Lin Sheng was a little confused, at this point, he had already planned for the worst, but someone suddenly told him that things were not as he had guessed, but she had fallen into someone else's trap.

As an old cunning official, Lin Sheng was not stupid. Otherwise, he would not have become his Jing zhao Yin in the capital, where nobles wielded power like a fish in water. He had been her Jing zhao Yin for so many years.

But since this matter involved the Emperor and her own life, he was naturally cautious.

"I'm not surprised." Liu Wei said.

Lin Sheng could not help but think of Xiang Yi, this Eunuch Xiang had followed the queen mother for many years, and although she had not been in the palace all year round, she had her own power. The people she had errands for were all eunuchs, so it was not strange that this little eunuch was easy to be used by the big eunuchs.

As Lin Sheng thought this, she didn't dare to be sure either. She only looked at Liu Wei and waited for him to continue.

Liu Wei also said: "Master, if you want to know what happened, there is no harm in begging another person."

"Another person?" Lin Sheng asked.

"Seventh Prince."

"Master Lin, go and ask around."

Lin Sheng became silent. After hesitating for a while, she decided to give it a try.

After Liu Wei finished speaking, she did not stay for long. Originally, she had only come to look for Lin Sheng because he did not know what had happened in the palace, and because he did not know what had happened, his attitude changed greatly.

When they were about to leave, Lin Sheng personally saw Liu Wei to the entrance. His attitude was polite and he apologized several times, but Liu Wei did not pursue the matter.

After walking two steps, a person followed beside Liu Wei. Without turning around, Liu Wei knew that it was Rong Ling.

The two of them did not speak, one in front and the other behind. Their steps were steady and they did not stand out at all in the busy street.

Rong Ling accompanied Liu Wei all the way back to the Seventh Prince's Mansion from the Lin Palace. Only after Liu Wei passed through the main entrance of the Seventh Prince's Mansion did Rong Ling turn around and leave.

But when Liu Wei returned to the room, he saw that Rong Ling had already entered and lit the candles.

Although they were carrying the burden of being the imperial guards, if the two of them were too close and walked the same path, it would still seem weird and they did not want to catch the eye of others. When the two of them were outside, they had a tacit understanding to stay apart.

Liu Wei's courtyard was specially separated by someone else's instructions. Usually, the person who came over would at most be the butler of the Duke Palace.

The servant girls by the side did not dare to come over, even the servants were just beauties, thus, Liu Wei and Rong Ling could freely stay in the courtyard.

Entering the room, while changing his clothes, Liu Wei said: "It's almost the new year, in the capital, there isn't even the slightest hint of festivity.

Rong Ling unsheathed his sword and unsheathed it from the scabbard. As she wiped the sword, he said: "Sacrifice for the Heavens, banquet, and watch the year."

Liu Wei sat across Rong Ling and asked again, "How do you want to pass this year?"

Rong Ling raised his eyes, looked at her, and asked: "What do you think?"

Rong Ling was startled.

Liu Wei said: "Min Imperial Concubine treats you like his own son, and accompanies her for this year, it's not excessive of his to do so, but, I can't allow her to pass this year without making any promises. I plan to end the case before the new year, what do you think?"

Rong Ling felt that Liu Wei's words were a little strange. The case gets bigger and bigger, and the New Year's Eve is just around the corner. You want to solve the case before the New Year? How could she dare to say such words?

It was just a few days, how could he accomplish this?

Or …

Rong Ling looked up and asked: "What did you discover?"

Liu Wei laughed, "Smart!"

Rong Ling looked at her seriously.

Liu Wei said: "Xiang Yi came to look for Lin Sheng and bluffed him a bit, but Lin Sheng almost believed it. If I did not go to look for him, Lin Sheng would probably be out of the city tonight."

Rong Ling was also aware of this matter. Today, when she returned from the restaurant, he had been guarding Liu Wei and he was naturally clear about Liu Wei's whereabouts.

Rong Ling knew about it as well, but what did it have to do with solving the case?

Liu Wei saw that Rong Ling did not understand, and said: "I will ask Lin Sheng to look for Rong Su tomorrow, and ask him to go and ask Sky Sage. Tell me, if Xiang Yi knew about this, how would she feel if Rong Su suddenly intervened?"

"I don't understand." Rong Ling almost immediately blurted out, because if it was him, he too would be confused. Rong Su was just an outsider, she did not need to meddle in the matter, but had voluntarily entered the game, and other than saying that he was sick, she could not think of any other reason.

Liu Wei nodded her head, "Yes, I am confused, so what should we do? We naturally want to resolve this; tomorrow, we should enter the palace earlier. I have a premonition that something big is about to happen."

Rong Ling frowned, she still did not understand what was going on.

Liu Wei continued: "Speaking of which, there's one more thing. Today, seeing that Qiu Fei, suddenly reminded me of Qin'er.

Originally, Liu Wei had guessed that the reason the mastermind had been able to make Qin'er crazy and not kill her was because she still had some value.

However, today, seeing that Qiu Fei had committed suicide caused Liu Wei to be stunned. The power behind the scenes was obviously using the method of rearing a Death Soldier to teach the people below, and since Qiu Fei had bit the medicine bag that was stuck in her back and killed herself, then why wouldn't Qin'er do that?

Something that Liu Wei had overlooked on her intuition, but she didn't dare to be sure of now. Everything would have to wait until tomorrow.

With that in mind, Liu Wei got up, planning to call Yue Shuang to bring the hot water, but just as she was about to stand up, she felt her chest tighten and stopped for a moment. Liu Wei covered her mouth with her hands, feeling a wave of retching, her footsteps also swaying.

"Be careful!" Rong Ling immediately embraced Liu Wei who was obviously in a strange state. Looking at her pale white face, he frowned and helped his to sit down.

Liu Wei shook her head, her hands covering her chest, but her heart clearly knew what was going on with him.

Puerperal vomiting.

The second child had a pregnancy reaction, but it was evidently heavier than the first.

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