One second. Org, free of charge!

Something had happened at the palace again, so Liu Wei had to enter the city no matter what.

However, with the city being under martial law, even if Liu Wei revealed her identity, the imperial guards would not immediately let him go. Liu Wei would have to submit proof and send him to Jing zhao Yin, then waste some time before putting him in.

But how could Liu Wei wake up so easily?

Liu Wei put down the carriage's curtain, cutting off the two young eunuchs' chatter outside, and said to the man beside him: "I still have not figured out what happened with the Soul Nail, and the Heaven and Earth Bead. Although it is a fake, but in the end, what is between these things and the dead people? "It can't be, it really is a ghost killing someone right?"

After saying that last sentence, Liu Wei laughed at herself, even feeling that it was absurd.

This case was extremely serious. Two princesses and a princess had been involved in several incidents, causing the entire imperial city to be in an uproar. Everyone was worried.

And the most important evidence was in their hands. They couldn't figure it out.

Liu Wei felt very tired. She had clearly slept well last night, but she was tired again now.

Subconsciously, he gently caressed his lower abdomen. Seeing that, Rong Ling immediately embraced her and let her lean into his embrace, gently saying: "Think slowly, don't …" He had activated his Fetal Qi.

However, Rong Ling did not say the last four words.

Liu Wei didn't think too much about it. She snuggled up against the man's body, and softly muttered: "Magnet, Magnet, Magnetism …"

Liu Wei was startled, she then had a guess.

"Say …" Liu Wei spoke hesitantly.

Rong Ling looked at Liu Wei in puzzlement.

Liu Wei's words were uncertain, and she asked hesitantly: "Do you think this magnet is related to the case, or is there some other special meaning behind it, and it wants to express itself?"


"Hidden iron in wood, legends of the Western Regions, could it be …"

"What is it?"

Liu Wei shook her head. He couldn't explain it clearly, but it felt like there was a line in his heart, guiding her to follow this line to a certain direction.

As to where it would lead to, Liu Wei couldn't really see it clearly, but his intuition told her that there would be an answer soon.

"Speaking of which, I've never seen all of those paintings carefully before." Liu Wei muttered and turned to look at Rong Ling: "Have you seen all of those paintings before?"

The painting that Liu Wei was talking about was naturally those brought out by the Shangyang Palace and the Puxiang Palace.

Within those scrolls, the Puxiang Palace's "Buddha Feeding the Hawk Diagram" had almost confirmed that it was not painted by the Min Imperial Concubine herself, but the "Spring Appreciation Painting" had confirmed the relationship between Xiang Yi and the Min Imperial Concubine.

Of the two pictures, Liu Wei had seen the most carefully and understood the most, but she had forgotten about the other one.

That's right, there were so many Min Imperial Concubine paintings, why did they all appear here, and why were all of them kept quite well, taking good care of each other?

Then, since it was so meticulously preserved, why did it have to be placed in the Shangyang Palace's main hall, which was basically a death palace?

Aren't you afraid of the dust, the palace people coming and going, knocking against each other and breaking the corners?

What was even weirder was that there was nothing left in the main hall. He couldn't even see a complete teacup, yet there were actually paintings of four walls.

Who maintained the painting and who hung it up for? What was the purpose of the painting? What did the person who hung the painting wanted others to find out?

Liu Wei had a feeling that the drawings contained the secrets of the Soul Nail and the Qiankun Pearl. Or rather, the entire case could be investigated from within.

Liu Wei was itching to go back and investigate, but she could not do anything as she was locked outside the city gates.

If not for the two young eunuchs from Imperial Household Department following them, she, Rong Ling, and Qin Zhong would have had plenty of ways to sneak back to the city. However, with these two young eunuchs in the way, everyone was shackled.

After waiting outside the city for nearly four hours, he finally saw two yamen runners in the uniform of the Jing zhao Yin walking out of the city in a hurry.

The two of them showed their tokens and asked the guards a few questions.

The imperial guards pointed to their side, and two bailiffs hurried over. Outside the carriage, they respectfully asked: "Are you Zhenge Sect's Liu Si Zuo1, Master Liu?"

Liu Wei raised the carriage's curtain, looked outside, and said "En".

The two constables had obviously met Liu Wei before. They immediately cupped their hands and anxiously said, "Master Liu, you've finally returned. If you don't find me soon, your hair will turn white!"

Liu Wei was slightly surprised: "Master Lin?"

Lin Sheng?

The yamen runner quickly nodded his head: "There's another case in the city and the corpse is at the yamen now. Master Liu, shall we go back quickly? If I was even a little bit slower, I'm afraid that Master Lin would have used his head to smash the door! "

Initially, Liu Wei was still waiting for a long time, but when she heard that someone was dead, she did not care about anything else, and immediately said: "Lead the way!"

The two bailiffs responded immediately and went to explain the situation to the imperial guards.

After a short while, the fences at the city gate had finally moved. Liu Wei's carriage, under the protection of the Jing zhao Yin, headed towards the Jing zhao Yin Yamen unhindered.

Inside the carriage, Liu Wei looked at Rong Ling and was a little nervous.

Rong Ling's expression was also not very good.

Whose body would it be at this time of day?

Could it really be …

The facts proved that he could do whatever he wanted and what he feared.

As soon as Liu Wei arrived at the yamen, he saw from afar that Lin Sheng, who had received the news, was standing outside the courtyard with a head full of sweat.

It's hard to sweat this cold winter.

Under Rong Ling's considerate gaze, Liu Wei just managed to get off the carriage when Lin Sheng ran over quickly and muttered, "Master Liu, you finally came. This time, you have to save this official …."

Incoherent speech!

Lin Sheng's official rank was even higher than Liu Wei's, yet he called him a lower official.

Liu Wei could see that Lin Sheng's mind was in a mess, she frowned and said: "Master, please do not kill me, what exactly happened, Master, do not be anxious, tell me slowly."

Lin Sheng opened his mouth to say it, but when she looked left and right, she endured it in the end and invited Liu Wei to the back hall to say it.

In the back hall, Lin Sheng scolded the servants, and started to talk.

It was only then that Liu Wei realized how many things had happened after she and Rong Ling had only been out of the city for a day.

According to Lin Sheng, yesterday night, news came from the palace, saying that the princess had gone missing.

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