One second. Org, free of charge!

Liu Wei glanced at the Steward Hang and quickly lowered her gaze to look at Qin'er again.

Qin'er looked at Liu Wei, the tears on his face gradually dried up. She seemed to have thought of something, and his expression became absent-minded.

"You …" Liu Wei became anxious and immediately rushed forward.

But in the end, it was too late. Before Liu Wei's hand could knock Qin'er's wrist away, that sharp hairpin had already pierced into her big artery.

Blood immediately flowed down her neck and over her clothes.

Qin'er's body gradually turned limp. With a sway of her feet, she slid down the corner of the wall.

Liu Wei dragged her, her eyes full of anger.

Qin'er just looked at Liu Wei, her eyes still tearing up, her lips slowly opening, as though she was saying something.

As Liu Wei listened, she heard that the soft and weak voice continuously entering her ears.

Qin'er said, "You're wrong. He's not mine. I... "I am not worthy of him …"

As soon as she finished speaking, Qin'er closed her eyes forcefully. Liu Wei looked at Qin'er's miserable face and knew that she really didn't have time to breathe.

This time, it was no longer an act.

It was true.

"Master Liu." Steward Hang walked over. This morning, he had already been surprised and happy several times, at first she was overjoyed that Qin'er was not crazy, but now that Qin'er was dead, she died without any hesitation. This, this was even more difficult for him to accept than if she was crazy.

Steward Hang said with a helpless face, "Master Liu, this … "What should we do?"

Was this case destined to never be solved?

Liu Wei put down Qin'er's body, pushed away the sticky hair on her face and revealed her original face. After being silent for a long while, Liu Wei finally said slowly: "Send the news of her suicide out."

Steward Hang was startled, and immediately said: "This … Is this really okay? "If this were to spread to the emperor's ears …"

"It doesn't matter if it reaches the emperor's ears." After Liu Wei finished speaking, she stood up and walked out of the prison.

The Steward Hang did not understand Liu Wei's deeper meaning, and after looking at Qin'er and Liu Wei, she gritted her teeth and agreed.

Now, was there any other way?

Other than listening to Master Liu, who else could she count on in this case?

… ….

When Rong Ling arrived at Imperial Household Department, she saw a jailer carrying a white cloth out.

Seeing Rong Ling, the jailer stopped and nodded, then called out: "Master."

Rong Ling asked: "Who is it?"

The jailer replied, "It's the palace maid from before. Qin'er, just now, you committed suicide."

Rong Ling frowned, the jailer saw that Rong Ling was confused and told him everything that had happened.

After Rong Ling heard this, she pondered for a moment. Then, she waved her hand and sent her men away.

After the jailer left, Rong Ling walked towards the main hall. Once she went in, he saw Liu Wei sitting on a chair with the cup of water in hand. The lid of the cup was open, and the white water inside was no longer hot.

How long had he been in a daze for?

Rong Ling walked over, and her warm, thick palm silently fell onto Liu Wei's shoulder.

Liu Wei seemed to only just come back to reality, when she saw that it was Rong Ling, she sat up a little and said: "Qin'er committed suicide."

Rong Ling made a "En" sound, and asked softly: "Are you alright?"

Liu Wei withdrew her brows, and sighed: "She died in my arms."

Rong Ling: "..."

Liu Wei suddenly grabbed Rong Ling's hand, her gaze becoming more and more nervous: "I am more and more curious, this matter, shouldn't have happened."

Rong Ling patted her hand and consoled his, "Calm down first."

"I am very calm. You and I both know who the suspect is in the end, but we have no evidence to reveal it. Qin'er was also dead, what should they do next? Even if I drag Rong Su into this, and use his power to pressure that person, the matter would not be resolved so easily. I feel that I have underestimated him, and what is even more terrifying is that this feeling, is familiar to me! "

Rong Ling frowned, after thinking about this case for so long, it was actually not only Liu Wei who was confused, he was also confused.

And this feeling of not being able to find a clue was indeed a bit familiar.

It wasn't that they were familiar with each other, it was that they were familiar with each other.

Liu Wei leaned on Rong Ling, and said with a frown: "It was the same last time, every time when you thought you had found direct evidence, there would always be an accident, and the clue would always be cut off. That person is most skilled in concealment. After the battle at Guyong Mansion, we absolutely cannot live under the same sky, but now that we have returned to the capital, I thought that he might have come as well. "

"Nope." Rong Ling pressed his palm against Liu Wei's soft hair and comforted his: "He has no reason, he's involved in the Min Imperial Concubine case."

"Perhaps Xiang Yi is familiar with him?"

Rong Ling thought for a moment, but still shook her head: "I don't think so."

"I think so."

Liu Wei analyzed the situation with his senses, and thought of that man that she hated to the bones. He found it hard to control his emotions.

Zhong Ziyu.

This person, even now, had yet to be caught. Adding to the fact that the case in the capital was so similar to the one in the Guyong Mansion.

Liu Wei was really unable to stop herself from thinking about that person.

Xiang Yi and Zhong Ziyu were familiar with each other, maybe it was because of this. In addition, Liu Wei recalled her conversation with Xiang Yi on a certain night, which was extremely strange.

Liu Wei was confident, but Rong Ling didn't think so.

Antenatal depression.

These five words flashed across Rong Ling's mind. These were words that Rong Leng had seen in a book of Liu Wei's handwritten notes. Beside it was a note stating that after a woman became pregnant, she became emotionally uneasy or felt a great pressure, causing a psychological burden.

Liu Wei had been unwilling to tell him the matter of his pregnancy for such a long time, so perhaps it was because she already had a burden in his heart.

However, the continuous solving of the case had caused her to accumulate all her pressure, resulting in the present situation.

In addition, just now, Qin'er had died in front of her.

Even if she was used to seeing corpses, as a woman, she wouldn't be able to remain indifferent.

Liu Wei was a human, she was not a thing, nor was she a heartless monster.

Rong Ling held Liu Wei even more tightly, and continued to say, "It's fine, believe me."

Liu Wei nestled in Rong Ling's embrace. Her eyes were clear and his expression was cold, and he was thinking about many things in his heart.

It was Zhong Ziyu, even if there was no reason, no reason, Liu Wei thought so, believed it, and confirmed it!

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