One second. Org, free of charge!

"People are about to die. Why don't you take this opportunity to say something disgraceful?"

A clear and beautiful female voice suddenly sounded, breaking the silence within the Zhaoning Palace.

Madam Li hurriedly said: "This old one, this old one did not mean it, this, this is …"

Madam Li was obviously frightened,he could not speak for a while, and the Queen did not plan to waste any more words with Madam Li, she only said to Li Yin, "Come here."

Li Yin looked at her grandmother, then walked over.

The ladies who were watching on the side exchanged glances. Didn't this Li family always belong to the Seventh King's faction? Why would the young miss of the Li family be so polite to the empress?

Could it be that the Li family's stance had changed?

The Li family's position did not change, no one could get an answer, and when the Queen called Li Yin up, she instructed him to arrange a small chair for Li Yin to sit at the side.

Li Yin's face was filled with bashfulness and joy, as he praised the Empress profusely.

Someone took the opportunity to glance at Madam Li and discovered that she had an ugly expression on her face. She was staring at her granddaughter in rage.

Yo! It seemed like the Li Family was very calm on the surface, but there was endless conflict within as well!

Li Yin's words gave the empress a way out of her thoughts.

The empress seized the opportunity to say, "It's laughable to speak nonsense like that. Everyone, do you think it's funny?"

Everyone looked at each other in dismay. How could they say that? How could it be funny? Some people say bad things about the empress, but you say it's funny? Are you tired of living?

Not funny? But the empress's current appearance was clearly waiting for you to say something funny before turning the page with a smile.

So, are you joking? Still not funny?

The entire palace hall was silent, not a single sound could be heard.

Li Yin said in a crisp voice, "Funny."

The Queen looked at Li Yin.

Li Yin curved his cherry lips and said, "If there's someone who doesn't know what's good for them, then the Empress can bring us to see a show. Since it's a play, it's better to laugh than to cry, what does the Empress think?"

This sentence had completely saved the empress's face.

The Queen looked straight at Li Yin. Empress was aware of the relationship between Li Jun and the Crown Prince, so logically speaking, the Li family should be a bit distant from the mother of the Crown Prince, but this girl, she came out from the crowd today, clearly trying to please him, this was rather interesting.

The empress's face finally carried a sincere smile as she praised, "Madam Li, you have a good granddaughter!"

Madam Li who was called out laughed dryly and got up, respectfully saying she didn't dare to do anything to the empress dowager.

When someone saw this, they couldn't help but think of the dead Infanta Yuehai. In the past, whenever a Infanta Yuehai was present, the Empress would treat him like a pearl or a treasure, and she wished that she could pluck all the stars in the sky for the princess. But now, things had changed and they couldn't help but make people sigh.

"Not good, not good!"

The female servant in the Zhaoning Palace had finally returned to normal and continued to wait for news from the previous dynasty. A young eunuch ran over in a panic and spoke out, "No …. Oh no, Empress, Qianning Hall, something has happened to Qianning Hall … "

"Hmm?" The empress raised her eyebrows and said sternly, "Explain it clearly!"

The eunuch knelt on the ground and panted as he reported, "Your majesty, the emperor suddenly fainted. Right now, it has already been sent to his chambers …"

"The Emperor fainted?" The empress rose to her feet, her face darkening. She reached out for someone to help her out of the hall.

Shu Zhen supported the Queen by the side and shouted to the outside, "Get up Qianning Hall! "Faster!"

A group of palace servants immediately swarmed forward to catch up. They were in high spirits and moved swiftly.

The women who were still in Zhaoning Palace, on the other hand, were at a loss as to what to do.

Qianling Emperor fainted on the surface of the great hall, just as Huang Er was brought to the great hall.

Just as Liu Wei was about to ask the first question to Huang Er, there was a loud sound from the hall. Then, she saw the Emperor from the dragon throne fall down suddenly, falling onto the dragon table.

The surrounding eunuchs rushed forward in a hurry. Chief Eunuch Qi Fu, after "hesitating" for a few moments, also rushed forward late in thought.

Following that was a wave of chaos and unrest, followed by calls for the imperial physician and attempts to wake the emperor up. It was extremely lively.

When the empress arrived with a group of female servants, the Qianling Emperor was still unconscious. All of the imperial physicians had gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

However, no matter how much they discussed, there was still no safest way to treat her.

Liu Wei stood at the back of the crowd, and beside her was Rong Ling, who was still dressed like a little eunuch.

Liu Wei lowered her voice and asked: "You did it?"

Rong Ling shook her head.

Liu Wei was slightly taken aback. She had originally thought that it was Rong Ling's doing, so it was unrelated to him. Could it be that something had happened to Qianling Emperor's body?

"What's going on?" Liu Wei asked.

Rong Ling pointed to the inside, her expression calm: "As you can see, my chest is sluggish, and I fainted."

"I'll go take a look." Liu Wei said, and began to walk in.

Rong Ling pulled her and shook his head.

"If there's a chance right now that it won't be beneficial to anyone, at the very least, this case should be resolved first. When everything that needs to be settled is settled, I will not care if the Emperor dies or not. " When Liu Wei said till here, she waved Rong Ling's hand and once again took a step forward. However, after taking a step, Liu Wei stopped and turned back, and indistinctly asked Rong Ling: "Qi Fu …."

Rong Ling replied: "Nothing."

Liu Wei nodded, although she still didn't understand the crux of the problem.

Rong Ling had clearly controlled Qi Fu previously, why was it that Qi Fu was suddenly able to move?

When Liu Wei was walking past the crowd, he accidentally squeezed into a person. That person let out an "Ah" and turned to look at Liu Wei.

Liu Wei also looked at the man, and in that moment, she saw a familiar face.

Li Yin.

Li Jun's sister.

This Li Yin had a very high opinion of herself, the young miss had a temper, Liu Wei did not like it, although they did not get along.

But because there were no enmity between them, Liu Wei did not care much about it, and now that they had clashed, she could only bow her head and apologize.

Li Yin looked at Liu Wei, and then was stunned, she stared at Liu Wei's face, and remained motionless.

Li Yin was blocking her path, so Liu Wei had to say: "Sorry."

Li Yin continued to stare at Liu Wei's face, but suddenly she laughed and shook her head: "Nothing." As she said that, she took the initiative to move away half a step, allowing Liu Wei to pass through.

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