"Not plagiarize? "Alright, I won't beat you up, so let's call your father over to judge."

"Don't, don't tell Father!" Rong Qing anxiously said.

Liu Xiaoli calmly looked at Rong Qing with a face full of calmness.

With something to "play" with, Xiaoli would not pester her mother anymore.

Liu Wei was elated. She locked her room, opened up all the paintings and started reading them one by one.

And when he looked, he found something suspicious.

On the "Spring Hunt", there was a man dressed in a dragon robe. He stood among the courtiers. He held a bow in his hand. His eyes were sharp and his bowstring trembled as he shot it at a large eagle.

The eagle landed, the ground was stained with blood, and the court officials were all overjoyed, all of them beaming.

Liu Wei could roughly guess the plot of the scene in the diagram. It was the Min Imperial Concubine following the Emperor to the Spring Hunt, the Emperor went to the hunting grounds to shoot and kill falcons, the arrows shot out without a trace, just like before.

At first glance, this painting did not seem to be much, but Liu Wei realized that among the crowd, there was a woman wearing Western clothes with a gold headband.

Liu Wei looked at the words on the side, she understood, this was drawn by Princess of the western regions one year when she came to pay her respects. At that time, it was just in spring, and a Master of Rites had prepared a hunting ground for the guests from the Western Regions.

Putting this painting aside, Liu Wei took out another.

It was a work and rest diagram, called The Fantasy Spectator. The diagram in the diagram was also a scene seen in the Min Imperial Concubine, but it was not in the Shangyang Palace, but in the Zhaoning Palace instead. Although the drawing was blurry, one could still make out the Zhaoning Palace's plaque.

Those women were all handsome, dressed extravagantly, and exuded a powerful aura. Among them, Liu Wei recognized one of them to be Yu Wen Qian, Yu Min Xin's aunt. Liu Wei had met the Wen family's aunt quite a few times already.

The angle of the painting was a bit like peeping.

But all of these were similarly not in Liu Wei's scope of attention. What Liu Wei had her eyes on, were the flowers planted outside the courtyard of the Zhaoning Palace on the picture.

It was unknown if it was done on purpose, but the flower drawing was bigger than a human being, and Liu Wei knew clearly that it was a manjusaka.

manjusaka, also known as the Resurrection Lily or the Flower of the Dead, which grew longer than the Western Regions and was known as the Flower of the Netherworld by the locals, thus flowers usually grew on graves or tombs. As soon as they grew, they would turn into patches of bright red, red like dripping blood, and were known as the flower of the unknown.

In the Western Regions, many Spirit Masters and High Monks would use this flower as their main use. Whether it was for exorcism or as a sacrifice, it could be considered a miraculous item.

When Liu Wei was in the modern world, she had been to Tibet and seen manjusaka before. At that time, she felt that it was very interesting and even asked the locals if she could give them a pot or buy one to bring back to the family.

That person had said that the Resurrection Lily could not leave the soil here. If it were to leave, it would not be able to survive even with the highest quality of the flower soil.

At that time, Liu Wei had even laughed and said that someone had obviously raised him.

That person only said that the one he was raising was definitely not a pure manjusaka and that he had made a deal. If he liked it, he could also buy it from the flower market.

However, a pure manjusaka must grow in the Western Regions, where they coexist.

The man said it mysteriously, and Liu Wei could only take it as a joke to listen to him. But it was also because of this that when Liu Wei went back, he did a thorough check on the strange flowers.

After that, Liu Wei had indeed bought a pot full of flowers, and discovered that although the two types of flowers looked similar, there were differences in size, colour, or shape of a petal.

That flower, Liu Wei, died after raising it for a few days. But now, looking at that incomparably charming and beautiful manjusaka, Liu Wei seemed to have thought of that Tibetan flower farm, which was full of flourishing flowers.

Liu Wei could immediately be sure that the manjusaka in this place was a purebred, but, why would Zhaoning Palace have this kind of flower? How was it planted?

Liu Wei took a look at the signature on the painting again. She realized that the date was exactly seven days after the Spring Hunt, which meant that at that time, the envoy of the Western Regions should still be here, so the flower must still be a gift from the Western Regions.

He did not know what would happen to the flower later on, whether it would die or what, but Liu Wei put the painting down and picked up the third one.

In the end, this was the most important thing to Liu Wei, because on top of it, there was also Xiang Yi.

This painting was called "Where to Go?", and the content of the painting was in the Shangyang Palace. The white flag filled the entire palace, and in the evening sky, it emitted a kind of blood-red hue.

Xiang Yi, dressed in the attire of a eunuch, stood at the door with her head lowered. No one could clearly see his expression.

The contents of the painting were as simple as that. A person, a room, white lanterns, and a white curtain, indicating that a person had died here.

Liu Wei never thought that the palace would be the Shangyang Palace, because there was no signboard either, but she could see a few tablets hidden under the candlelight.

There was a name on the tablet, it was the name of the Min Imperial Concubine.

This was the painting of the Min Imperial Concubine when she first entered the palace. It only showed the cold and lonely palace, where she had lost her master, and a eunuch who had once served within the palace.

It was like a kind of companionship, but also like a kind of mourning.

However, the person who painted the painting could not be the Min Imperial Concubine.

The signature on this painting was also the name of the Min Imperial Concubine. However, if one person died, how could they continue painting?

This painting was intentionally used by someone to send him off, and the person who painted this painting, Liu Wei thought, should be the only person alive.

Xiang Yi.

thought as he circled the name on the tip of his tongue.

The person behind the scenes might not be Xiang Yi.

However, the person behind the scenes, through the two paintings《 Spring Appreciation Diagram》 and《 》, linked Xiang Yi's feelings towards the Min Imperial Concubine.

Furthermore, in the painting, as well as in the recent murder cases committed by those in the palace, the people behind the scenes all specially brought out the "Western Regions".

Looking back, the envoy of the Western Regions had come to the capital before, and less than a year after that, the Min Imperial Concubine died. At the same time, Xiang Yi's feelings for the Min Imperial Concubine were quite heavy, to the point where it was somewhat strange.

What were the reasons behind this series of events? What were the consequences if they were to be exposed?

Liu Wei had a guess in her heart, but it was only a guess.

Right now, the only thing that could be confirmed was that the culprit for the recent few cases was indeed seeking justice for the Min Imperial Concubine who had lost her life many years ago.

However, so many years had passed, why did he choose this time?

Liu Wei thought about the Shang Imperial Concubine.

Min Imperial Concubine's sister, Shangyang Palace's new master.

Therefore, was it the death of the Shang Imperial Concubine that had provoked the murderer, allowing him to, in his anger, reestablish the case of the Min Imperial Concubine?

In that case, the relationship between the killer and the Shang Imperial Concubine was also very deep?

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