One second. Org, free of charge!

Pearl proudly raised her head, her little black eyes narrowed, and she cried out, "Jie Jie Jie …"

Liu Wei facepalmed, and was at a loss of whether to laugh or cry: "Didn't you see when Xiaoli was born? "How long do you think it took you?"

Seeing that Pearl was so confident and confident, Liu Wei did not continue the conversation. She changed the topic and asked: "Gu Gu, did you come back with you?"

Pearl shook her head, and laid peacefully in Liu Wei's embrace, not getting up.

Because this was the capital, ever since Liu Wei had returned to the capital, she had allowed the pearl and pearl to roam about in her residence, trying her best to not go out on the streets.

However, the two birds were not restrained by nature, so they secretly ran out into the wilderness to take a stroll.

A large eagle with an ominous bird. The two birds almost overturned the sky in the forest near the capital. Within two days, they had become a tyrant in the capital.

Afterwards, Liu Wei felt that it was impossible to do this, adding on to the heavy burden on the capital, she had no time to take care of the Master Mingwu's condition, so he let the two birds bring the medicine to the Ku Hai Temple to keep an eye on it.

However, he had just left yesterday and had returned today. What was going on?

Pearl shook her head, indicating that she was fine, only thinking about Liu Wei's stomach.

Liu Wei felt that Pearl's words were fake, and asked her a few more questions. Pearl didn't speak, and only acted coquettishly, rolling around in Liu Wei's embrace, rolling from one side to the other.

This time, Liu Wei understood. She directly grabbed onto the pearl's sharp beak and asked: "Did you make a mistake?"

"Hehe …" Pearl looked at her master pitifully and let out a weak cry.

Liu Wei frowned: "Did you steal some meat?"

The pearl whimpered as its entire body laid prone on Liu Wei's stomach, innocently looking at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei asked again, "You even ate raw meat?"

Pearl began to roll again.

Liu Wei held it down, not allowing it to roll, and continued to ask: Did you get discovered by the people in the temple?

Pearl turned her head and used her sharp beak to lightly grind Liu Wei's fingertips, her movements completely fawning on him.

Liu Wei felt an itch on his finger, but Liu Wei did not let it go, "If you're the only one who comes back, will you not break the ring, or will it not dare to come back?"

Pearl drew her head back beneath her wings, and covered her head with her hands as she whispered, "Jejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejejeje …" .

Liu Wei: "..."

He had bitten the only ewe that was raised to milk in the temple to death and was now locked in a cage by the Master Mingwu. He said that he wanted Liu Wei to personally go and receive it, otherwise, he would leave him in the Great Hall to listen to buddhist scriptures and listen to it for a whole three months before letting him go!

Liu Wei looked at Pearl's guilty look, let out a long sigh, and then said tiredly: "Listening to the Buddhist scriptures is also not bad, it shows that it is fated to be Buddha, this is a good thing."

Pearl did not say anything, and only nudged Liu Wei coquettishly. It did not dare say anything, as it had also eaten the female sheep, but the less it ate.

However, how many years had he kept the pearl? How could Liu Wei not know its inferiority?

Liu Wei was worrying in her heart. Seems like the next time she sees Master Mingwu, she has to bring a female sheep over.

Pearl had made up her mind. After escaping, she was not going to go back.

As for what happened to Gugu, it didn't care. Of course, it couldn't care less. It had never liked Gugu anyway. This stupid falcon, it could just throw it away.

Liu Wei was not worried about what would happen to Gugu. Most likely, after being locked up for a few days, the Buddha Scripture would not kill anyone and let it eat some vegetables, clearing its stomach.

But Pearl had to go back.

Touching the round head of the black bird, Liu Wei said: "I will sleep here tonight, and return tomorrow morning."

Pearl let out a whimper, obviously unwilling. The whole bird went limp, not willing to budge at all.

Liu Wei pushed it twice, poked its head, and said: "Help me look after the temple, what's the most important thing? Do you remember?"

Pearl reluctantly let out a "jie", indicating that she remembered, but was unwilling to go back.

Liu Wei coaxed it, "Be good, I'll give you delicious food next time."

Pearl finally regained some spirit, but was still lazily cuddling up in Liu Wei's embrace as she acted like a spoiled child. Liu Wei didn't chase it away, letting it sleep by her pillow tonight.

The pearl had flown for so long and was indeed tired. Leaning on Liu Wei's neck, just as it was about to fall asleep, it seemed to have thought of something and raised its head as it shouted, "Tsk tsk."

Liu Wei was startled for a moment, and glanced to the side: "Eh?"

Pearl then said, "Jie Jie Jie … …"

Liu Wei became more spirited: "Tell me, did you see any suspicious people around Ku Hai Temple?"

Pearl nodded and recounted what she had seen before she came back from the mountain that night.

At that time, it saw that he was captured and knew that it would not be able to escape calamity, so it escaped. However, it still had some conscience, so it decided to observe in the temple and see if it could save Gu Gu.

After confirming that he could not save her, he flew away without looking back.

But before it left, it felt a flash in the vicinity of the temple, and the bird's senses were strong, especially on the mountain.

Under such a tranquil environment, no matter what happened, it would not escape the nerves of the birds.

However, the shadow flashed past, and when it flapped its wings to chase it, it found nothing.

It circled around the temple a few more times. After confirming that there was no one around, it returned to the city.

Pearl's words were muddled, but Liu Wei understood her.

Liu Wei unconsciously thought about the injuries on Master Mingwu's body. Actually, Liu Wei had been brooding over the matter of Master Mingwu being injured while the pearl was being kept in the temple.

Until now, the stubborn old man was unwilling to tell Liu Wei how he was injured. However, to be able to be injured by a powerful martial artist, it was definitely not a small matter.

Since Liu Wei had a relationship with the temple, they would definitely not sit idly by.

And the news that the pearl had brought back today, had indeed answered Liu Wei's guess.

What kind of power was doing something to that temple?

What could it be?

It was just an ordinary temple, what could it possibly have that would be of interest to others?

There were too many things happening recently, Liu Wei was really tired.

In this situation, Liu Wei had a very deep sleep. Perhaps it was because she had too many things on her mind, but she treasured this rare moment of relaxation.

But to some people, this was a very long time.

Far to the north, within the Guyong Mansion, Yun Zhimeng took off her dancing clothes as she walked into the room. The servant girl waited on the side and after seeing that no one was around, she quietly said: "Miss, that person is here again."

Yun Zhimeng was startled, she took off her earrings and asked in a low voice: "When did it come?"

The maidservant said: "When young lady was dancing just now, you came in through the main entrance. After entering, you went to the backyard, and the four maidservants in leader of the studio's room personally picked you up."

Yun Zhimeng was a little taken aback: "leader of the studio had only been back to the market for three days, and I only saw that person for three days. Speaking of which, isn't that a little …"

"Could it be that the person and the leader of the studio are … "That relationship?" The young maid's mouth was open.

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