It was unknown if Liu Wei was embarrassed or afraid, but she thanked Rong Su again with her own mouth, then nodded and left with Rong Ling.

Rong Su did not want to keep his, so when she saw Liu Wei bringing the big girl away, he did not know what to say.

Especially since he had raised her for such a long time.

Looking at the rising and falling core of the fire, Rong Su's expression became deeper and deeper. That lonely and ruthless look made the attendant outside feel her heart palpitate.

The manservant held the box that he had just prepared in his hands as he asked tremblingly, "My prince, these sour plums made into pastries …"

Rong Su suddenly stood up, turned around and walked out of the pavilion. When he had walked far away, the attendant could faintly hear his master instructing him: "Send him to Third Prince's Mansion."

The servant touched his forehead in fear. As he did so, he was surprised to find that his hand was covered in cold sweat.

… ….

Leaving the Seventh Prince's Mansion, the group got into a carriage.

The carriage traveled on, but did not return to the Third Prince's Mansion, but to another place.

An hour later, the carriage stopped. Liu Wei lifted the curtain of the carriage and looked up. She saw the huge signboard in front of him.

Marquis Yue Mansion.

Today was the first day of the new year. Usually, on the first day of the new year, there would be very few people visiting.

Yan Zhenli felt that it was rare to be so relaxed today, so she called her son over to play chess.

After half of the game, Yan Zhenli's White Seed was suppressed by her son's Blackie to the point that it couldn't move at all.

Just as Yan Zhenli was in a state of panic and thinking about how to turn the situation around, he heard a servant reporting that the Second Prince had arrived.

"Rong Ling?" Marquis Yue was a little surprised. She didn't expect that an ungrateful Second Prince would actually come to visit them.

But after being stunned for a moment, the witty Marquis Yue came up with an idea.

Yan Zhenli stretched her body, stood up, and said with a face full of righteousness while facing her son Yan Pei: "Since you're an esteemed guest, I'll go take a look, do you want to go along with me?"

Yan Pei looked at the chess board that she was confident she would win, and calmly said: "I am only missing one chess piece, father left a son, regardless of victory or defeat, I will finish this game first."

Marquis Yue waved her hands shamelessly. "With an honored guest knocking on my door, how can father still be concerned with playing chess and playing games? I won't stop.

Yan Pei looked at his father with a cold expression.

Marquis Yue simply waved her hand, disturbing the pieces, and then shouted towards the outside: "Men!"

Immediately, a maidservant entered.

Marquis Yue instructed: "Clean this place up." Then, she said to Yan Pei: "Let's go out together."

Yan Pei glanced at her father lightly, got up in disgust, and directly walked out the door.

Seeing his son's pale face, Marquis Yue made a clucking sound, and said: "You are getting more and more impudent."

It was not the first time that Yan Zhenli acted shamelessly and played chess once or twice, and because of this, although a few of her old friends still called him brother, but whenever it came to chess, they would never bring him along.

Not to mention that this person was just a stinky chess player, he even liked to regret his actions. He couldn't afford to lose, and he couldn't win either. In short, every time he played chess with this person, it was always a trial.

If he could not survive outside, Yan Zhenli would bring the Demon Claw back home. In the past, the eldest son's health was not good, so as a father, it was naturally not good to disturb him, but now the son's body was much better. He could jump and run, but at this time, if he did not do so, the older son would not be able to.

Therefore, taking advantage of how his son was bored in the house, Yan Zhenli always came to find him to play chess. At the beginning, Yan Pei was willing, but when he found out that his father's chess pieces were not to be praised, he did not stop. From then on, it had been half a month since father and son had last played chess, and today, was purely the first day of the new year, so Yan Pei gave his father face.

But who would have thought that history would repeat itself in the end.

Thinking about that chess game that was ruined before it was finished, Yan Pei's expression tensed up, and her footsteps sped up, not going together with his father.

Yan Zhenli chased after him for a few steps before catching up to her son. After catching up, she chuckled and said: "Pei'er, just now I saw that you are a master of chess, later, when I fight with you again, at that time, I will not hold back, and let you see how fast I am playing?"

Yan Pei: "..."

In terms of shamelessness, his father was truly one of the top.

Seeing that he was in front of the hall, Yan Pei quickly took two steps forward, and stopped talking with his father.

Rong Ling naturally came to the Marquis Yue Palace to speak with the Marquis Yue about official matters. Thus, the two of them went to the neighboring room to have a secret conversation as soon as they met.

Liu Wei also grabbed Yan Pei and started to check his pulse.

Yan Pei's body was already much better, although the poison of the Bitter Marrow had not been completely removed, it could still be considered to be seventy percent better.

As long as he recuperated more, the medicine would not stop. Soon, he would be able to fully recover.

After writing down a new recipe for Yan Pei, Liu Wei said: "In the next month, you will need to use this formula. After a month, depending on your condition, we will change the formula."

Liu Wei said as she handed over the formula that was used to dry the ink.

Yan Pei took a look at it, carefully folded it, and then earnestly nodded to Liu Wei: "Thank you, Sir."

Originally, I thought that it would not be easy to completely cure it, but I never thought that your mental state is so tenacious, your heart is so broad, and during this period of time, you would have to endure all the medicinal effects, so, if you want to thank me, then it's yourself who saved you. "

No matter how good a doctor was, if the patient's will to survive was weak and did not cooperate with the treatment, the patient would most likely be unable to treat the illness.

Yan Pei was doing her best, and was actively receiving treatment. No matter how much pain she had to endure, she gritted his teeth and endured it.

It had to be said that for a weakling without any martial arts skills, it was extremely difficult to achieve.

Yan Pei couldn't help but laugh when she heard Liu Wei praising him.

Liu Wei glanced at Yan Pei again, not knowing why he smiled.

A smile appeared in Yan Pei's eyes, and she said: "Why do I feel that you are coaxing me like I am a child, encouraging me."

Liu Wei was startled, but quickly laughed out.

If the Bitter Marrow poison was used in the modern world, it would be a terminal disease similar to cancer.

As a doctor, Liu Wei had an endless tolerance and leniency towards patients who fought cancer. When looking at patients, he was no different from an elder looking at weak children.

Otherwise, how could a doctor have the heart of a parent?

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