Once the Nanny Yang left, the room became completely quiet.

Liu Wei covered the old lady's face with her blanket and was about to get up when the old lady suddenly grabbed her hands, looked into her eyes, and asked: "Why?"

Liu Wei was puzzled: "What?"

In the end, the word "life" was still the word that a person needed to live.

The old lady was not as optimistic as Liu Wei, when she heard that her granddaughter wanted to investigate the recent murder in the capital, she was extremely frustrated.

Even if he was trapped in the residence and not very sensitive to outside information, these murders had not been done in a day or two. They had lasted for over half a month, and all of them were people living in the capital.

Liu Wei knew that no matter how much she explained to the old lady, she could not explain anything. In the end, she decided to just say it: "Since it's like this, Grandmother, are you willing to help my granddaughter?"

The old lady looked at Liu Wei with a face full of disapproval, but seeing that Liu Wei was begging his, it was indeed to the point where he could not turn back. The old lady paused for a while, then sighed, and frowned: "Grandmother and Min Imperial Concubine are not that familiar, at that time, the palace was already under the control of the empress, and when the noble ladies came to the palace to meet the empress, they met with the empress. The Min Imperial Concubine did not appear at that time, so the four imperial concubines, which is the Min Imperial Concubine, were the most low-key.

"What?" Liu Wei asked.

"The palace maids in the past of the Min Imperial Concubine had once gone to the Zhaoning Palace."

Liu Wei raised her eyebrows slightly.

He slowly said, "That day was the day of the Hundred Blossom Meet. Because Grandmother was not feeling well, she took a rest in the side room of the Zhaoning Palace before the Blossom Meet started. When she woke up in the evening, she heard the sounds of quarrels outside and opened the door to take a look, and heard a palace maid shouting," May the empress grant us your consent to treat the Min Imperial Concubine. " But at that time, Grandmother did not know how ill Min Imperial Concubine was, nor did anyone seriously inquire about the matter regarding the last concubine. Just from the palace maid's words, it seemed like Min Imperial Concubine had committed some sort of mistake, which was why the Empress did not allow the imperial physician to treat her. "

The Countess spoke very slowly. After all, it was something from the past. It took some effort to recall it, but once she thought of the beginning, the rest became much easier.

"And on that day, less than half a month after the feast, news came from the palace that Min Imperial Concubine had passed away from illness." As the old lady spoke till here, he could not help but hold Liu Wei's hand and said: "Even though this matter has been going on for many years, there are still many troubles inside. If you can avoid touching them, it would be best if you do not touch them.

Liu Wei knew what the Old Mistress meant.

The empress did not allow the imperial physician to save Min Imperial Concubine, who died half a month later. But as one of the Four Grand Concubines, did the Min Imperial Concubine really not feel like she existed in the eyes of the emperor? Half a month had passed, and no one had told the Emperor?

From this, it could be seen that the palace maid knew that asking the emperor for help was useless. She wouldn't allow the imperial physician to treat her. This order had been issued by the emperor.

The old lady saw that Liu Wei was troubled and his heart was in a mess. She thought that Liu Wei had escaped, left the capital, and would not be back for a while.

This was good. As long as he could avoid disaster, nothing was better than running away. This child had already suffered too much and could not lose his life again.

He didn't expect that this girl was so unafraid of death. She was a girl, yet she acted like she was an official. What kind of nonsense was this?

The Old Mistress had thought that she would be able to shoulder more, shoulder more, and shoulder more for the Liu Residence if she kept her life until now, but now, the Old Mistress was starting to get confused. Would she really be able to hold on for the Liu Residence if she was alone?

Letting out a sigh, the old lady's face looked as if she had aged much, she looked extremely tired. Seeing that Liu Wei was still thinking about what he had said, the old lady reached out her hands and patted the back of her granddaughter's hands.

Liu Wei regained her senses and looked towards the old lady, "Grandmother."

"Open the cabinet over there."

Liu Wei looked in the direction the Old Mistress pointed, and saw the wardrobe in the inner room.

Liu Wei did not know what was inside, but she got up and walked over.

He opened the cabinet and saw that there were clothes inside. They were arranged neatly and the entire cabinet was filled with clothes. There were also a few cloaks placed neatly under the cabinet.

"Take out the cloak underneath."

Liu Wei took out the cape and opened it according to the old lady's instructions. She thought the old lady was cold and wanted to take the cape and put it on the old lady's body. However, the old lady suddenly said: "There's a little secret compartment inside, have you seen it?"

A secret compartment?

Liu Wei was startled, he bent down to look, but it was too dark inside, he could not see anything, so he touched it with his hand.

As he touched it, he found a piece of wood at the back of the cabinet. There were obvious marks of depressions on it.

After digging through the wooden box, he found something inside that looked like a wooden box. Liu Wei took it out and saw that there was dust on it.

Liu Wei wiped away the dust with her sleeves and carried the wooden chest over to the bed and handed it over to the old lady.

"Open." The madame did not pick it up and instructed.

Liu Wei opened it and saw a red cloth and a golden lock inside the small wooden chest.

Liu Wei was confused, the old lady did not explain and extended his hand out, opening the red cloth, inside, a letter came out.

Liu Wei looked at the blank envelope before turning to look at the old lady again.

In the past, Grandmother thought that Grandmother would only be able to guard it by herself and would be able to do it at a critical moment. But now, it seems that you are in a much deeper danger than Grandmother had thought, and Grandmother will hand this over to you, you are a child with a sense of propriety, thinking of when to use the things in there. In the future, your life will be yours.

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