walked towards the Imperial Household Department.

Just after they had left the imperial garden, they heard the voice of a palace maid coming from behind a rock garden: "Is that true? Someone also died in Princess Xinluo? "

"How can this be fake? What happened this morning! Princess Xinluo knows you are only eight years old, and the old mama by your side reported it to Li Imperial Concubine. Li Imperial Concubine said not to spread the news, and just bury the corpse of the palace maid with someone, and not alarm the other palaces, nor have it reach the Emperor's ears! "

"But, how did the palace maid die? The same as the previous ones? "Then for some inexplicable reason …"

"Right, it's exactly the same. Blood flows from the seven orifices of his mouth, and he died with grievance. His death was extremely horrifying."

"Then why is Li Imperial Concubine still hiding it? Look, Suixiang Palace also had a few cases previously, so what happened in the end?! In the end, all of Princess Qinyang died! If Li Imperial Concubine is truly the better for Princess Xinluo, then we should announce this matter and seek the Empress's decision. May this esteemed monk help Princess Xiluo drive out the evil … "

Let me tell you this, the Li Imperial Concubine also wants to help the Princess Xinluo, but her status is low and he is not confident that the Empress can seek justice for her. He is afraid that at that time, the palace will be in a hurry to find a reason to settle this matter, and the Princess Xinluo will be the scapegoat.

"What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? The palace is filled with dead people, yet no one can catch the culprit. The word 'Ghost' is known throughout the imperial harem, and at a time like this, you say that if a bane were to appear and end all the crimes, then the palace would be at peace? At that time, if the Emperor were to become the Lord and send that Bane to the temple and live in it for a long time, wouldn't it be enough to wipe out everything? "

"You're saying, the Princess Xinluo is that disaster …"

"Li Imperial Concubine's status isn't high, and Princess Xinluo is shy and introverted, so it just so happens that someone died at their place. Isn't that the perfect candidate to take the blame? You've also been in the palace for a long time, can't you see through this? Li Imperial Concubine didn't want to cause any trouble, so she ordered her men to bury the corpse, pretending that nothing had happened, but it was obvious that someone had leaked the news. Otherwise, I wouldn't have discussed the matter with you. "Sigh, take a look. After all, the palace is filled with dead people every day. I don't know when it will be our turn."

"Let's go! Stop being so unlucky. What does it have to do with me? Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore. I'll head back first..."

The court lady seemed to have been frightened and quickly left.

Watching the two figures leave quietly one after another, Liu Wei stood at the back of the fake mountain, looking deep in thought.

After being delayed on the way here, they arrived at Imperial Household Department a long time later.

The Steward Hang had obviously been waiting for Liu Wei for a long time. Seeing that Liu Wei had arrived, she immediately welcomed him and said eagerly: "Master Liu, you have arrived, yesterday you asked this humble house to retrieve the records of the deaths of all the palace maids, this humble house has already finished making the list, including the palace maids that died in Princess Xinluo last night, a total of nineteen people. Their names, ages, and dates of death, all are here."

As Steward Hang spoke, she took out a piece of xuan paper from her sleeve and handed it over to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei took it, unfurled it, and glanced over it, then asked: "Does Eunuch have any blueprints of the palace's buildings?"

"Huh?" Steward Hang was startled for a moment and asked in puzzlement: "What does Master want the palace blueprints for?"

"It has its own uses."

The Steward Hang was a little hesitant. Logically speaking, although the Imperial Household Department had archives on things related to the structure of the imperial city, they could not leak out information.

In the end, this was related to the safety of the Royal Capital. If the blueprints were taken away by those who harbored malicious intentions, it would bring about a huge disaster to the Royal Capital.

But this Master Liu in front of him didn't seem like someone with ill intentions at all. Furthermore, she was a person specially ordered by the Emperor, so she should be able to make an exception …

After considering it over and over again, the Steward Hang finally gritted her teeth and walked inside.

Seeing him leave, Liu Wei did not say much, and just stood there looking at the list in his hands.

Liu Wei read the ten or so lines back and forth for a long time.

When Liu Wei entered the study, the Steward Hang sent people to guard the entrance strictly. Only then did they unfurl the Imperial City's blueprints that they had just taken out from the storage room, placing them in front of Liu Wei.

Liu Wei immediately looked down.

The Steward Hang did not forget to remind him: "Master Liu, doing this to me is against the rules. If you meet me today, you better not tell anyone else.

Liu Wei laughed, she did not even raise her head and said: "The Steward Hang is in charge of the Imperial Household Department, its identity is precious and it enjoys the trust of the Emperor.

After Steward Hang heard this, she knew that this master would not reveal his identity, and let out a long sigh, feeling more at ease.

Liu Wei was in the Steward Hang's study room, looking at the imperial city's blueprints, she took two hours to do so.

In this period of time, Steward Hang was called out to settle a few matters. When she returned, he found that Liu Wei was still watching him.

Even though the drawing was big and there were a lot of details on it, you wouldn't be able to read it for so long even if you looked at it inch by inch with just a little bit.

Just when Steward Hang thought that Liu Wei would see the world crumbling and the seas withering, Liu Wei suddenly moved.

Liu Wei's eyes lit up, she suddenly stood up, and with that sudden movement, Steward Hang trembled in fear.

