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Raising his head slightly, Liu Wei met Qianling Emperor's extremely vicious gaze.

Liu Wei did not speak nor move. She just looked at the emperor and admired her face which was turning paler and paler.

The empress was worried and took a step back.

The others also gave way.

A dragon's body was the most important thing. Everything else was less important than a dragon's body.

Liu Wei picked up another silver needle and pierced it into Qianling Emperor's throat.

When the needle was pulled out, Qianling Emperor heaved a sigh of relief.

His purplish-red face slowly returned to normal.

Seeing that the Emperor Dog had turned around, no matter how unwilling the Empress was, she could not blame Liu Wei.

Qianling Emperor could breathe, but she quickly realized that she still couldn't speak. Not only that, he couldn't even move!

Liu Wei controlled the Dog Emperor's body with one hand, and said: "The few royal doctors may not be clear, but the Emperor's sudden fainting was not because of the relapse, but perhaps there are some other reasons as well. But the Emperor's symptoms, is also known as stroke."

Everyone looked at Liu Wei again, waiting for her to continue.

Liu Wei explained in a very virtuous manner: "There is a difference between external and internal wind due to stroke. This symptom of the Emperor belongs to internal wind. Stroke, most of the Qi and blood disorder, cerebral vein obstruction or blood overflowing in the brain, with sudden fainting, hemiplegia, numbness of the limbs, tongue-tied, slant tongue, hemiplegia as the main manifestations of mental illness. A disease characterized by acute onset and rapid change, such as wind evil and good deeds and quantitative changes. Previously when he checked his pulse, he too discovered that the emperor's liver area had withered and his liver energy had been damaged. This was a disease within his abdomen, but he never would have thought that the emperor's brain also had a serious illness. The Emperor must have had headaches, a tiredness, and has been spreading for a long time. "

In the Greencloud Imperial Family, there was something wrong with his head, he was unable to be diagnosed, so Liu Wei was not afraid that his diagnosis would be revealed.

When Liu Wei said this, the Queen immediately looked at Qi Fu.

"Qi Fu!"

Qi Fu immediately bowed, and said: "Reporting to the Empress, Your Majesty is indeed … Indeed, he often had headaches, but the imperial physician had said that it was due to overwork. He'd only asked this servant to persuade the emperor to rest more, but he didn't expect … "I don't want to..."

Liu Wei continued: "Cerebrovascular diseases, in the beginning, it is indeed because of the great pressure, lack of spirit, and overwork. It is true that you need to rest more, but if it continues to spread, it is very likely to cause cerebral arteriosclerosis. Actually, when the emperor grew old, these ailments were all normal, and had nothing to do with the imperial physician. Moreover, the Emperor had eaten those things before, and he had scattered the Five Stones. Who wouldn't know that it was something to stimulate the brain? A little carelessness, a little food, can cause an acute sudden death. To put it simply, the Emperor's body was too weak to bear the burden of the Five Rock Powder. Plus, her body was already in a bad condition. His long term illness being combined to cause a stroke was not surprising. Even though the emperor had protected him from the illness and he hadn't lost his life, he still couldn't return to a healthy state. For them to be so well-nourished, we shall see what happens in the future. "

Liu Wei's words were tactful, but everyone understood that the Emperor was paralyzed.

The expressions of everyone present turned extremely strange. Amongst them, Qianling Emperor had the ugliest expression, yet she could not say a single word!

Qianling Emperor could not help but begin to guess that she was unable to move or speak because of this traitor.

Then he began to regret.

He regretted pretending to be unconscious.

Initially, he had only fainted for a short period of time, but before he was sent back to his bedroom, he woke up. However, later on, his purpose was to wait and see.

Perhaps it was because he had eaten too much Five Stones Powder, but in the past few days, his headache had grown even more severe. Sometimes, even when he was lying down, his brain felt like it was about to explode.

An ambitious emperor could not accept that he was going to be like a cripple, lying in bed and peacefully waiting for death. Qianling Emperor opened his eyes wide. The unwillingness and anger in his eyes made everyone who saw it sigh emotionally.

This scene was extremely familiar.

Looking at the current state of the Qianling Emperor, an old subject couldn't help but think of the situation when the late emperor was gravely ill.

Shockingly similar …

During the previous emperor's illness, before his death, he intentionally entrusted the throne to the crown prince, but in the end, something unexpected happened …

He didn't know what would happen this time.

The fact that the Emperor was paralyzed spread quickly from the inside of chamber to the outside world.

The female members who had been discussing amongst themselves for a while began whispering again.

Amongst them, Madam Li was looking around in shock, and continuously into the hall with anticipation.

One of the wives spoke to the Madam Li, "Your granddaughter is the best after all. In just a moment, the Empress has already set her eyes on you. "She's even brought in such an important scene. It looks like the empress has really taken a fancy to Yin`er."

The Madam Li was not happy, instead, she was worried. She glanced at the lady who had just spoken and said, "Ying'er, stop messing around."

However, the madame said, "I'll tell you in secret that it's a great disrespect. Now that something has happened to the emperor, the crown prince's enthronement won't be far off. It's always a good thing for me to say that there's one more path to take."

In other words, in the Seventh Prince, you should not be too loyal. The position of the imperial government was constantly changing.

It might be a good thing to have one more plan.

Hearing that, Madam Li looked around vigilantly, before speaking to the lady in a low voice: "Don't speak nonsense anymore."

Although something had happened to the emperor and the crown prince's ascension to the throne was just around the corner, the fact that the crown prince was gravely ill was not a secret in the court.

In conclusion, the odds of victory for the Seventh Prince s were still present for the time being.

Back then, when the late Emperor passed away, didn't the Fourth Prince also step out from the masses and ascend the throne in one go?

Therefore, he couldn't say for sure what would happen in the future.

If they were to rebel and go to the crown prince's place, what would the Seventh Prince think? What would the Crown Prince think? Not only was the fence-sitter abandoned, it was also very hard to do. It was not an easy task to do it comfortably and without any disasters.

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