Zhong Ziyu looked at Liu Wei, and saw a bloodthirsty craziness in her eyes that was especially intelligent.

A bad premonition immediately emerged in his heart.

Before Zhong Ziyu even had the chance to speak, she felt a pain on her face.

In fact, Zhong Ziyu had given Liu Wei a chance from the beginning, a chance to grab onto him.

Otherwise, how would he be willing to take that aphrodisiac at the entrance of the prison?

But Zhong Ziyu had thought that he would be in jail or in a hall when she woke up.

This man was hypocritical and full of cases. He would definitely be caught interrogating him, forcing him to talk about the recent cases.

He had already thought of an excuse, and even if it was true or false, he dared to guarantee that his answer would advance the case by leaps and bounds.

He wanted to let Liu Wei know that if she wanted to solve this case, only he would be able to help.

It was easy for him to say it once, but he needed to trade things for it the second and third time.

This was a perfect plan.

He never thought that after waking up, he would be in Imperial Household Department's side room.

The wound on his face was still hurting, but Zhong Ziyu had a feeling that this was just the beginning.

What did Liu Wei want to do?

Without even guessing, Zhong Ziyu could answer that question.

Liu Wei was avenging her personal grudges and gave up the chance to interrogate the case.

His body was being controlled by a unique medicine, making it difficult for Zhong Ziyu to break through the shackles and recover his internal energy.

He watched with his own eyes as Liu Wei brought the blade closer, and cut his injured face again.

Liu Wei wanted to use a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, how he had hurt her, his son, and even that bird, now, she had to exact revenge.

"Rather than calling you disfigurement, if not, I should call you disfigurement. Otherwise, when other people come in and see that your face is different, wouldn't that be hard to explain?"

As Liu Wei spoke, she looked at the red blood that was slowly flowing out of the edge of the blade, and the smile in her eyes became even more resplendent.

"Besides, don't you feel that wearing someone else's mask is very tiring and heavy? Look, I have already ruined your face, so no one will be able to see your true appearance, so you don't have to wear a mask to hide from me anymore … " As Liu Wei said that, she felt that his idea was extremely good, and said: "In the end, this one has already broken your mask, so I have to think of a way to fix it."

After he finished, he stabbed again.

What was drawn just now was Zhong Ziyu's left cheek, and this time it was Zhong Ziyu's right cheek.

When the corner of his mouth moved, as he tasted the fresh blood, Zhong Ziyu's expression became even colder, and his gaze became ruthless as he looked at Liu Wei, as though if he could circulate his energy, the first thing he would do was dismember Liu Wei's body.

Liu Wei did not mind, after drawing three slashes on her face, she reached into her sleeve and took out a small porcelain bottle.

Liu Wei muttered: "Speaking of which, I also have a present for you."

With that said, Liu Wei opened the bottle and a fishy stench came out from inside.

Liu Wei focused on bringing the scalpel into the bottle, then slowly pulled it out. When the blade appeared again, Zhong Ziyu saw a blue worm lying on the blade tip.

Liu Wei slowly moved the scalpel until she was right in front of Zhong Ziyu.

Looking at the insect up close, Zhong Ziyu's expression became even more unsightly.

Liu Wei's hand trembled slightly, and the worm fell from Zhong Ziyu's eyes, landing directly on his face.

The slippery evil being made Zhong Ziyu's entire body tense up. She tightly clenched her fists without strength, and the back of her hands was covered with veins.

Liu Wei bent down with a smile on his face, and used the tip of the blade to stroke the slowly squirming insect, pushing it towards the wound on Zhong Ziyu's face. Then, the insect greedily squeezed the little guy's body into the hole.

"Ugh …" The wound was forced open again, and the pain made Zhong Ziyu's body stiffen.

Liu Wei took out three worms from the small porcelain bottle that fit perfectly with the three wounds on Zhong Ziyu's face.

After completing the second step, Liu Wei took out a silver needle. This silver needle, however, was different from the others.

The wound on your face seems very heavy. With such a large wound, if you don't sew it up, it might leave a scar.

Without any anesthesia or inflammation, Liu Wei pierced the silver needle on Zhong Ziyu's face, and then pierced the wound.

could be said to be easy to do as he sewed up the wound.

"Ah — —" Zhong Ziyu finally cried out from the pain.

It wasn't the needle that was hurting him, but the little worm. It was biting him right in the middle of his skin.

Liu Wei turned a blind eye to the pain in his eyes and only stitched up the three wounds before making a knot with the goat's intestines and praising, "How good was the stitching …"

Due to the stitching, the insect could not find a way out of the wound, so it could only take small bites and continue to eat the surrounding flesh. It was as if only by biting a hole in the flesh could it find a way out.

The insect looked small, but it was biting so painfully that Zhong Ziyu was unable to endure the pain anymore, her entire body trembling.

Liu Wei looked at Zhong Ziyu in such a state, and said with hatred: "All these are just interest, think about how cruelly you hurt my son!"

Zhong Ziyu thought back to it as her expression took a huge change.

At this moment, his face that was like a centipede crawling across was still covered in bloodstains that had not been wiped clean. Zhong Ziyu's eyes were also dark and deep.

Liu Wei was not afraid at all. The scalpel quickly rotated at the tip of her finger and then directly stabbed into Zhong Ziyu's abdomen.

After the knife entered his stomach, Zhong Ziyu opened his eyes wide, his gaze slowly shifted down to his abdomen, seeing with his own eyes a knife was stuck in there, blood slowly flowing out.

Zhang Xuan's throat moved, but he was unable to say a single word.

"Such a short knife, I won't stab you. My pearl, you have also received a rather heavy knife in this area …"

After a long while, Zhong Ziyu finally said hoarsely, "You … "Madman!"

"Swish." Liu Wei laughed, she moved closer to Zhong Ziyu and pulled out the scalpel from his abdomen. Seeing that Zhong Ziyu was trembling from the pain, Liu Wei used her bloodied back of the scalpel to slap his face, and said gently: "You must believe in my medical skills, even if a hundred cuts were to be made on your body, I will not let you die. Die, how boring —"

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