One second. Org, free of charge!

In the end, Liu Wei still pretended to promise to not leak out the fact that he had cheated under her son's nagging.

Xiaoli naturally believed her mother's words, and happily brought today's homework to find Rong Qing.

It was only at this moment that the child finally understood how tragic it was to pretend not to be sick and not go to school.

… ….

Liu Wei feigned ignorance. In the end, she did not finish the An Yuan soup, and under the big chick's disapproving but magnanimous eyes, Liu Wei left the Duke's Palace dejectedly.

Outside the Duke Palace, the carriage was already prepared, Liu Wei stepped on the wheels and was about to get on, but then she saw the carriage driver shouting with a terrified face: "Master, please wait!"

Liu Wei was startled by the carriage driver, she stopped in her tracks, and turned to look at the carriage driver: "What's wrong?"

The carriage driver didn't say anything, he just told Liu Wei to wait, and didn't say anything. The carriage driver, whose head was covered with sweat, brought a small footstool from the carriage door and placed it beside the carriage, then said: "Master, please get in!"

Liu Wei looked at the footstool, puzzled.

The carriage driver consciously replied: "Today, my superiors specifically instructed that Master Liu has not been feeling well for the past few days. Regarding matters like getting on and off the carriage, I naturally have to find you some shelter so that you won't tire yourself out."

Liu Wei: "..."

Without even thinking, Liu Wei knew who the so called superior was.

Suppressing his complicated feelings, Liu Wei got into the carriage gloomily.

The carriage driver allowed the horses to move forward at a uniform speed, and Liu Wei could immediately feel that the carriage today was much steadier than before, and was stable to the point that Liu Wei became flustered.

Just thinking about entering the palace and immediately seeing Rong Ling, Liu Wei lowered her head and pressed her forehead, feeling a splitting headache.

After travelling for a long time, the carriage finally arrived at the entrance of the Royal Capital.

As soon as Liu Wei got out of the car, she saw Qin Zhong standing there. Qin Zhong walked up and asked with concern: "Master, are you unwell?"

Even Qin Zhong knew about it!

Liu Wei felt that she really wasn't feeling well right now, no matter where she went.

Waving his hand, Liu Wei casually replied: "It's alright."

However, Qin Zhong's face was full of worry: "Are you tired of these messes? "Master, please sit down. I'll go run away."

Liu Wei embarrassedly twitched her mouth, but did not say anything, only nodding her head.

Whatever, let's do it this way. There was nothing left to struggle about.

The Liu Wei whose heart was like dying embers, who would have thought that Rong Ling's methods were not only so.

Reaching Imperial Household Department, Liu Wei once again felt the warmth of spring.

Right now, the Steward Hang saw Liu Wei as his lifeline, and knew that the lord's body was unwell, and immediately felt that it was even worse than her own body being unwell.

Steward Hang immediately ordered for the palace maids and eunuchs to open their eyes wide. They had to ensure that Master Liu was at ease and at ease.

The people below did not dare to disobey, so from the moment Liu Wei stepped into the Imperial Household Department, they had been surrounded.

When they reached the inner hall, Liu Wei realized that there was a cushion on the chair she usually sat on and a cushion on the back of the chair.

In short, no matter how comfortable it was, how convenient it was.

Liu Wei's temples throbbed with pain. She felt that if Rong Ling was in front of her now, she would definitely throw himself at him and yell at him. She admitted this.

But according to the rules, Rong Ling had to sign at the imperial guard's yamen for another hour before arriving.

Just like that, Liu Wei received the care and concern of everyone as she led a dozen of young eunuchs behind him to the Imperial Household Department's dungeon.

The Steward Hang accompanied Liu Wei by her side as they walked: "That Qin'er is still as crazy as ever. Listening to the report from below, she howled for most of the night, and kept on blabbering about ghosts, causing the prison guards to be scared senseless … "But she said he was tired and went to sleep."

Liu Wei listened attentively, and nodded his head from time to time, indicating that she understood.

When he arrived at the entrance of the prison, Liu Wei saw Qin'er fast asleep as he expected, and ordered: "Open the door."

Steward Hang gave him a look, and the guards immediately opened the door.

Liu Wei was about to enter, but Steward Hang called out to him: "Hold on, Master."

Liu Wei stopped and looked towards Steward Hang.

The Steward Hang looked at the young eunuchs beside him again. The young eunuch quickly carried out two mats and walked into the cell, on top of the mixed and dirty hay, he spread out the matting and made sure that it was clean before she respectfully said to Liu Wei: "Master, please come in."

Liu Wei: "..."

Steward Hang saw Liu Wei's speechless face, and said: "The inside of the prison is heavy with moisture, and this place is messy, if there were any worms or ants crawling on the master's body, it would be bad, Master Liu's body is unwell, it is better to not be careless."

Liu Wei: "..."

Whatever, she had given up. There was no need to say anything else …

Liu Wei walked into the cubicle and squatted down. Seeing Qin'er's actions, Liu Wei reached out and grabbed Qin'er's hand.

Seemingly at the very instant that Liu Wei made her move, Qin'er woke up.

Qin'er's eyes widened as she suddenly stood up, completely on guard. When she saw who it was, she was stunned for a moment before immediately shouting, "AHH!"

The continuous shouts were ear-piercing.

Liu Wei frowned, but the person beside him immediately stepped forward, and kicked Qin'er, and shouted: "Shut up, you crazy woman! "You still dare to be impudent in front of my lord? I think you don't want to live anymore!"

As he spoke, he moved to attack again.

Qin'er immediately retreated to a corner and stopped screaming. She only looked at the jailer in terror.

The jailer wanted to catch up to him to kick him again, but Liu Wei waved his hands, signaling the jailer to retreat.

The guard left.

Liu Wei looked at Qin'er who was cowering in fear, and asked slowly with her lips parted: "Today, the Japanese officials have come to tell you a piece of news, do you want to know?"

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