Not knowing what Rong Ling was thinking, Liu Wei turned her head and looked at Zhong Ziyu again, before kicking him.

Zhong Ziyu still had not woken up.

Liu Wei thought for a moment, bowed down, and continued speaking while lowering her voice: "Yue Dansheng doesn't like what you're doing, and isn't happy with what you're doing. Then, how are you going to make up for it?"

Before he even finished speaking, Liu Wei's expression also changed. He looked towards the door, frowned, and quickly walked over.

Rong Ling reached out and grabbed Liu Wei.

Liu Wei's footsteps paused, she turned and looked at Rong Ling, and said with a serious tone: "There is."

"Yes." However, Rong Ling said: "You stay!"

After saying that, Rong Ling looked at Zhong Ziyu who was in a sorry state on the ground, as if she was hesitating.

Liu Wei saw through Rong Ling's worries, and said: Since we are already like this, there is nothing to worry about, plus the medicine is just right, we can't wake up.

Rong Ling was still a little hesitant, but seeing that Liu Wei was able to catch a person single-handedly, she finally gave Liu Wei some trust. She tightened her grip and said: "Be careful."

Liu Wei also patted Rong Ling's hands, telling him to quickly go.

Just now, when a weird Supreme Force swept past the door, all those who practiced martial arts would be able to sense that there were supreme experts in the surrounding area.

Unfortunately, the other side flashed by and disappeared without a trace.

Liu Wei did not dare be sure whether that person had truly left or if she had hidden her presence and continued to hide in the vicinity. It was evident that Rong Ling also had the same considerations, so she planned to go out and look around.

When Rong Ling left, when Liu Wei was closing the door, she saw Steward Hang sticking her head out in the vicinity.

Liu Wei said: "I shall trouble Steward Hang to call some people to surround the courtyard. Do not let a fly in!"

Steward Hang hurriedly took two steps forward and asked: "Master Liu, what's going on? And the Eunuch Xiang? Eunuch Xiang still hasn't woken up? "What are you doing in the house?"

Liu Wei did not reply, she only nodded at Steward Hang and said: "Please!"

With that, he closed the door with a "pa" sound. Steward Hang was angered to the point that her nose was crooked, her face full of anger, but she had no choice but to go out and call someone.

But just as Steward Hang turned and was about to leave the small arch, he heard the door open again, and Liu Wei walked in directly.

Steward Hang's nose was not nose, and eyes were not eyes. She asked in a strange tone, "Master, do you have any other instructions?"

Liu Wei did not speak, and only looked at Steward Hang with an ashen face.

The Steward Hang noticed that Liu Wei was strange, she bent down and cautiously called out: "Master Liu?"

Liu Wei seemed to only just come back to her senses, and looked at Steward Hang in confusion.

Steward Hang slowly walked over and stood in front of Liu Wei. Seeing that Liu Wei's eyes were glazed over, she stretched out his hand, waved it in front of Liu Wei's eyes, and asked: "Master Liu, what's wrong?"

Liu Wei stared at Steward Hang, then looked at her surroundings, her face changing color: "Just now, what did you see?"

Steward Hang was confused: "What did you see?"

Liu Wei unbelievably pointed to her surroundings, and said: "It's around here, have you seen any suspicious people?"

Steward Hang looked around. This place was quiet without a single shadow of a ghost. Where did this suspicious person come from?

Steward Hang shook her head honestly.

Shaking his head, he saw that Liu Wei's face became even uglier.

Steward Hang didn't understand what was wrong with Master Liu. He was about to ask again when he heard Master Liu ask absentmindedly: "Xiang Yi, why have you disappeared …."

Liu Wei did not say a word, and instead, stepped aside, opening up a path.

Steward Hang was still smiling as she walked through the door and said to the couch inside: "Isn't Eunuch Xiang here …"

When Steward Hang saw the empty house, he choked on her words.

The air was filled with the smell of blood. There were puddles of dirty blood on the ground. The windows were open, but there was no one inside the house.

"This …" Steward Hang was also startled. He quickly walked around the room, and after walking through every inch of the room, she asked Liu Wei with surprise: "Master Liu, where is Eunuch Xiang?"

Liu Wei glanced at Steward Hang, and her face became very annoyed.

Just now when Rong Ling was about to leave, he had followed his to the entrance. Then, she gave the Steward Hang a few instructions, and only took a few breaths' worth of time.

Returning to the house, Zhong Ziyu was no longer present in the house.

Looking again, the room's windows were wide open, which meant that Zhong Ziyu had escaped through the window, but this was not right.

From the looks of it, it was impossible for Zhong Ziyu to awaken, let alone avoid others escaping in such a short period of time.

But, Zhong Ziyu just disappeared.

"Impossible..." Liu Wei muttered to herself, unable to accept everything.

Steward Hang felt the entire room turn cold and numb. He shrank her neck and quickly ran out of the house, looking around fearfully. She asked in a trembling voice: "Master Liu, is this …. an evil spirit doing something …."

Demonic beasts were simply impossible, Liu Wei did not believe that there was such a demon in this world.

But where was he?

Where did this living man go?

Just as Liu Wei was at a loss for words, in the air, a sonic boom resounded.

Liu Wei's eyes turned cold, she pushed the Steward Hang away and also started to shift her body using her spirit energy.

Steward Hang was suddenly pushed away and directly fell to the ground.

Steward Hang was furious. Just as she was about to flare up, she raised her head and saw a dart sticking out of the carved wooden beam in front of him.

"This is?" When he thought about how if he had not dodged it and the sharp dart was about to pierce into the back of his head, Steward Hang's face turned pale and blood drained from his body.

Liu Wei frowned as she pulled the dart out of the ground. On it, she saw a bamboo tube that was half the length of a finger.

Opening up the paper slip, looking at the lines of words, Liu Wei's face changed color once again.

Seeing that Master Liu was still standing, Steward Hang carefully stood up again and walked over, then took a look.

Liu Wei did not block as well. The Steward Hang read and understood what was going on, the slip of paper said that: "I will bring the person away, and we will meet under the east gate's red wall. Come quickly."

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