One second. Org, free of charge!

In fact, in the Qujiang County, Liu Wei had done research on prosthetic limbs before.

At that time, he had been a police officer at the yamen, and when he had been on patrol at night, he had run into a Thief with decent skills. He had rushed forward recklessly, but had not expected that the Thief and his accomplices had stabbed him twice and even crippled one of his legs.

In the end, Liu Wei did her best to give the constable a leg up, but there were a lot of flaws.

Now that Xiaoli said that an old man who wore a prosthetic leg could look no different from a normal person, it was impossible for Liu Wei to not be surprised.

However, Liu Wei could not help but start to think, was there really such advanced medical technology here?

Liu Wei was pondering.

And from the start till now, Rong Su, who basically could not understand a single word, spoke again: "Then old grandfather merely gave you a white jade ring? What did you say? "

Rong Su asked Xiaoli.

Xiaoli thought for a moment, then shook her head: "I didn't say anything."

The hall was silent for a moment.

Xiaoli saw that everyone was silent, so she walked up to his mother and quietly asked: "Father, why does the old grandpa's prosthesis look so real?"

Liu Wei carelessly patted her son's head and said absentmindedly: "Perhaps, even though the space you're in is different, some histories are actually headed in the same direction?"

Xiaoli was stunned, she did not understand her mother's weird words.

Liu Wei only shook her head, she did not explain in detail.

As a medical student, Liu Wei naturally had the most understanding of medicine, and as such, was definitely familiar with the history of medicine.

As early as the eleventh century, humans invented prosthetics, what was the concept of the eleventh century in the West, about the time of the Northern Song Dynasty in China.

Since someone had brought out the concept of prosthetic limb long ago, it meant that the research on prosthetic limb had been continuing.

In Liu Wei's world, after the eleventh century, the development of prosthetic limbs had stopped for a long time. That was, no one truly wanted to study and study it, but the real reason why it was developed was because there were too many wounded soldiers in the war, the first world war, and the second world war.

As for how to let a large number of amputees return to society, it became an urgent problem for the European countries. After that, the development of prosthetic limbs progressed by leaps and bounds, and by the end of the day, most of the people were able to obtain a seemingly complete body.

According to Liu Wei's understanding, in the current Qing Yun Dynasty, those so-called research groups, their thoughts were still on the wooden prosthetic arm, a piece of wood to support a person, but their rigidity was almost 100%.

Liu Wei had added the law of the axis into the prosthesis that she made for the constable, allowing it to bend a little more. It was a bit more nimble, but only a little bit.

Liu Wei had thought about continuing her research, but because of the limited materials, he was unable to achieve a clear improvement.

But now, after hearing what Xiaoli had said, Liu Wei started to become curious.

"Father?" Seeing that his mother did not speak for a long time, Xiaoli called out again.

Liu Wei regained her senses, looked at her son, and instructed: "Go and bring out the brush, ink, and paper."

Xiaoli didn't know what her mother was going to do, but she obediently went forward to get it.

When he brought it back, Liu Wei spread out the paper, held up the brush, and asked directly: "Appearance."

Xiaoli finally realised that her mother was asking him about his old grandpa's appearance, and recalled, "Her hair was white, her face had a silver beard, and her five officials were upright. Right …" Xiaoli thought for a bit and pointed to the left side of her eyebrow, then said: "There is a cut at grandfather's eyebrows, it seems to be caused by a scar, but it is not obvious."

Xiaoli knew that her mother wanted to draw a portrait, but it was still a bit difficult for him to describe a person's facial features, so he could only use these words to mark them.

As Liu Wei listened, she did not rush to write. Instead, she drew a pair of eyes and eyebrows on another piece of paper and asked: "Is that so?"

Xiaoli turned his head to look, and shook his head: "The upper lids have to be lowered a little, but the eyes are very lively, the eyebrows are not as high, they are shorter."

Liu Wei drew again, according to her son's instructions.

This time, Xiaoli was a little bit more satisfied, but she still said: "The eye sockets aren't so small, it should be a little bigger. Also, the eyebrows are not completely black, half of them are already white.

Liu Wei was patient. She changed a piece of paper and continued to draw.

It took a whole hour to finally draw a perfect drawing of the finished product, one that Xiaoli was satisfied with.

However, this person was able to casually take out a tribute level item and give it to his child. He was impartial and directly went to find Xiaoli, who did not dare to hold anything back, thus, he had to find this person's identity.

Liu Wei picked up the xuan paper and looked at it for a while, then flipped through the portrait and handed it over to Rong Su, asking: "Do you recognize it?"

Rong Su looked at it, and her eyes narrowed.

Liu Wei asked: "You recognize him?"

Rong Su did not say anything, but her expression became more serious.

Liu Wei was suspicious, she handed the portrait over to Rong Ling. Liu Wei didn't say anything, but she was watching Rong Ling's expression.

Rong Ling's expression was very calm, or to be exact, his eyelids almost didn't move at all.

But what kind of understanding did Liu Wei have towards Rong Ling? The more he remained calm and collected, the more Liu Wei knew that this old man in the painting, Rong Ling must have recognized him.

Under normal circumstances, the first attitude a person would have when looking at an unfamiliar painting was curiosity. Even if he wasn't curious, he would at least take a few more glances.

Rong Ling's actions shocked Liu Wei, and at the same time, she became curious, who exactly was this old man?

The atmosphere in the hall once again dropped to the lowest point.

Rong Ling did not say a word, but looked at the other party from time to time, as though she had something to discuss, but there were still people beside him.

Liu Wei's gaze swayed left and right, looking at this, then that, and finally considerately asked: "Do you want me to go out first?"

The two men were silent again.

But at this moment, silence was equivalent to tacit approval.

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