Because it was already late in the night and the palace gates had long since been locked, Liu Wei was unable to leave the palace.

The Steward Hang arranged for Liu Wei to stay in a small room in the Imperial Household Department.

Even after sending Liu Wei to the side room, Steward Hang still had not left.

"Who told you she was alone?"

Steward Hang was stunned.

Liu Wei said: "Ignoring the fact that she has many accomplices, at least one of them is definitely the person who taught her how to kill others."

"My lord, are you saying that the person will come to rescue Qin'er?"

"No." Liu Wei said: "That person will come and kill her!"

Steward Hang took a deep breath.

Liu Wei then said, "People think that only the dead can keep this a secret forever. Only the dead will not reveal his identity, Qin'er has already been captured, so Qin'er must die."

The Steward Hang was silent.

Liu Wei looked at Steward Hang and reminded him once more, "Therefore, in the next few days, I will have to trouble eunuch to take care of this matter. Although a zither is nothing, the person behind Qin'er is heavy and heavy, in the end, how did the Princess Yuping die, and how did she leave the palace? I still have no answers, and I can't solve this case, so in the end, this case will not end.

Steward Hang looked at Liu Wei for a moment, then nodded her head and bowed to Liu Wei, and said: Master, don't worry, I know what to do.

Liu Wei revealed a smile, which could be considered as gratification.

After Steward Hang left, Liu Wei entered the room.

Seeing the simple arrangement of the room, Liu Wei sat on the chair.

The light on the square table flickered, but there was no movement from all around.

Liu Wei seemed to be speaking into the air, as she said: "Aren't you tired after following me for so long?"

However, there was still no movement from his surroundings.

Liu Wei was furious, "If you don't come out, you won't come out for the rest of your life!"

In just a moment, a strong gale blew past, causing the doors and windows to sway a little. Following that, the windows were opened wide. However, in just a few moments, there was already one more person in the room.

The person who came was a man. His eyes were like torches and his expression was cold. He stood at the spot where the candlelight was flickering. His entire person seemed to be in the dark and in the light. He looked both handsome and threatening.

Liu Wei's expression, which had been worn out all night, calmed down and said: "I'm so tired."

The man put down the longsword in his hand and walked towards her. His hands easily embraced her, allowing her to lean on him.

Smelling a familiar scent from his nose, Liu Wei exhaled, and said lazily: "Why are you following me?"

The man sat down beside her, and Liu Wei took the chance to take off his shoes. He arched his back, and laid on his knees, looking down at the man from top to bottom.

The man lowered his eyes and looked at her small face that was completely dependent on him. He extended his hand to brush away the hair on her face and said, "How can I not worry?"

Liu Wei laughed, "I'm afraid no one would go against me in this palace compound."

"Hmm?" The man secretly moaned, and unconsciously sneered: "Actually, you can try to explain what you and Xiang Yi are doing in the forest."

Liu Wei said in embarrassment: "You can see that I held back, and was only delaying him. I did not plan to fight to the death with him."

"Who allowed you to leave with him alone?" he demanded with a frown.

"You're not alone. You're also here. I know you're here, so I'm very relieved." Saying that, Liu Wei smiled at him.

However, the man's expression was cold and indifferent. He asked, "You know I'm here, and yet you still want to hook up with him?"

Liu Wei immediately sat up from the bed. Because of his actions, her hair had loosened up and he had an innocent expression, "He is a eunuch."

"Broken Sleeve's eunuch."

"He can't touch me at all."

The man stood up and walked out the door.

Liu Wei looked at his back and asked: "Where are you going?"

He didn't even look back.

Liu Wei: "..."

In the end, Liu Wei did not call for him anymore, but Liu Wei knew that since Rong Ling had not gone far, he was already in the outer room, and the two of them were separated by a door.

Deep winter night, it was so cold that it pierced the heart.

However, the two of them had the foundation of martial arts training, so towards this temperature difference, it was not a big deal. It was just that in the middle of the night, Liu Wei still sneezed a few times.

Liu Wei's movements were not small. She knew that a man outside the sect had heard his.

Then, sure enough, footsteps could be heard.

Liu Wei pretended that nothing had happened.

Rong Ling walked over, looked at Liu Wei, and in the end, threw back her blanket and fell asleep.

Liu Wei's back was facing him, and she did not make a sound, nor did he turn around.

In the end, it was Rong Ling who reached out and gently embraced her in her arms.

Liu Wei did not resist and took the opportunity to snuggle into Rong Ling's embrace. She buried her face in Rong Ling's chest and peacefully fell asleep.

The next day, Liu Wei woke up a bit late. When he woke up, she was already the only one left on the bed.

He stretched himself and put on some clothes.

After putting on half of his clothes, someone knocked on the door.

Liu Wei went to open the door. She was a young eunuch from the Imperial Household Department who had come to help him wash her face and rinse her mouth.

After washing his face and rinsing his mouth, Liu Wei put on his hair and headed towards the front hall. Just as he arrived, he saw two familiar figures in the hall.

Liu Wei frowned, but still walked in.

As soon as he entered, he heard the Steward Hang's excited voice, "This slave thanks the Emperor for her bestowment, and thanks the Seventh Prince for his care!"

Liu Wei turned her gaze, looked at Rong Su who was currently seated on the main seat, and raised her eyebrows.

Rong Su also saw Liu Wei, and just as she was about to speak, the Steward Hang took the lead and spoke out emotionally: "Master Liu, it's good that you're here, the Emperor found out that our Imperial Household Department caught the killer last night, and today, the Seventh Prince came specially to reward us. "The Emperor also ordered you to continue investigating this case. This servant will assist you, so that we can get everything straight and clear as soon as possible. We also sent two imperial guards to ensure your safety. Look, there are only two of them!"

Liu Wei turned her head around, and her eyes easily met the two unfamiliar and ordinary looking man's faces.

Liu Wei calmed herself down and stared at the left side of the guard. Seeing that the person on the other side of the guard was exactly the same as Rong Ling, she closed her eyes tightly.

The guard on the left seemed to be puzzled by Liu Wei's gaze and asked: "Master, do you know this subordinate?"

Seeing how quickly a certain guy was acting, Liu Wei laughed coldly and said: "Right, even if you turn into ashes, I will still recognize you."

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