"Lord?" Steward Hang called out.

Liu Wei frowned, and once again clearly saw a few parts of the map, she looked at the name list of Death Palace people, and could not help but let out a snort of laughter: "So it's like that!"

"Milord, did you discover something?" Steward Hang immediately went up, following Liu Wei's line of sight to look at the blueprints and list, but she could not see anything.

Liu Wei was not in the mood to explain, but she suddenly thought of something.

It was a night not long ago, and on that night, she and Rong Ling entered the palace together. After the two of them saw Rong Fei, they went to the Puxiang Palace.

However, in the Puxiang Palace, he met two palace maids, one of them was called Xiang Er, the other was called Qin'er. The two were arguing about the matter of the Princess Yuping when she was alive, but in the end, Xiang Er left and Qin'er stayed behind.

However, at that time, Liu Wei had always felt that she had overlooked something, and never was able to grasp onto the main point. And since the matter had changed, Liu Wei had gradually forgotten about the matter, and just now, after looking at the blueprint, and the list of names, Liu Wei suddenly remembered what it felt like to be ignored by him that day.

Liu Wei grabbed a piece of Xuan paper from the side of the desk and picked up the pen holder. Liu Wei was about to put some ink on it, but seeing that the ink stone had dried up, she frowned, and reflexively said: "Grinding."

There was only the Steward Hang beside Liu Wei, so the Steward Hang naturally knew that those words were directed at him. However, as a eunuch, he was used to being aloof and aloof, and the reason he was able to be respectful to Liu Wei was because she was an official of the previous dynasty who was deeply affected by the Emperor's orders and had some skills. After half a day, she was able to see through the fatal injuries on the Princess Qinyang's body, but being respectful to this lord did not mean that she was going to be ordered to do anything.

He was a dignified eunuch, and not someone who treated everyone like a grandson.

The Steward Hang frowned but did not move, indicating that she was the head of the Imperial Household Department and not some small court lady who would burn incense and study ink.

But before he finished his protest, he was suddenly met with a glare from the handsome man beside him, followed by a sentence that contained an intimidating pressure: "Ink Research!"

Steward Hang looked back at Liu Wei's angry and impatient face, she swallowed her saliva, picked up the ink stone pillar, poured some tea on her table, and started to stir it crazily.

When the ink had come out a little, Liu Wei picked up the pen and dipped it in the ink. She started drawing.

The Steward Hang did not know what she was drawing, but at first, it was a mess. Later on, it was a complete mess, but just when he thought that the Master Liu was drawing and writing without a care in the world, she saw the other party put away the brush, and then turn the confused picture upside down.

The Four Symbols was the saying of Daoism.

Aside from the four phenomena, there was also the eight trigrams. Although the majority of Steward Hang could not understand the picture in front of them, they could vaguely see the shadow of the eight trigrams.

"Lord, this is …"

"Can't tell?" Liu Wei put down her brush, glanced at Steward Hang, and said: "I never thought that this case would actually have something to do with ghosts and gods."

When the Steward Hang heard that, he was shocked, "Master, you mean? Is it really the doing of the demons? "

"It's unknown whether it's a demon or not, but the opponent does indeed want to do something like a demon." Liu Wei pointed to the position of the Lunar Monument in the Four Diagram and said: "The Lunar Monument is also divided into Fire Break and Thunder Tremor. Look, where is this place?"

Liu Wei said, her hand moved to a certain location on the map and Steward Hang looked out, seeing the words on the map, she said: "Suixiang Palace?"

Liu Wei then pointed to another place and said: "The Shaoyin position is also known as the Sesame Rice and Tian Gan. Look, where is this place?"

Steward Hang found the location once again in the Four Diagram and the blueprint of the Imperial City, and asked: "Mengxiang Palace?"

"The sun is the wind and the water. Here."

Steward Hang looked over again. This time, he seemed to have vaguely understood something, and her expression became odd. She muttered: "Li Xiang Palace..."

"Shaoyang is from Mount Kun and Mount Kun …."

This time, before Liu Wei could finish speaking, the Steward Hang had already muttered out, "The Cold Fragrance Palace …."

Liu Wei curled her lips, and then pointed to the center of the four palaces and pointed to it.

But Steward Hang already understood what Liu Wei meant.

In the place where Liu Wei had pointed, three distinct and eye-catching words were written.

Steward Hang exhaled a long breath, she could only endure the creepy feeling, and gritted her teeth as she spoke: "Pu … Puxiang Palace... "

Liu Wei said straightforwardly: "Someone is killing people in the image of the Taiji eight trigrams, and the person in the middle is the Puxiang Palace. Someone is offering a special sacrifice for the Princess Yuping. On the list of nineteen people you gave me, there are twelve people on it from the four palaces around, including the Princess Qinyang. As for the other seven, they should be the culprits who deliberately mystified them. "

"No …." Before Liu Wei could finish speaking, the Steward Hang had a pale face, her eyes stared fixedly at the Four Diagram as she asked in panic: "The other seven that Master mentioned, are they the last seven on the list?"

Liu Wei looked at the list, and said: "En."

Steward Hang said: "Originally, this was something that I had to tell you. The reason why these last seven people were grouped together was because these seven have something in common, they … they were all come from from the Puxiang Palace … "

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