Liu Wei scoffed, and continued: "To the east and west, luring the tiger to leave the mountain, you two have actually cooperated very well. You knew I suspected you, so you seduced me and heard the screams. After that, you didn't go out because you wanted me to think that you didn't go out because you had other plans. While I was outside, my heart was thinking about if your Eunuch Xiang would take advantage of this time to do something. You forced me to hurry back to the side chamber to continue monitoring you, and the moment I panicked, that would give Qin'er time. Qin'er pretended to meet a ghost and attracted the attention of the guards. It was just to be escorted to the backyard of Mengxiang Palace in the name of the law. Tonight, there are too many guards in Mengxiang Palace, Qin'er, a woman without any martial arts skills, so she cannot easily enter, so she used this technique to capture her former self. I have to say, you guys succeeded, and I was almost deceived, but unfortunately, your acting was too overboard, and your performance tonight is too obvious.

After Liu Wei finished speaking, she looked back at Xiang Yi who was standing in front of him. Xiang Yi stood in the darkness of the night, her entire person bright and indistinct, causing people to be unable to see him clearly.

Liu Wei frowned, she was about to speak again, but suddenly, a low laugh came from the darkness: "You passed the test?"

Liu Wei stared at Xiang Yi, her expression becoming darker and darker.

After a long while, he heard footsteps in the distance.

Liu Wei snapped her fingers, and two young eunuchs ran over. Obviously, the two young eunuchs received orders beforehand and knew that they had come to look for Liu Wei.

Xiang Yi's expression was very light, as if she didn't care about anything.

Seeing that Xiang Yi had nothing to say, Liu Wei secretly pursed his lips.

In reality, the situation was not good for Liu Wei. Although she had seen through her scheme, Liu Wei did not have any direct evidence to prove that Qin'er was related to Xiang Yi.

Everything that had happened before was just Liu Wei's speculation.

And the reason why Liu Wei had lured Xiang Yi over was to bomb him, but seeing his composed expression, Liu Wei knew that Xiang Yi had probably left some tricks up her sleeve.

It seemed that even if he interrogated Qin'er later, he wouldn't be able to find any answers.

Two young eunuchs came over, and told Liu Wei two pieces of news.

Firstly, a palace maid from the Mengxiang Palace was severely injured and nearly lost his life, but he was saved in the end.

Secondly, the person who murdered the palace maid was captured. It was the former Suixiang Palace Palace Maiden, Qin'er.

Everything was exactly as Liu Wei expected, and Liu Wei once again looked at Xiang Yi.

This time, Xiang Yi also looked at Liu Wei.

Xiang Yi's attitude was calm as she smiled at Liu Wei. In the presence of the two young eunuchs, she said righteously: "Congratulations Master Liu, Your Excellency's case is indeed as broken as a god. Looks like this case will soon be solved and this humble home will also be able to explain to queen mother."

Sly old fox.

These two words flashed across Liu Wei's mind. He was secretly unhappy, and was just a step away from it.

At the end of the matter, even after Qin'er was caught, Xiang Yi was still able to remain calm. As expected of someone who had been by the side of the queen mother for more than ten years.

The four of them went back together.

Along the way, Liu Wei walked the quickest, but they kept their eyes on Xiang Yi who was behind them. They saw that Xiang Yi was just following him indifferently, with an expression that said she was not involved in the matter.

When he returned to the side hall, Liu Wei could hear the woman's whimpering from afar.

Liu Wei walked in.

Seeing that Liu Wei had returned, Steward Hang immediately stood up to welcome him, and also pointed to the crying lady on the ground: "Master, this palace maid is called Qin'er, it's the palace maid from Suixiang Palace, the one who screamed earlier was her, she …."

Steward Hang found it hard to finish his sentence.

Liu Wei waved her hand and walked over expressionlessly. She looked at the pretty palace maid who was curled up into a ball, crying her heart out and gasping for breath.

The palace maid was still crying.

Liu Wei suddenly extended her hand out and grabbed the palace maid's wrist.

On Qin'er's wrist was a black spider that clung to her pulse like a ghost. The pulse had already been bitten into a bloody mess by the spider, and blood was dripping from it.

She had tried to shake it off just now, but as long as she tried to wave the spider away, the spider would become even more entangled and bite her. Twice, she really couldn't take it anymore. Her entire arm softened, and she no longer dared to move.

Liu Wei frowned, she extended her hand out and touched the sinister spider's head.

Steward Hang immediately shouted: "Be careful!"

However, before he could finish his sentence, he was stunned by what he saw next.

The spider was eyeing the spider like a tiger eyeing its prey, preparing to attack. However, it seemed to have smelled something, and in a flash, it suddenly sagged, and after that, Liu Wei unrestrainedly grabbed the little thing in her hands, using her pure white fingertips to fiddle with the black spider's legs, and pointed at the black, shiny, thin shell on the spider's back, before casually putting it into her sleeve.

Steward Hang stuck her throat with difficulty, pointed at Liu Wei's sleeves and mumbled to herself for a long time, unable to say a single word.

Liu Wei felt that she should explain, and said: "There is no poison, this is a spider that uses medicine, I have pulled out its poison scripture, it is easier to grind medicine."

Steward Hang looked at Liu Wei with a dumbstruck expression. After struggling for a long while, she finally said: "This … This spider was … It was raised by you, Master? "

"Yes." Liu Wei said: "I recuperated for three days, and took the medicine tomorrow."

"Then... "Then it …"

"Before you die, let it use its full power." Liu Wei said as she glanced at Qin'er, and saw that she seemed to have suffered too much, and was still sprawled on the ground and could not get up, she then said: "Huai Mountain's spider, lethargic, greedy, this kind of spider loves the smell of blood the most. Wherever it smells blood, it drills, and it's especially tyrannical. If you cannot smell the blood, then you will sleep well and sleep well until the next time you eat. Therefore, although I was the one who placed this Huai Mountain Spider on this palace maid, if she does not touch the blood, then this little thing will definitely not wake up. "

At this point, the situation was already very clear.

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